三年级英语下册教案:Unit9《Its a cold day.》(新版湘少版)

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1、Unit 9 Its a cold day.教学目标:能运用句型“Its .day” “I like .”谈论天气和季节。掌握语言结构:Its very cold.I like fine days/winter/.掌握词汇: weather, autumn, winter, lightning and thunder, windy, cloudy, cold, dry, nice, wet理解词汇: outside, very, on Monday, feel, want, borrow, blanket, sleep, together, yo-yo, yolk, young, yacht,

2、 yesterday语法: 字母 Yy 的读音及书写。二、教学重点、难点:教学重点:能运用句型“Its .day” “I like .”谈论天气和季节。教学难点:掌握语言结构:Its very cold.I like fine days/winter/.教学准备:教学挂图、单词卡片、教学磁带等。Period 1教学目标:能听懂、会说新单词 weather, autumn, winter, lightning and thunder, windy, cloudy, cold, dry, nice, wet;能运用句型“Its a .day” “I like.”谈论天气和季节。二、教学重点及难点重

3、点:描述天气和季节。难点:本课新音讯的认读和识记。教学准备单词卡片、教学挂图、教学磁带等。教学步骤Step 1 Warming up师生问候。唱英语歌曲。 (可采用歌曲“Old Macdonald”的曲调)We want to go outside to play.Its a sunny day.We want to go outside to play.Its a windy day.The sun came by.The clouds went away.Clouds sun wind rain.Here comes the sun.We want to go outside to pla

4、y.Its a sunny day ya.We want to go outside to play.Its a windy day.We want to go outside to play.Its a cloudy day.The clouds came by.The sun went away.Clouds sun wind rain.Here come the clouds.We want to go outside to play.Its a cloudy day ya.The rain came by.The sun went away.Here comes the rain.Cl

5、ouds sun wind rain.We cant go outside to play.Its a rainy day.Step 2 Presentation and drill师生自由会话,谈论天气。T: Whats the weather like today?S: Its.T: Lets.S: OK!在黑板上画一个太阳的简笔画。T: Whats the weather like?S: Its sunny.板书并教学单词 sunny。出示单词卡片 lightning and thunder。T: Whats the weather like?S: Its lighting and th

6、under.(帮助学生回答)板书并教学单词 lighting and thunder。用同样的方法教学单词 windy, cloudy, cold, dry, wet。出示夏天的图片。T: Its summer. Whats the weather like in summer?S: Its lightning and thunder/wet/hot.T: What can we do/eat/.in summer?S: We can swim in summer.S: We can eat ice-cream in summer.鼓励学生大胆想象和表达。出示秋天的图片。T: Its autu

7、mn.板书并教学单词 autumn。T:Whats the weather like in autumn?S: Its windy/cloudy/dry/.T: Do you like autumn? Why?S: Yes, I like autumn. I can eat many fruits in autumn.S: No, I dont like autumn. Its cloudy in autumn.启发学生运用所学知识自由发挥。出示冬天的图片。T: Its winter.板书并教学单词 winter。T: Whats the weather like in winter?S: I

8、ts cold/windy/dry/.T: What do you like to do most in winter?S: I like to make snow man in winter.S: I like to go skating in winter.引导学生充分发挥想象,自由地表述对四季的感觉、喜好及其原因。Step 3 Practice师生会话。T: Is it . outside?(根据实际天气情况提问)S:Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.出示课文 A 部分教学挂图。T: It is wet cold and windy. Dongdong and Ling

9、ling are in the classroom. Lingling wears a T-shirt. She feels very cold. So she puts on her coat. Dongdong closes the window. Then they talk about the weather.关上书,听课文 A 部分录音,理解课文内容,回答问题。Is it very cold?打开书,听录音,对正所听内容,并跟读模仿。听课文 B 部分录音,跟读。Step 4 Consolidation创设情景,自由会话。情景:以课文 A 部分为情景,分角色表演。评价。对学生在活动中的

10、表现给予肯定和鼓励,激发学生学习英语的兴趣。练习。家庭作业。熟读并背诵课文 A 部分对话。识记本课新单词。准备一些表示不同天气的图片。Period 2教学目标复习描述天气的单词,能熟练地运用这些词语描述天气状况;能自如地谈论对不同天气的感受;培养学生的阅读理解能力。教学重点及难点重点:谈论对不同天气的感受。难点:理解课文 D 部分短文。教学准备表示天气 weather, autumn, cloudy, cold, dry, lightning, nice, thunder, wet, windy, winter 等的简笔画(小黑板上或白纸板上) 、单词卡片、教学磁带等。Step 1 Warmi

11、ng up师生问候。游戏Memory game (记忆力大比拼)全班分为四人一组进行游戏。老师将画有表示天气 weather, autumn, cloudy, cold, dry, lightning, nice, thunder, wet, windy, winter 等简和画的小黑板或白纸板亮出来,各组看一分钟后收起,学生将图画表示的英语单词写出来,两分钟内写得最多、最准的一组获胜。 Step 2 Presentation and drill师生对话。T: Whats the weather today?S: Its.T: How do you feel?S: I feel.出示一张表示又

12、冷又湿的天气的图片,图片上标记“星期一” 。T:Whats the weather on Monday?S: Its cold and wet.T: How do you feel?S: I feel cold.自由练读课文 C 部分对话。两人一组分角色表演课文 C 部分对话,或自由创设情景会话。Step 3 Practice学生拿出准备好的表示天气的图片,自由进行对话。S: Whats the weather?S: Its.S: How do you feel?S: I feel.Step 4 Consolidation课文 D 部分。阅读短文,回答问题。Is Dino very hot?关

13、上书,听录音,理解短文大意。打开书,听录音,对正所听内容,并跟读模仿说故事。分角色表演。评价。对学生在活动中的表现给予肯定和鼓励,培养学生的英语交际能力和表达能力。练习。家庭作业识记本课新单词、有感情地朗读课文 D 部分对话。Period 3教学目标能掌握字母 Yy 在单词中的发音;能读出由含有字母 Yy 的单词组成的句子;能掌握字母 Yy 的书写;能唱课文 F 部分英语歌曲。教学重点及难点重点:字母 Yy 在单词中的发音。难点:理解并读出由含有字母 Yy 的单词组成的句子。教学准备字母卡片、教学磁带等。教学步骤Step 1 Warming up师生问候。听课文 F 部分英语歌曲。Step 2

14、 Presentation and drill听课文 E 部分录音,感知单词的发音以及字母 Yy 在单词中的发音。听录音,跟读单词。分成前后四人小组,互相读单词给组内其他同学听。Step 3 Practice听课文 E 部分录音,帮助学生理解句子含义,并详细讲解其发音。自由练读句子。教授字母 Yy 的书写,注意大小写。Step 4 Consolidation课文 F 部分。有节奏地朗读歌词,帮助学生理解歌词含义,并详细讲解其发音。学生齐声朗读歌词。听录音,跟唱。齐声有感情地演唱歌曲。评价。对学生在活动中的表现给予肯定和鼓励;培养学生听音和辨音的能力。家庭作业熟读并背诵课文。对本单元进行自我总结。收集表示各类衣服的词语。



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