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1、Spring is coming.,Sandstorms in Asia,Module 4 Reading and Vocabulary,yellow dust strong wind,orange sky move slowly,wear a mask,Thick dust,Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol,Tom Cruise is caught in a when he is chasing his enemy.,Whats going on?,sandstorm,What should he do when being caught in a san

2、dstorm?,glasses,mask,cell phone,Words Study,citizen cycle v dust expert forecast v/n. process forecast-forecast forecasted-forecasted situation survive,2, Match the words with the definitions (answers),1, cycle 2, expert 3, process 4, citizen 5, dust 6, survive 7, forecast 8, situation,Match main id

3、eas with paragraphs.,Para.1( ) a. the description of sandstorms Para.2( ) b. the effects of sandstorms Para.3( ) c. the forecast and suggestions Para.4( ) d. the causes of sandstorms Para.5( ) e. the governments measures Para.6( ) f. a major disaster in Asia,f,a,d,b,c,e,1.A government campaign has b

4、een started to help solve the sandstorm problem. 2.The winds in a sandstorm can sometimes prevent you from seeing the sun. 3.Northwest China is the sandstorm centre in Central Asia. 4.The Chinese Central Weather Station can only forecast a sandstorm some months before it arrives. 5.It is frightening

5、 to be cycling in a sandstorm. 6.The government is planting trees to the east of Beijing to prevent the desert coming nearer.,F,T,F,F,F,mass,part of,weeks,west,T,Careful Reading,a major disaster description suggestions effects causes measures,sandstorms,terrible; frightening; dangerous,desertificati

6、on,climate changes cut down trees dig up grass,Move slowly Difficult to see,Do not go out Wear a mask,Plant more trees,Role-play: an interview,5, Complete the sentence using the words from the text.,1, forecast (ed) 2, frightening 3, survived 4, dust 5, process 6, cyclists / citizens,Discussion,We h

7、ave only ONE earth. What can we do to make it a better place?,Dont walk on the grass.,Always remember to turn off the tap,No littering,Save our energy,地球一小时(Earth Hour)是世界自然基金会(WWF)应对全球气候变化所提出的一项倡议,希望个人、社区、企业和政府在每年3月最后一个星期六(2014年3月29日)20:30-21:30熄灯一小时,来表明他们对应对气候变化行动的支持。过量二氧化碳排放导致的气候变化目前已经极大地威胁到地球上人类的生存。公众只有通过改变全球民众对于二氧化碳排放的态度,才能减轻这一威胁对世界造成的影响。,20,Homework,Collect more information on Internet about the problems caused by sandstorm.,


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