2019春五年级英语下册 module 2 unit 2《mr. li was a teacher》课件4 (新版)外研版

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1、Module 2,Unit 2 Mr Li was a teacher.,动词过去式,is-was do - did dance -danced write- wrote teach-taught learn- learnt,are-were like - liked work -worked ride- rode play-played study- studied,复习,What diddo yesterday?,cooked,rode bikes,learnt English,danced,played basketball,flew a kite,Did she/heyesterday

2、?,复习,Linglings grandpa a then. He didnt English.,复习,Now, he old. He (not)work. He English.,was,driver,learn,is,doesnt,is learning,Listen and answer .,How old was Li Wei then? 2. Did he like going to school? 3.How many lessons did he learn?,He was six then.,Yes, he did.,He learnt four lessons.,Listen

3、 and answer .,How old is Li Wei now? 2. Does he like working at school? 3.How many lessons does he teach?,He is thirty then.,Yes, he does.,He teaches four lessons.,Listen and chant .,Li Wei six then. A. is B. am C. was 2. Miss Li liked at school. A. works B. working C. worked 3. Miss Li doesnt teach

4、 math Chinese, she us English. A. or; teaches B. and ; teaches C. or; teach,选择。,Listen and choose .,Mr Li was twenty years ago. A. a Chinese teacher B. an English teacher 2.Chen Hai was . A. an English teacher B. a pupil in his class,Does Mr Li work now? 2. What is he doing now? 3. Who teaches Mr Li

5、 English?,No, he doesnt.,Listen and answer.,Hes learning English.,Cheng Hai teaches Mr Li English.,was a Chinese teacher,taught Chen Hai,was a pupil in Mr Lis class,studied very hard,doesnt work,is learning English,is an English teacher,is teaching Mr Li,Twenty years ago, Mr Li was a teacher. He tau

6、ght Chinese. Chen Hai was in his class. He was a good pupil. He studied very hard.,在他的班里,学习非常认真,Now Mr Li doesnt work. Hes learning English. Chen Hai is an English teacher. Hes teaching Mr Li.,Look and say.,Five years ago, he walked to school.,Now he goes to school by school bus.,Five years ago, he

7、lived in a small house.,Now he lives in a big house.,Five years ago, he studied in an old classroom.,Now he studies in a new classroom.,Listen and say.,aw,draw saw,air,chair hair,ass,class pass,Try to read.,law,raw,pair,fair,glass,grass,火眼金睛,twenty years ago,teach Chinese,a foreign language,study ve

8、ry hard,an English teacher,is learning English,a good pupil,work at school,doesnt work,in his class,写出下列各词的过去式。 make learn study 制作 学习 学习 dance teach 跳舞 教学,made,learnt,danced,studied,taught,选出不同类的一项。 ( ) A.ten B.year C.eleven 十 年 十一 ( ) A. work B.teacher C.puipil 工作 老师 学生 ( ) A.bus B.car C.class 公车

9、小汽车 班级 ( ) A.have B.has C.hard 有 有(第三人称单数)努力 ( ) A.Chinese B.study C.English 语文 学习 英语,B,C,C,B,A,用所给的单词组出单词,并写出中文意思。,salcs,agthut,dlfei,ysdut,edarcn,rhda,hard 努力地,class 班级,dancer 舞蹈演员,study 学习,field 田地,taught 教,study very hard walk to school an English teacher by school bus live in,A. 住在 B. 坐校车 C. 走路

10、去学校 D. 一位英语老师 E. 学习非常努力,连一连。,补全对话。,- _ -No. This is my teacher, Mr Li.! - _ -No, he taught me Chinese. - _ -He doesnt work now. Hes old. _ Oh!He is learning English.,C,D,B,But, What is he doing now? B. What does he do now? C. Did he teach English? D. Is this your father , Mr Chen?,A,My grandpa Chine

11、se ten years ago. Now he English. A. taught; is learning B. taught; learn C. teach; taught 2. Miss Li a teacher then, now he work. A. was; didnt B. was ; doesnt C. were; dont 3. were Miss Zhangs class. A. at B. to C. in,选择。,4. My grandpa liked then. But now he drink(喝酒). A. drink; didnt B. drinking;

12、 doesnt C. drank; doesnt 5.Did he teach you twenty years ago? - . A. Yes, he was. B. Yes, he didnt. C. Yes, he did. 6. Miss Smart is English teacher. A. a B. the C. an,选择。,Now Mr Li doesnt work.,He likes working at school.,连词成句。,Mr Li, work, Now, doesnt .,He, working, school, at, likes.,He learnt Ma

13、ths and science.,very , Chen Hai , hard, studied.,Chen Hai studied very hard.,连词成句。,learnt, Maths, He, science, and.,Read,teach,learnt,taught,learn,study,write,hard,study hard,studied,wrote,Read,He learnt Maths and science.,Chen Hai studied very hard.,Now Mr Li doesnt work.,He likes working at school.,


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