高三英语二轮复习 第二篇 阅读技能探究 专题五 短文改错 第2讲 名词、冠词、代词和连接词课件

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高三英语二轮复习 第二篇 阅读技能探究 专题五 短文改错 第2讲 名词、冠词、代词和连接词课件_第1页
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高三英语二轮复习 第二篇 阅读技能探究 专题五 短文改错 第2讲 名词、冠词、代词和连接词课件_第2页
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高三英语二轮复习 第二篇 阅读技能探究 专题五 短文改错 第2讲 名词、冠词、代词和连接词课件_第3页
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《高三英语二轮复习 第二篇 阅读技能探究 专题五 短文改错 第2讲 名词、冠词、代词和连接词课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高三英语二轮复习 第二篇 阅读技能探究 专题五 短文改错 第2讲 名词、冠词、代词和连接词课件(26页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第2讲 名词、冠词、代词和连接词,考点1 名词 【典例】1. (2015全国卷)The airs we breathe in is getting dirtier and dirtier. 【解析】airs改为air。air空气, 是不可数名词, 不能变复数。 2. (2014浙江高考)No one in the carriage had previous spoken to or even noticed the ticket-owner before. Yet, they had so quickly offered the strangers their help. 【解析】strang

2、ers改为stranger。此处特指the ticket-owner, 应该是一个人, 故用单数形式。,3. (2014新课标全国卷)Nearly five years ago, and with the help of our father, my sister and I planted some cherry tomatoes(圣女果)in our back garden. Since thenfor all these yearwe have been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please. 【解析】year改为years。本

3、句前面的形容词these常常修饰可数名词复数形式, 所以使用名词years。,4. (2014新课标全国卷)Therefore, we have more time for after-school activities. For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sports for one hour every day. 【解析】第一个hour改为hours。此处指一个半小时, 所以用hour的复数形式。,5. (2014辽宁高考)Weve called several time about Cleos

4、early morning barking. It is difficult to understand why she barks every minute shes outside. 【解析】time改为times。根据前面表数量的词several可知, 此处time意为“次数”, 应用复数形式。,【解题技巧】 1. 可数名词单复数判断原则 根据名词所处句子的谓语动词是否使用第三人称单数形式、名词前的修饰词、固定词组或名词的复数变化规则来判断。 2. 区分可数名词和不可数名词 (1)根据名词的修饰词以及谓语动词的形式来判断可数名词和不可数名词。 (2)牢记常见的不可数名词以及某些抽象名词的

5、具体化的情况。,常见的可以具体化的抽象名词有:,但是并不是所有的抽象名词都可以具体化, 下面这7个词永远不可数: fun, advice, progress, information, weather, equipment, furniture。 3. 名词所有格使用标准 根据两个名词之间是否有所属关系来判断是否该用名词所有格以及双重所有格。,考点2 冠词 【典例】1. (2015浙江高考)On the right side of the class was the road. I was always interested to see the drivers in hurry in the

6、 morning. 【解析】hurry前加a。in a hurry是固定短语, 意为“匆忙”。,2. (2014浙江高考)Then everyone in the carriage began searching for the ticket, which was eventually found under a seat several rows from its owner. The person who found a ticket smiled with pleasure at his success. 【解析】第二句中a改为the。考查冠词。此处特指“那张车票”。 3. (2014新

7、课标全国卷)Since thenfor all these yearswe have been allowing tomatoes to self-seed where they please. As result, the plants are growing everywhere. 【解析】result前加不定冠词a。根据固定搭配as a result“结果是”, 可知原文中的result前缺少了不定冠词a。,4. (2014新课标全国卷)My dream school looks like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers

8、and trees around the classroom buildings. 【解析】去掉flowers前面的the。all kinds of后面直接跟名词, 名词前面不加冠词。 5. (2014陕西高考)That day I didnt learn much about animals, insects or trees, but I learnt a impressive lesson about gravity! 【解析】a改为an。impressive以元音音素开头, 故用不定冠词an。,【解题技巧】 高考短文改错对冠词的考查一般比较简单, 都是冠词的基本用法。 1. 不定冠词a

9、和an的判断 以辅音音素开头的词前用不定冠词a; 以元音音素开头的词前用不定冠词an。 注意: 不要看开头字母, 而是看音标, 如an hour, a useful language, a European writer等。,2. 不定冠词和定冠词的误用 (1)固定短语中不定冠词和定冠词的混用或漏用。经常考到的有as a result, in a way, in a hurry, pay a visit to, all of a sudden, make the most of, by the way, in the distance, on the whole, on the other h

10、and, to tell the truth, take the place of等。 (2)冠词的多用。在一些不需要冠词的地方用了冠词, 如at present, take part in, in peace, by chance, by accident, on purpose, on second thoughts, ahead of time, in advance等。,考点3 代词 【典例】1. (2015浙江高考)Close to the school there was a beautiful park with many trees around them. 【解析】them改

11、为it。考查代词。此处指代前面提到的park, 用单数。 2. (2015陕西高考)My soccer coach retired last week. I wanted to do anything special for him at his retirement party. 【解析】anything改为something。根据句意, 此处想表达为教练做一些特别的事情, 而不是任何事情。,3. Then everyone in the carriage began searching the ticket, which was eventually found under a seat

12、several rows from his owner. 【解析】searching后加for。search for意为“寻找、搜寻”, 固定搭配。search意为“搜(身)”。 4. (2014陕西高考)Just then a bird was flying over us. My uncles immediately jumped up and shot their arrows at the bird. Neither of the arrows hit the target. 【解析】Neither改为None。neither特指两者都不, 原文中并没有指出具体数量, 故用none。,

13、【解题技巧】 1. 人称代词的前后一致性 人称代词的前后一致性包括指代的一致性和单复数的一致性。 2. 人称代词的主格与宾格变化 主格人称代词在句中作主语, 宾格人称代词多在句中作宾语。 3. 物主代词的数与格 物主代词的单复数应与所代替的名词一致。形容词性物主代词多在句中作定语, 修饰名词; 而名词性物主代词多在句中作主语、宾语、表语等。,4. 反身代词 反身代词多用作介词或动词的宾语; 此外, 反身代词指代的一致性也是重要考点。 5. 一些常见不定代词、指示代词的用法 常见的不定代词有: both, either, all, neither, none, other, the other,

14、 others, the others, another。 常见的指示代词有: it, that, one。,考点4 连接词 【典例】1. (2015浙江高考)The position of the classroom with its view made me feel like I was dreaming. If I was only a child when I studied in that classroom, I will never forget it. 【解析】第二句中If改为Though/Although。根据语境和句意, 此处不是假设, 而是一种实际情况, 所以用Thou

15、gh/Although表示让步。 2. (2015全国卷)Now I am living in a city, but I miss my home in the countryside. There the air is clean or the mountains are green. 【解析】or改为and。前后句为并列关系, 而不是选择关系, 故用连词and。,3. (2014新课标全国卷)Although we allow tomato plants to grow in the same place year after year, but we have never had an

16、y disease or insect attack problems. 【解析】but去掉或改为yet。连词although不能和but连用, 因为这两个词都是连词, 由于although置于句首, 如果去掉although会涉及首字母大写, 因此去掉连词but或者把but改为副词yet。 4. (2014大纲版全国卷)The more friends we have, the more we can learn from one another, but the more pleasure we can share together. 【解析】but改为and。根据句意, 此处前后之间是顺承关系, 而不是转折关系。,5. (2014四川高考)If you notice that when someone is missing and hurt, tell your teacher immediately. 【解析】句中有两处错误。第一处: 句中去掉when。that引导宾语从句, 如果when存在则宾语从句中出现状语


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