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1、西北政法大学外国语学院本科生英语专业学年/毕业论文格式及装订顺序(MLA格式)1. 论文封面:汉语,由教务处统一格式和印制,各学院制作。论文题目用汉语。2. 封二:学生对论文写作内容的声明,文责自负,由教务处统一格式和印制,各学院制作,学生本人填写。3. 封三:指导教师评定成绩、评语页,统一印制。4. 封底:(毕业论文)答辩记录、答辩成绩及论文总评成绩。教务处统一格式,各学院制作。5. 英文论文封面(EnglishTitle Page):由学生按照统一的格式制作。6. 英文摘要及关键词和中文摘要及关键词(Abstract and Key Words):论文要有200-300字的摘要,能客观反映

2、主要内容信息,具有独立性和包含性。反映论文主题概念的词或词组,一般每篇38个。单独一页。7. 提纲和论文陈述(Outline and Thesis Statement):另起一页开始提纲。8. 正文部分(The Text of the Paper):另起一页开始正文。学年论文正文字数应在3000字以上6000字以内,毕业论文正文字数应不少于6000字。文内夹注格式参照教材英语学术论文写作和“论文模板”。1. Introduction2. Body3. Conclusion9. 尾注(Notes):另起一页开始尾注。10. 引用文献(Works Cited):英语文献在前,汉语文献在后,另起一页

3、附引用文献。引用文献格式参照教材英语学术论文写作和“论文模板”。11. 全篇论文格式参见本文档中的“论文模板”。12. “论文模板”中未详尽例举的格式,请参阅教材英语学术论文写作。13. 论文要求一律用A4纸张单面打印,统一按word格式A4纸(“页面设置”按word默认值)编排、打印。14. 需要上交存档的论文一式两份,按封面、封二、开题报告、指导检查情况记录表、正文、指导教师评分表、答辩及成绩评定记录表依次装订。答辩时提交给评议教师提交论文的分数另行决定。附:论文模板8COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE AMERICAN ROMANTICISM AND ENGLISH

4、ROMANTICISM标题小二号,粗体,Times New Roman字体,全部大写,居中。以下标题小三号,不用粗体,居中,Times New Roman字体。By(Your name)Supervisor:(Teachers name)A thesissubmitted in partial fulfillmentof the requirements for the bachelors degreeto the School of Foreign LanguagesNorthwest University of Politics & LawMay 5, 2007全文每段首行缩进3-5个字符

5、Times New Roman三号 粗体 居中 首字母大写Comparative Analysis of the American Romanticism and English Romanticism(空一格)Abstract: Romanticism as a literary movement came into being in England early in the late eighteenth century, as a reaction against the prevailing neoclassical spirit and rationalism. The romant

6、ic period was one of the most important periods in the history of American literature. Times New Roman 小四号 粗体Keywords: American Romanticism; English Romanticism; Characteristic; Influence; Romanticism Times New Roman 小四号,1.5倍行距。宋体,三号 粗体 居中 首字母大写美国浪漫主义和英国浪漫主义比较分析(空一格)摘 要:浪漫主义作为反对当前的新古典主义和理性主义的文学运动早在1

7、8世纪晚期在英国兴起。浪漫主义时期是美国文学史上的一个重要时期。由于受到欧洲浪漫主义文学的影响,19世纪浪漫主义迅速在美国兴起。关键词: 浪漫主义;美国浪漫主义;英国浪漫主义;特征;影响宋体,小四号,粗体楷体 小四号,1.5倍行距。关键词分号隔开。Times New Roman 小四号 粗体全文每段首行缩进3-5个字符Times New Roman三号 粗体 居中 Outline(空一格)Thesis Statement: This paper gives a brief introduction of the background of the Romantic Period in Engl

8、ish literature and American literature, and analyses the characteristics of the American Romanticism and English Romanticism, showing the differences of the Romantic Period in English literature and American literature.Introduction(主标题,小四号字,粗体).Historical Background(主标题,小四号字,粗体)Times New Roman 小四号,1

9、.5倍行距。A. Romanticism in EnglandB. Romanticism in America.Characteristics of Romanticism(主标题,小四号字,粗体)A. Similarities of CharacteristicB. Differences of Characteristic1. English Literaturea. Two Schoolsb. Feature of Worksc. The Form of Writing2. American Literaturea. General Introductionb. Westward Mo

10、vementc. American Puritanismd. Native Factore. The Form of Writingf. Transcendentalism. Influence of Romanticism(主标题,小四号字,粗体). Conclusion(主标题,小四号字,粗体)注:提纲页由Thesis Statement和提纲两部分构成,形成一个页面。提纲格式采用标准格式。参见上例。提纲中的大标题、副标题、细节标题等等的多寡,依照论文的内容和结构决定。标题常用写法有两种:1. 论题标题。用名词短语、动名词、动词不定式短语等,以简要的语言,用论题的形式把该部分的内容概括出来

11、。2. 句子标题。以一个能表达完整意思的句子形式把该部分的内容概括起来。这两种标题写法各有利弊,学生可以选择其中之一,上下统一,切记不能将两者混用。全文每段首行缩进3-5个字符Times New Roman 三号,粗体,居中 Comparative Analysis of the American Romanticism and English Romanticism(空一格).Introduction(标题,小四号,粗体,左对齐)Times New Roman 小四号,1.5倍行距。Generally speaking, romanticism was the artistic moveme

12、nt in literature, painting, music, architecture, criticism, philosophy and historiography in almost every country of Europe, the United States, and other countries in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Romanticism was concerned with the expression of the individuals feelings and emotions. As a

13、 reaction to the industrial revolution, romanticism emphasized the individual, the subjective, the imaginative, the personal, the irrational, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the transcendental. “The romantic spirit originally came into being and gradually strengthened in Germany,

14、France, and England from the middle of the eighteenth century, as a reaction against the prevailing neoclassical spirit and rationalism during the Age of Reason.” (空一格).Historical Background(标题,小四号,粗体,左对齐)A. Romanticism in England(标题,小四号,粗体,左对齐)Romanticism as a literary movement came into being in E

15、ngland early in the late eighteenth century. It first made its appearance in England as a renewed interest in medieval romances.In 1798, William Wordsworth1, the representative poet of the early romanticism in England, and his friend Samuel Taylor Coleridge2 published their joint work Lyrical Ballads. The publication of the work marked the break with classicism and the beginning of the Romantic Age. “William Wordsworths definition of poetry in his Lyrical Ballads breaks the rigid boundaries on poetry



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