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1、新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列 BEC-备考伴侣写作讲义BEC备考伴侣写作讲义欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材一、 关于Email的问题1 问题范围英语学习的所有相关问题。2 问题深度Email可以解决的问题。3 问题内容切忌太空,太泛,重复和成堆。二、 关于BEC是什么的问题1 BEC的难度。2 BEC证书在求职中的作用。3 BEC证书和出国留学的关系。三、 BEC中高级考试写作部分简介1 各两篇文章,原始分数均为10分和20分。2 中级写作时间45分钟;高级写作时间70分钟。3 中级写作两部分介绍4 高级写作两部分介绍5 评分标准6 参考书目四、 课程安排以中级为基石,高级为提升,实用为原则

2、,踏实的写作为手段和最终目的。集合老师带写、课堂练习和课后答疑三种模式,最终目的是让大家真正做到“下笔如有神”。五、 BEC中级(Vantage)Part 1 文体Memo, Note, Email, Message2 基本格式3 按照文章内容分类讲解1) 离开类离职、出差l 典型的开头部分写作l 离开时间的问题l 典型开头的句型练习l 典型的正文部分写作l 典型的结尾部分写作l 小结l 真题写作范例:例一(课堂带写,三段式): You are the Head of Research for an international car manufacturer. You have to mak

3、e an urgent trip tomorrow to visit Pierre Blanco, a colleague who works for a subsidiary. Write a memo of 40-50 words to your secretary: Telling her who you are going to see and when Asking her to book flight tickets and accommodation Telling her what work you would like her to do in your absence. W

4、rite on your answer sheet.例二(课堂5分钟快速练习,一段式): You are a manager in a company which manufactures office furniture. Next month, you are going to London to discuss an important contract. Write a note of 40-50 words to your assistant: Saying when you want to leave and return Asking him to book flights Te

5、lling him which hotel to book. Write on your answer sheet.例三(课堂10分钟常规练习,三段/一段式): Your company has just opened a new office in the United States. You have agreed to go and work there for six months. Write a memo of 40-50 words to all your colleagues: Explaining why you will be absent Saying when you

6、are leaving the office Expressing your wish to keep in touch Write on your answer sheet请假、缺席l 典型的开头部分写作l 典型的正文部分写作l 典型的结尾部分写作l 真题写作范例:例一(课堂带写): You would like to go to a seminar on presentation skills. Write an email of 40-50 words to your line manager: Requesting time off work to go to the seminar

7、Saying when the seminar is Explaining why you want to go Write on your answer sheet例二(课堂10分钟常规练习): You are a regional sales manager for an international company. You have been asked to go to a meeting at your companys head office. You cannot go, so somebody else will go in your place. Write an email

8、 of 40-50 words to Erica Young, who is organizing the meeting: Apologizing for not being able to go to the meeting Explaining why you cannot go Saying who will go Write on your answer sheet2) 告知重大事件发生l 典型的文章结构l 典型的开头部分写作l 典型的结尾部分写作l 真题写作范例:例一(课堂带写): You are a Project Team Leader. You have had to can

9、cel your next project meeting because some of the members of your team will be abroad. Write a memo of 40-50 words to your project team: Informing them of the cancellation and giving the reason Stating a new date and time for the meeting Requesting suggestions for the agenda Write on your answer she

10、et.例二(课堂5分钟快速拓展练习): You are the Research and Development Director of an engineering company, which is a subsidiary of a large corporation. The Chairman of the corporation is visiting your company next week. Write a memo of 40-50 words to all your staff: Informing them of the visit Telling them why t

11、he visitors is coming Telling them when he will arrive and asking them to be at the welcome reception for him Write on your answer sheet.例三(课堂5分钟快速拓展练习): You are the managing director of a company whose profits have recently increased and you would like to reward staff for this. Write a memo of 40-5

12、0 words to all staff: Thanking them for their contribution Explaining why profits increased Telling them what their reward will be. Write on the answer sheet例四(课堂10分钟常规练习): You need to inform your marketing team about a radio advertising campaign for one of your companys new products. Write an email

13、 of 40-50 words to your team: Reminding them which new product is Explaining why youve chosen to advertise on radio Saying what you expect, the advertising campaign to achieve Write on your answer sheet3) 组织培训活动l 典型结构l 典型的开头部分写作l 真题写作范例:例一(课堂带写): You are the training manager of a company which has w

14、on a large export order. You have been asked to organize foreign language training for some of your staff. Write a memo of 40-50 words to staff: Explaining why the course are necessary Saying which members of staff should attend Announcing when the course will start Write on the answer sheet例二(课堂10分

15、钟常规练习): You have been asked to organize your companys staff training program. Before the program starts you would like to identify training areas that staff are interested in. Write a memo of 40-50 words to all staff: Saying when the training program will start Asking for suggestions for what to include in the program Giving a deadline for suggestions. Write on your answer



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