2019届高三英语一轮复习 题组层级快练33 Unit 3 Under the sea 新人教版选修7

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1、题组层级快练33 Unit 3 Under the sea . 阅读理解When our daughter, Sandy, belonged to the St. Mark Evangelical Lutheran Girl Pioneers in sixth grade, the leaders thought it would be nice if the girls made pine cone wreaths (花环)for their families as Christmas gifts. So the group gathered pine cones, put them in

2、water and bought wire wreath frames and adhesive(黏合剂) to hold everything in place. A few days before Christmas, they and their leaders delivered the finished handiwork.Through the years, we proudly hung up her wreath each Christmas. In 1986, the wreath was hanging on our door as usual when the tempe

3、rature on Christmas Day reached 80 degrees. The adhesive began to break down and the pine cones started falling all over our front porch. We took the wreath down, planning to repair it, and gathered up the pine cones. That spring, as my husband, Don, was weeding the flower bed in front of our house,

4、 he was surprised to discover a small evergreen plant.We decided to leave it alone. The determined tree kept growing, making it right through the long winter. When it got too big for the flower bed we moved it to the back of our lot. As the tree grew, so did our family, including four grandchildren.

5、 One day the men from the electric company came to trim (修剪) our trees. One of them said it was a shame that someday our nice evergreen would have to be cut down. We just couldnt let that happen to our faithfulif accidentalChristmas tree.We decided to move it again, this time to Sandy and her husban

6、d Joels new house in the country. My husband helped Joel dig the evergreen out. It wasnt ready to let go without a fight. Finally, five hours later, the tree came loose. They wrapped the roots as best as they could and put the whole thing in Joels truck.After an hours drive they planted the tree. Im

7、 happy to report that our brave evergreen is still growing, now producing pine cones of its own.1. What was a Christmas tradition for the family?A. Making dishes with pine cones.B. Making wreaths together with Sandy.C. Hanging Sandys handiwork on the door.D. Decorating the Christmas tree together.2.

8、 What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?A. What the good old days were like.B. How the family took care of the wreaths.C. What their attitude toward Christmas was.D. How the family “treasure” came into being.3. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 3 mean?A. Cutting down the evergreen.B. Leavi

9、ng the evergreen alone.C. The mans judging the family.D. Having the evergreen trimmed again.4. Which is the best title for the passage?A. My Family TraditionB. My Daughters GrowthC. A Beloved Christmas TreeD. A Special Pine Cone Wreath答案与解析【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者的女儿六年级时听从她所参加的St. Mark Evangelical Lut

10、heran Girl Pioneers的领导的安排,用松球做一个花环来作为家人的圣诞礼物。后来这个花环的松球掉落在她家门廊前(的土里),长出了一棵松树(西方通常用松树做圣诞树),他们一家非常珍惜这棵树。1. 答案C解析考查细节理解。根据第一段的内容尤其是“they and their leaders delivered the finished handiwork”可知,Sandy在六年级时用松球做了这个手工花环作为圣诞礼物,根据第二段中的“Through the years, we proudly hung up her wreath each Christmas . on our door

11、 as usual”可知,作者一家每个圣诞节都会骄傲地在门上挂上Sandy做的松球花环。2. 答案D解析考查段落大意。根据第二段内容尤其是“That spring, as my husband, Don, was weeding the flower bed in front of our house, he was surprised to discover a small evergreen plant”可知,本段主要讲述作者一家将松球花环悬挂在门上,有一年,这个花环的松球掉落在她家门廊前(的土里),后来作者的丈夫就在花坛里发现了一株松树的幼苗。由此可总结出本段主要讲的是作者一家格外珍惜的

12、松树的由来。3. 答案A解析考查代词指代。根据第三段中的“One day the men from the electric company . One of them said it was a shame that someday our nice evergreen would have to be cut down”可知,电力公司来修剪树的一个人说,有朝一日我们这棵很棒的松树将不得不被砍掉,这是很可惜的。而画线词所在句表示我们绝对不会让这样的事发生在我们的树身上,再结合下文中作者一家将树移栽到别的地方可知,此处表示我们不会让这棵松树被砍掉。4. 答案C解析考查标题判断。文章虽然是用松球

13、做的花环作为圣诞礼物引出的故事,但作者主要是描写一棵长在自己家里的圣诞树。所以答案为C项。. 完形填空阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In our house, English is not English. Not in the phonetic (语音的) sense, like short “a” is for “apple”, but rather in the pronunciation. There is no difference between cast and cash, snake and snack .When my

14、 mother moved to a town in Malaysia, she had to learn a new language: English. In a time when humiliation (羞辱) was encouraged, my mother was _1_ against the cruel words from the teacher, who _2_ her paper in front of the class. When she cried, the monitor stood up and said, “Thats enough.” She _3_ m

15、ended my mothers strands (线) of language. She stood up for the weak and used her _4_ to fight back.Later on, my mother asked me to teach her _5_ English so old white ladies at Target wouldnt _6_ her pronunciation. There is sort of guilt when I _7_ her letters together. Long vowels, double consonants

16、I am still learning myself. Sometimes I let my _8_ slide “to keep her pride” _9_ perhaps I have hurt her more to _10_ mine.As my mothers _11_ began to grow, I mended my own English. Through _12_ people from all walks of life as a journalist I promote knowledge and _13_ ignorance and become a voice for the homeless, the refugees, and the _14_. My mother


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