高中英语 unit1-3复习课件 新人教版必修1

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1、Unit 1,单元复习,Outline,1. words review单词复习 2. phrase review 词组复习 3. sentence review 句型复习,Words review,1. upset 2. calm 3. loose,4. German 5. outdoors 6. thunder,7. entirely 8. curtain 9. partner,10. suffer 11. recover 12. suitcase,13. teenager 14. disagree 15. dislike,16. swap 17. secondly,1. ignore 2.

2、 concern 3. entire,4. series 5. dusk 6. Netherlands,7. power 8. dusty 9. settle,10. highway 11. pack 12. overcoat,13. exactly 14. grateful 15. tip,16. item 17. firstly,Phrases,合计 平静下来 关心, 挂念 遛狗 经历, 经受 躲藏, 隐藏 放下,记下,登记 一连串的 故意 对厌倦,add up calm down be concerned about walk the dog go through hide away s

3、et down a series of on purpose be/get tired of,为了 面对面 按照, 根据 与相处,进展 相爱, 爱上 参加, 加入 与沟通 对狂热 碰巧做 保持清醒,in order to / so as to face to face according to get along with fall in love join in / take part in communicate with be crazy about happen to do stay awake,Phrases 词组,欺骗某人 欺骗某人做某事情 考试作弊 计划做 与分享 敢做 上楼下楼

4、 在做方面有困难,cheat sb cheat sb into doing cheat in the exam plan to do share with sb. dare do/dare to do go upstairs/downstairs have problems/difficulty (in) doing sth,欺骗某人: cheat sb 我不想欺骗你。 I dont want to . 2.欺骗某人做某事情: cheat sb into doing 他骗我去遛狗。 He cheat me into . 3. 计划做: plan to do 她计划去旅游。 She plans

5、to travel.,cheat,you,walking,the,dog,1.与某人分享: share sth. with sb. 我想和妈妈分享我的快乐。 2. 敢做: dare do / dare to do 我敢说。I dare say. / I dare to say. 我不敢说。I dare not say. / I dont dare to say. 3. 在做方面有困难 have problems / difficulty (in) doing sth 我在学英语上有困难。 I have problems/difficulty (in) learning English.,I w

6、ant to share my happiness with my Mom.,Unit 2 单元复习,English around the world,Outline,1. words review 单词复习-眼疾手快记单词 (你将有10秒钟的时间记住你所选择的3或 4个单词, 10秒之后开始写出你所要记住的单词) 2. phrases 词组 3. sentence 句子,10,9,8,6,5,4,3,2,7,1,0,Times up!,elevator petrol gas voyage apartment native base actually gradual gradually Dan

7、ish vocabulary,A,B,C,1. Words review -眼疾手快记单词,10,9,8,6,5,4,3,2,7,1,0,Times up!,spelling latter identity fluent fluently Singapore Malaysia frequent official,A,B,C,10,9,8,6,5,4,3,2,7,1,0,Times up!,frequently usage command request expression Midwestern African Spanish eastern,A,B,C,10,9,8,6,5,4,3,2,7,

8、1,0,Times up!,straight block cab lorry lightning accent southeastern recognize northwestern,A,B,C,1. 包括 2. 国际的 3. 本地人 4. 公寓住宅 5. 现代的 6. 文化,文明 7. 实际上 8. 现在的, 出席的 9. 使用,用法,include international native apartment/flat modern culture actually present usage,2. Phrase review,10. 政府 11. 迅速地 12. 命令, 指令 13. 有

9、礼貌的 14. 东南方的 15. 辨认出 16. 口音, 重音 17. 方向, 指导 18. 地铁,government rapidly command polite southeastern recognize accent direction subway,19. 在中起作用 20. 因为, 由于 21. 走近, 上来 22. 例如, 像 23. 即使, 纵然 24. 以为基础 25. 许多, 大量 26. 的数量 27. 接近 28. 使用 29. 信不信由你,play a part in because of come up such as/for example even if/ev

10、en though be based on a number of the number of (be/get) close to make use of believe it or not,Unit 3,Travel journal,日记, 杂志 运送, 运输 最后, 终于 说服, 劝说 顽固的 坚持 适当地 下定决心 山谷, 流域 态度, 看法 短裤,1. journal 2. transport 3. finally 4. persuade 5. stubborn 6. insist 7. properly 8. determine 9. valley 10. attitude 11.

11、shorts,Words,更喜欢 不利条件, 不便之处 费用 流动, 流出 骑自行车 毕业, 大学毕业生 时间表 喜爱的 缺点 组织,12. prefer 13. disadvantage 14. fare 15. flow 16. cycle 17. graduate 18. schedule 19. fond 20. shortcoming 21. organize,营地, 扎营 记录, 录音 话题, 主题 熟悉的 勇敢的,22. camp 23. record 24. topic 25. familiar 26. brave,1. 梦想 2. 说服做 3. 关心,介意 4. 改变主意 5

12、. 下定决心 6. 屈服,让步 7. 和往常一样 8. 对熟悉 9. 和对比 10. 搭建,建立 11. 一方面, 另一方面,dream of/about doing persuade sb to do care about change ones mind make up ones mind give in as usual be familiar with compare with put up for one thing for another thing,Phrases,12. 骑自行车旅游 13. 对感兴趣 14. 使某人对感兴趣 15. 做的方法 16. 坚持做 17. 下决心做 18. 放弃 19. 扎营 20. 为所熟悉,take a bike trip be interested in get sb interested in the way to do/of doing insist on sth/doing be determined to do give up make camp sth be familiar to sb.,


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