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1、河南科技大学 硕士学位论文 形变Cu-Fe原位复合材料组织和性能的研究 姓名:毕莉明 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:材料学 指导教师:刘平 20091201 摘 要 I 论文题目:形变论文题目:形变 Cu-Fe 原位复合材料组织和性能的研究原位复合材料组织和性能的研究 专专 业:材料学业:材料学 研研 究究 生:毕莉明生:毕莉明 指导教师:刘平指导教师:刘平 摘 要摘 要 高速电气化铁路的快速发展,对导体材料的性能提出了更高的要求,需要导 体材料具有高强度、高导电性和高的热稳定性的组合。同时,为了使材料能够得 到大规模的应用,材料本身还要具有经济性,而铜铁系原位形变复合材料的开发 有望满足以上要求

2、。 经室温拉拔和多次中间退火工艺制备了形变 Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag、Cu-10Fe- 1.5Ag-0.1Zr 及 Cu-10Fe-1Ag 原位复合材料。对其组织、导电率、抗拉强度和热 稳定性能等进行研究,得出以下结论: 用 SEM 分析了 Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag 及 Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag-0.1Zr 合金的铸态组织和形 变组织。结果表明,随应变量增加,第二相铁逐渐演变成纤维组织,横截面呈弯 曲蠕虫状。 研究了形变 Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag、Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag-0.1Zr 原位复合材料的抗拉强度 和导电率。结果表明,随应变量增加,抗拉强度和导电率逐渐升高。中间退火对 抗拉

3、强度影响不大,但使铁、银粒子从铜基体中析出,有效提高了材料的导电 率。 研究了银元素对形变 Cu-Fe 原位复合材料导电性能的影响。结果表明,银元 素含量增加,材料导电率随之增加。应变量为 6.70 时,形变 Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag 原 位复合材料的导电率达到 57.9%IACS,而 Cu-10Fe-1Ag 的仅为 52.2%IACS。 研究了锆元素对形变 Cu-Fe 原位复合材料热稳定性能的影响。结果表明,添 加锆元素后,材料的热稳定性提高。应变量为 6.70 时,Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag 和 Cu- 10Fe-1.5Ag-0.1Zr 的抗软化温度分别达到 450C 和 500C,加入

4、 0.1%Zr 后,抗软 化温度提高了 50C。 通过分析,应变量为 6.70 时,经工艺 A和工艺 B制备的形变 Cu-10Fe- 1.5Ag 和 Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag-0.1Zr 原位复合材料,在退火温度为 400C 时,可以得 到较佳的综合性能。Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag 的较佳性能组合分别是 841MPa/58.6%IACS 和811MPa/60.9%IACS ; Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag-0.1Zr的 较 佳 性 能 组 合 分 别 是 959MPa/55.6%IACS 和 854MPa/59.0%IACS。 摘要 II 关关 键键 词:词:原位复合材料,Cu-Fe-Ag-Z

5、r,导电率,抗拉强度,热稳定性 论文类型:论文类型:应用基础研究 摘要 III Subject: Study on Microstructure and Properties of Deformation Processed Cu-Fe In Situ Composites Specialty: Material since Name: Bi Li-ming Supervisor: Liu Ping ABSTRACT With the development of high speed electrified railway, there is a higher need to the pro

6、perties of conductivity materials, which need better combination of high strength, high electrical conductivity, and high thermal stability. At the same time,the materials should be economical in order to be widely used. The deformation processed Cu-Fe in-situ composites materials were developed wit

7、h new demands. Deformation processed Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag, Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag-0.1Zr and Cu-10Fe-1Ag in situ composites were prepared by drawing and intermediate annealing. The microstructure, tensile strength, electrical conductivity and thermal stability were investigated. The main conclusions are as follows.

8、The microstructure of the casting-state in cast structure and the deformation structure of Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag and Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag-0.1Zr were observed by SEM. The result indicates that the Fe dendrites were drawn into fibers with the expanding of compressive strain, and cross-section present vermicular stru

9、cture. The tensile strength and electrical conductivity of deformation processed Cu-10Fe- 1.5Ag and Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag-0.1Zr in situ composites were investigated. The result indicated that both the tensile strength and electrical conductivity went up with the increase of strain. The tensile strength heav

10、ily decreased with intermediate annealing, but the electrical conductivity was made better with the precipitation of Fe and Ag particle from the copper matrix. The effect of Ag on the electrical conductivity of deformation processed of Cu-Fe in situ composites was investigated. The result showed tha

11、t the electrical conductivity was improved with Ag addition. The electrical conductivity of Cu-10Fe-1Ag alloys reached 57.9%IACS; and the electrical conductivity of Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag alloys was 52.2%IACS, with the strain 6.70. The effect of Zr in the thermal stability on the deformation processed of Cu-

12、Fe in situ composites was investigated. The result showed that the softening temperature 摘要 IV was improved with Zr addition. The softening temperature of Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag and Cu- 10Fe-1.5Ag-0.1Zr alloys reached 450C and 500C at the strain of 6.70. The softening temperature increase 50C with Zr element

13、 addition. The optimum combination property of Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag and Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag-0.1Zr alloys could be obtained, which were prepared by process A and process B, with the annealing temperature was 400C as the strain was 6.70. The tensile strength and electrical conductivity of Cu-10Fe-1.5Ag reached 841

14、MPa/58.6%IACS and 811MPa/60.9%IACS; the tensile strength and electrical conductivity of Cu-10Fe- 1.5Ag-0.1Zr reached 959MPa/55.6%IACS and 854MPa /59.0%IACS. KEY WORDS: in situ composites, Cu-Fe-Ag-Zr, electrical conductivity, tensile strength, thermal stability Dissertation Type: Application fundame

15、ntal research 第 1 章 前言 1 第1章 前言第1章 前言 1.1 绪论绪论 据考古资料证明,铜是人类认识最早并投入使用的金属材料,铜还是用于制 备工具的最早的金属材料1-3。但是,由于古代十分落后的生产力,最初被人们 广泛投入使用的只是以天然形式存在的铜。随着生产力的不断发展,人们对铜的 需求量越来越大,对铜性能的要求也随着生产力的发展越来越高,铜也随之发展 到了现代的高强度、高导电性和高导热性的高性能铜合金时代。 一般情况下,高性能铜合金需要具备以下性能: 导电导热性好、高的抗拉强度和高的显微硬度、耐氧化性和耐热性好、耐蚀 性良好和膨胀系数要与其他部件材料相匹配。以引线框架

16、材料为例: 1. 导电导热性好 科技的高速发展要求集成电路的高度集成化,除考虑到良好导电性的问题外 还要考虑到工作时产生的高温如何处理的问题。芯片工作时间的增加所产生的温 度也会随之相应升高,为保证芯片正常工作必须考虑到散热。由于提高工作频率 产生的电容和电感效应影响了集成电路,所以导电性应相应提高,同时也能保证 良好的散热性。材料的导电性与阻抗成反比因此产生的热量较小。 2. 高的抗拉强度和高的显微硬度 引线框架材料起着支撑整个电路的重要作用,所以高强度和高硬度将成为必 不可少的条件。对于抗弯强度一些国家还要求对引线框架的反复弯曲次数至少达 到 3 次。随着科技的发展集成电路不断向小型化方向发展,引线框架的厚度也由 原来的 0.20mm0.25mm 很快发展到



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