上海新世纪版四年级英语上册教案 Unit 8

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1、新世纪版四年级英语上册Unit 8 Give Me the Corn一、教育目标:1.教育学生为人要慷慨大方,懂得关心他人。2.教育学生积极参加学习活动,有兴趣、有毅力克服困难,完成各项课内外活动。二、知识目标:基础目标:1)Wonderland: Potatoes tomatoes pork chicken corn beans eggs sausages2)Farmland: Give3)Grand Theatre: Give Me the Corn4)Language Lab:通过填空练习帮助学生掌握单词的拼写,能根据课文内容回答 Questions and answers 中的问题,能

2、根据自己的实际情况回答 On your own 中的问题。5)Music Box:能掌握音标/l/,/r/,并能看音标读单词。6)Disneyland:能用正确的语音、语调朗读并理解 Joke : Is That A Dog or A Horse? ,感受西方人的 幽默。7)Difficult Points:1.宾格的正确使用。2、分辨食品类名词中的不可数名词。三、发展目标:1创设一个情境,鼓励学生整合已有的语言知识,分组进行小品表演“Give Me the Corn”。2能根据实际情况,围绕“My Favorite Food ”这个话题在板报中展开一系列的讨论。四、课时安排:建议本单元安排

3、5 教时。Wonderland 和 Farmland 可以结合在一课时里进行教学; Language Lab 中的问题与Grand Theatre 的内容密切相关,因此可将两者结合在一起进行教学;Music Box 和Disneyland 里的 Rhyme 可放在每一课时的 Pre-task 的 Warming up 中,帮助学生通过每节课前的反复练习逐步习得。五、参考资料:Order(Part one)Waitress: May I take your order now?Tony: Whats special for tonight?Waitress: Fillet Migon.Tony:

4、 Ill have the roast beef.Waitress: How would you like your steak? Rare, medium or well?Tony: Well, please.Tony: What kind of soup do you have today?Waitress: Chicken noodle.Tony: Ill have one. vegetable?Waitress: We have beans, carrots and baked potatoes.Tony: Ill have some carrots.Waitress: Can I g

5、et you anything else? Something to drink?Tony: Just a glass of ice water for me.(Part two) Waiter: Hello, Madam.Mary: Have a table for two?Waiter: Yes, Madam. This way, please.Mary: Thank you. Ill have a green salad. What about you, Susan?Susan: I think Ill have ham and eggs.Waiter: A green salad an

6、d ham and eggs. Yes, Madam.Susan: Its quite a nice restaurant, isnt it?Mary: It certainly is. Do you come here often?Susan: I generally come here for lunch two or three times a week.Mary: What is the food like?Susan: Its excellent.Mary: Oh, Waiter, let me have the bill, please.Waiter: Here it is, Ma

7、dam.Mary: Fourteen dollars, twenty cents. Heres fifteen dollars.Waiter: Thank you, Madam. 六、教法建议:一)词汇教学方法:Wonderland 中食品类的单词对学生来说并不陌生,所以教师不必一个一个地教,可以让学生以小组为单位进行互学。然后教师可通过游戏来帮助学生积累词汇,提高熟练程度,并使词汇教学更有趣味性。Game: Who has the best appetite?T: What do you want to eat for lunch?P1: Give me some pork.P2: I wa

8、nt some pork and two eggs.P3: I would like some pork, two eggs and a bowl of soup.P4: I need some pork, two eggs, a bowl of soup and two sausages.P5: Give me some pork, two eggs, a bowl of soup, two sausages and二)句型教学方法Farmland 中的重点句型是:Give, please. Here you are.创设餐馆点菜的情景,让学生整和本课的主要句型和已有的语言知识创编对话进行表

9、演。-What can I do for you?-Maybe you can give me some advice.-Would you like to eat some pork?-Oh, No, its too fat for me. Im on diet.-Ok, how about chicken?-I like chicken and its not too fat.-And our tomato soup is very delicious.-It sounds not too bad. Ok, chicken and tomato soup.-All right. Please wait a minute.三)课文教学方法 Grand Theatre 中的对话主要是围绕 Molly is hungry 展开的,所以在引入对话前,可给学生一个主题让学生自由讨论,如:Have you got a cat? What do cats like? What do you like to eat best?在讨论后再引出课文,从情感和知识上为课文学习做好铺垫。


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