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1、英语学习必备词块(一)词块在英语学习中有着举足轻重的地位,它对于语言输出尤其是书面表达具有重要的作用。因为它是整体输入大脑,然后整体输出,所以可以避免一些固定用法、搭配和结构的错误认知和错误输出。词块掌握的多少决定着语言处理的速度和英语表达的流利程度。因此我们应该多多地积累词块。维克多英语小编特意根据新课程标准和考纲规定的3500个课标词汇,帮大家尽可能多地汇总了词块,并配以例句加深理解和记忆。1. abandon hope 不抱希望Rescuers had abandoned all hope of finding any more survivors.2. abandon ones ide

2、a 打消念头 Because of the fog they abandoned their idea of driving.3. ability to do sth 做某事的能力 The ability to smile is actually something we are born with.4. musical ability音乐天赋 Almost everyone has some musical ability.5. to the best of ones ability 尽最大努力 I try to do my job to the best of my ability.6.

3、(be) able to do sth 能做某事 Looking back, I feel I wouldnt be able to ride a bike had I lost heart.7. be about to do sth when 正要做某事,这时 I was about to turn off my computer when I received an email.8. above all 最重要的是 Id like to buy a house modern, comfortable, and above all in a quiet neighborhood.9. go

4、abroad for further study 出国深造 He is considering going abroad for further study.10. at home and abroad 在国内外 The books about Harry Potter are very popular now, both at home and abroad.11. in / during sbs absence 某人不在时 The decision was made in / during my absence.12. in the absence of 在缺乏的情况下 The case

5、was dismissed 13. (be) absent from school 缺课 He was eager to be back after more than a weeks absence from school.14. (be) absorbed in (doing) sth 专心致志于 (做) 某事 Absorbed in painting, John didnt notice evening approaching.15. an abstract idea / concept 抽象的概念 An abstract idea can be interpreted in many

6、different ways.16. abuse ones power 滥用权力He was arrested on charge of abusing his power.17. speak with a broad / strong accent 说话带有浓重的口音 She spoke with a strong northern accent.18. It is generally accepted that 人们普遍认为 It is generally accepted that people are motivated by success.19. accept the blame

7、/ responsibility for sth为某事承担责任 He will accept the blame / full responsibility for what happened.20. access to 通往的道路 Fallen rocks cut off the only access to the village.21. have no access to 没有使用的机会或权利 Across the world, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water.22. have easy access t

8、o 去很方便 One reason for her preference for city life is that she can have easy access to places like shops and restaurants.23. wheelchair accessible toilets 无障碍卫生间 We are glad to see that each floor has wheelchair accessible toilets.24. by accident 偶然地;意外地 Yesterday when I was wandering on the pavemen

9、t near a park, I met an old neighbor by accident.25. have an account at / with a bank 在银行开户 The old couple used to have an account at / with that bank.26. accompany on the piano 钢琴伴奏 Mary sang and I accompanied her on the piano.27. on account of / because of 因为;由于 She was absent from school on accou

10、nt of illness.28. take account of / take into account 考虑到;把考虑进去 Coursework is taken into account as well as exam results.29. account for (数量、比例上) 占;是的原因;解释 The Japanese market accounts for 35% of the companys revenue.The poor weather may have accounted for the small crowd.30. accuse sb of (doing) sth 指控某人 (做) 某事 Germans are sometimes accused of lacking / not having a sense of humor.



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