上海新世纪版一年级英语下册教案 Unit 3(1)

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1、(新世纪版)一年级英语下册教案Unit 3 Superkid单元教材分析 单元主题Unit 3 Superkid单元介绍本单元的词汇 big, small, face, ears,学生并不陌生,因此在教学中教师可以适当补充一些词汇,如:eyes, nose, mouth 等。本单元的词汇教学过程中,可以整合主句型 Hes / Shes got 一起教学,帮助学生理解并学会运用句型。本单元重点是词汇 big, small, face, ears 的认读,听懂并理解句子 Hes / Shes got ;本单元难点是学会用 Hes / Shes got 介绍他人所有。教学过程中,根据一年级学生的年龄

2、特点,结合本单元关于 body parts 的词汇,适当加入body language,帮助学生理解与领会,吸引学生的注意力。单元教学目标 知识目标单词认读:big, small, face, ears句型运用:Hes / Shes got 能力目标能看图说出 big, small, face, ears,并找出相应的单词卡片。能恰当运用 big, small 进行修饰,能听懂 face, ears, eyes, nose, mouth,迅速指出相应部位。学会运用 Hes / Shes got 介绍他人所有。能听懂 Grand Theatre 的对话内容,并能模仿录音的语音语调表演对话。能模仿

3、 Grand Theatre 的对话内容,编演小对话。情感目标引导学生关心、了解他人。单元课时安排 序号 类型 内容 课时1 单词教学 Wonderland and Fantasyland 1 课时2 句型教学 Grand Theatre 1 课时第 1 课时:学生准备:了解一些 body parts 的单词。教师准备:PPT 演示文稿制作、一个洋娃娃、单词卡片、歌曲 Head and Shoulders教学目标:1.知识目标能看图说出 big, small, face, ears,并找出相应的单词卡片。2.能力目标能恰当运用 big, small 进行修饰,能听懂 face, ears, e

4、yes, nose, mouth,迅速指出相应部位。学会运用 Hes / Shes got 介绍他人所有。3.情感目标引导学生关心、了解他人。课型:单词教学课堂活动活动过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图Pre-task preparation 1. Greetings.2.Song: Head and Shoulders1. Greetings.2. Enjoy the song.While-task procedure1. Look, Ive got a new doll. What have you got?Lead in: Hes / Shes got .2. Look at my do

5、ll. Shes got a big head.a big head, a big _?Have you got a big 1.Ive got 2.Learn the word: big, smallMake some phrases.Yes, Ive got a big head.No, Ive got a small head.head?Lead in: smallNod your head.Shake your head.3. Look, the doll has got long hair. Shes got two ears. One ear, two ears. Pull you

6、r ears.Has she got big ears or small ears?a small _small _s4. Practice: Shes gotPoint to the eyes.Shes got _Point to the nose.Touch your nose.Point to the mouth.Shes got a red mouth.Open your mouth.Close your mouth.5. Touch the face.Look, a round face, a pink face.Shes got _Wash your face.Make a fac

7、e.Nod my head.Shake my head.3.Learn the word: earsPull my ears.Shes got small ears.Make some phrases.4. Learn to describe.Shes got big eyes.Shes got a small nose.Touch my nose.Shes got a small mouth.Open my mouth.Close my mouth.5.Learn the word: faceShes got a round face.Shes got a pink face.Wash my

8、 face.Make a face.1. Introduce the 1. Listen and Post-task activitiesdoll.Look, Ive got a new doll. Shes got a big head. Shes got a small nose. Shes got big eyes. How lovely!2. Try to introduce.Look, Ive got a new doll. Shes got a _. Shes got a _. Shes got _(s). How pretty!3.Ask someone to the front

9、 to introduce 4.Song: Head and Shouldersunderstand.2. Work in groups.3. Introduce the doll in the front.4. Listen and perform.第 2 课时学生准备:用 Hes / Shes got 介绍你的好朋友。教师准备:PPT 演示文稿制作、一个洋娃娃、歌曲 Head and Shoulders教学目标:1.知识目标能听懂 Grand Theatre 的对话内容。2.能力目标学会运用 Hes / Shes got 介绍他人。模仿录音的语音语调表演对话。能力强的学生能模仿 Grand

10、 Theatre 编演对话。3.情感目标引导学生关心、了解他人,学会介绍他人。课型:句型教学课堂活动活动过程 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图Pre-task preparation1. Greetings.2.Song: Head and Shoulders3. Do some actions.Nod / Shake your head.Pull your ears.Touch your nose.Open / Close your mouth.Wash your face. Make a face.4. Show the doll.5.PPT: P16This is _.Hes / Shes

11、got _.Its _.1. Greetings.2. Sing and act.3. Actions.Nod / Shake my head.Pull my ears.Touch my nose.Open / Close my mouth.Wash my face. Make a face.4. Introduce the doll together.5. Practice.While-task procedure1. I like drawing. Do you like drawing? Lets draw a picture together.Draw a big head, two

12、big ears, three small eyes.Draw a small nose, a big mouth.Draw a big body, two long arms, and two big feet.Look, Ive got a superkid. Hes got a big head. Hes 1. Listen and answer.Listen and draw.Work in pairs.got a small nose. Hes got long arms. Hes strong.2. Listen, Sandy and Alice are playing a gue

13、ssing game.PPT: Grand Theatre2. Learn the Grand Theatre.Listen and understand. Then read after the record.Post-task activities1. Act out the Grand Theatre.2. Play a guessing game.3. Make a new dialogue.1. The boys act as Sandy, the girls act as Alice.2. Work in groups.One describe a friend, the othe

14、rs guess who it is.3. Act out in pairs.单元练习 Unit 3 单元练习 1一、勾出听到的图片。1. 2.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. 4.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )5. 6.( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、给下列单词编号。1. big small new old( ) ( ) ( ) ( )2. face ears eyes head( ) ( ) ( ) ( )3. a big nose a small head small eyes big ears( ) ( ) ( ) ( )4. a new doll an old yo-yo a b

15、ig plane a small car( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、圈出不同类的单词。1. small big new bag2. face ears pencil head3. Shanghai Zoo small eyes the Bund Grand Theatre4. eyes ears nose handsUnit 3 单元练习 1听力材料及参考答案:一、1. Look at my face. Its round.2. Which apple do you like? The big one.3. This is a boy. Hes got a big head.4. Hes got two small eyes.5. My shoes are old.6. Look at the man. Hes got a big nose.二、略。三、略。Unit 3 单元练习 2 一、 圈出听到的单词。1. Look at the doll. Shes got two (big, small) ears.2. Ive got a round (face, nose).3. Which apple



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