高考英语一轮总复习 第一部分 教材知识梳理 unit 5 theme parks课件 新人教版必修4

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1、Unit 5 Theme parks,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,1.themen.题目;主题(曲) 2.centraladj.中心的;中央的 centre/centern.中心 3.variousadj.不同的;各种各样的 varyvt.使不同,使多样化 vi.变化 varietyn.种类;多样,多样化 4.whicheverpron.无论哪一个,任何一个 5.fantasyn.幻想;怪念头 fantasticadj.极好的;幻想的 6.amusementn.消遣,娱乐(活动) amusevt.娱乐,消遣;使愉快 amusedadj.愉快的;被逗乐的 amusingadj.有趣的;引人发笑

2、的,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,7.swingn.秋千;摇摆 vt.事迹,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,13.settlern.移民;殖民者 settlevt.解决;使定居;安排 settlementn.解决,处理 14.athleticadj.运动的 athleten.运动员 15.translatorn.译员;翻译 translatevt.次要的,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,17.creaturen.生物;动物 18.advancevt.指南,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,1.be famous for 以而闻名 2.no wonder 难怪;不足为奇 3.be modelled af

3、ter根据模仿;仿造 4.in advance 提前 5.get close to 接近 e to life活跃起来 7.be based on以为基础;以为依据 8.be familiar with 对熟悉,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,1.无论你是在太空遨游,参观海盗船,还是邂逅你最喜欢的童话故事或者迪士尼卡通里的人物,迪士尼都会把你带到魔幻的世界,使你梦想成真。 It will bring you into a magical world and make your dreams come true,whether you are travelling through space,vis

4、iting a pirate ship or meeting your favourite fairy tale or Disney cartoon character. 2.有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪士尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。 With all these attractions,no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a Disneyland. 3.“观测未来”(主题公园)不仅仅适合个人(旅游),也适合学生全班出游,因为它是娱乐与学习的完美结合。 Futuroscope is not only for indivi

5、duals,but is also the perfect mix of fun and learning for class outings.,Different parks are famous for their 1.various(vary) and unique themes.Disneyland will bring you into a magical world.As you wander around the fantasy 2.amusement(amuse) park,you may see your favourite fairy tale 3.or Disney ca

6、rtoon character,such as Snow White or Mickey Mouse.Of course,giant 4.swinging(swing) ships and terrifying free-fall drops are also 5.attractive(attract).No wonder tourism 6.is increasing(increase) wherever there is a Disneyland. There are other unique theme 7.parks(park) in the world,such as Dollywo

7、od,8.whose main attraction is its culture and Englands Camelot Park,which 9.is modelled(model) after life in the days of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table.Whichever and whatever you like,there is a theme park 10.for you.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,various adj.不同的;各种各样的 There are various kinds of th

8、eme parks,with a different park for almost everything:food,culture,science,cartoons,movies or history.主题公园有不同的种类,不同的公园有不同的主题,几乎囊括了一切:食物、文化、科学、卡通、电影或历史。(教材原句P34),重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,拓展延伸 1.vary vt.使不同,使多样化 vi.变化 vary from.to.在到之间变化 2.variety n.变化;多样性;种类 a variety of/varieties of 各种各样的 give variety to 使丰富多

9、彩 The weather varies from hour to hour.天气时时刻刻都在变化。 There are different varieties of plants in the garden.花园里有各种各样的植物。 We should give variety to the program.我们要把节目办得丰富多彩。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,易错警示 “a variety of+复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用复数形式;“the variety of+复数名词”作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。 A variety of toys are on show.各种各样的玩具在展销。

10、 This rare variety of stamps is not easy to find.这种罕见的邮票不易找到。 现学活用 单句填空 1.More and more people choose to shop in a supermarket as it offers a great variety(vary) of goods. 2.The weather varied from very cold to quite mild.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,amusement n.消遣;娱乐(活动) As you wander around the fantasy amuseme

11、nt park,you may see Snow White or Mickey Mouse in a parade or on the street.当你在梦幻乐园漫步时,你可能会在游行队伍中或者街上看到白雪公主或米老鼠。(教材原句P34) 常见用法 to ones amusement 令某人高兴的是 To our great amusement,the teacher sang a funny song in class.老师在课堂上唱了一首有趣的歌,令我们非常愉快。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,拓展延伸 1.amuse vt.使发笑;使愉快 amuse oneself with/by

12、以自娱 2.amused adj.愉快的,开心的;被逗乐的 be amused at/by/with 以为乐;觉得有趣 be amused to do sth.做某事很有趣 3.amusing adj.有趣的 I amuse myself by reading on weekends.周末我以读书作为消遣。 The audience was amused by the magicians tricks.观众被魔术师的戏法逗乐了。 I was amused to find that he and I were born on the same day.我愉快地发现我和他的生日在同一天。,重点短语

13、,重点句型,重点单词,现学活用 用amuse的适当形式填空 1.Sometimes,the children dont play chess for amusement. 2.I was very much amused to see the seal perform its tricks.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,swing n.秋千;摇摆 vt.take careful aim.不要只是猛劲儿地去打那球,要打得准。 He swung round at the mention of his name.听到提及他的名字,他猛地转过身来。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,现学活用 用适当的介

14、词或副词填空 1.He swung at the man,but missed,and fell. 2.If the wind swings round,we will have to change the sails. 3.The policeman grasped the thief by the shoulder and swung him around.,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,attraction n.有吸引力的事物;吸引 With all these attractions,no wonder tourism is increasing wherever there is a

15、 Disneyland.有这么多引人入胜的东西,难怪哪里有迪士尼乐园,哪里的旅游业就会发展。(教材原句P34) 常见用法 have an/no/a little/much attraction for sb.对某人具有/不具有/有一点/很有吸引力 The television has little attraction for me.电视对我没有什么吸引力。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,拓展延伸 1.attract vt.吸引;引起 attract ones attention 吸引某人的注意 attract sb.to.使某人受吸引 2.attractive adj.吸引人的,有魅力的 b

16、e attractive to sb.对某人有吸引力 3.attractively adv.动人地,迷人地 She tried to attract the attention of the waiter.她试图引起服务生的注意。 Ice cream is attractive to children.冰淇淋对孩子们非常有吸引力。,重点短语,重点句型,重点单词,现学活用 用attract的适当形式填空 1.In our last date,I was attracted by his lively sense of humor. 2.Detective novels used to hold a special attraction for me. 3.While house prices are more attractive these days,n



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