广东省六年级英语小升初专项冲刺训练: 完形填空16

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1、广东省小升初英语专项冲刺 完形填空 16Mingming and Yeye are 1 Jincheng Primary School, but they are not the 2 age. As Mingming lives 3 a house next to Yeyes, they often go home together 4 school. One day, they talked 5 Helens birthday party. Mingming wants to know Yeyes age. He asks her, “Whens your birthday?” Yeye d

2、oesnt answer his question. She wants him to make a guess. So she says to Mingming, “Helen and I are the same age, but I am 4 months 6 than her. Halloween is her birthday.” “Oh, your birthday is 7 the 31st of August.” Mingming says happily. “Yes, youre 8 .” “Aha, I see.”( A ) 1. A. in B. at C. to D.

3、for在金城小学( A ) 2. A. same B. different C. sames D. differents不是一样的年龄( D ) 3. A. at B. / C. on D. inlive in住在( A ) 4. A. after B. at C. in D. toafter school放学( C ) 5. A. with B. to C. about D. of谈论( D ) 6. A. young B. younger C. old D. older从后文可知“比她大 4个月”。( C ) 7. A. at B. in C. on D. for在具体的某天用 on.(

4、B ) 8. A. wrong B. right C. cute D. good根据课文意思“你对了。”A French student went to London for his holiday. He thought, “I know 1 English. But I think people can understand me.”One day he went 2 a hotel and sat down at a table. He wanted to 3 a cup of tea and some eggs. Soon the waiter came up to him and a

5、sked, “Can I help you?”“A cup of tea ” He could not remember the 4 word for eggs. He looked5 him, but nobody was eating eggs. Then he saw an 6 book on the table next to him. There was a picture of 7 on its cover. He 8 picture to the waiter. “Whats this in English?”“A cock,” answered the waiter. “Wha

6、t do you call a cocks wife?” he asked again. “A hen.” And what do you call their children?” “Chicks.” “And what do you call chicks 9 they are born?” “Eggs.”“Bring me two 10 and a cup of tea, please,” said the French student happily.( B )1.A.much B. a little C. more D. a few我知道一点点英语,但是我想人们能够听懂我。( D )

7、2.A.up B. down C. out D. into走进一家餐馆( C )3.A.drink B. take C. have D. carry吃,喝( C )4.A.French B. Chinese C. English D. Japanese由后文可知是“蛋的英文单词” 。(D ) B. for C. after D. aroundlook around四周看。( D )6.A.story B. picture C. history D. English只有 D前面加 an.( A )7.A.a cock B. a girl C. a child D. a map 由后文可知选 A。( C ) B. put C. showed D. boughtshow sth. to sb.把某物给某人看( B )9.A.when B. before C. where D. what在小鸡出生前我们叫它什么?( D )10. A. hens B. chicks C. cocks D. eggs给我 2个鸡蛋和一杯茶。



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