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1、Module 2 Science and technology Unit 4Inventions,第1课时 Vocabulary,建议用时:20分钟实际用时:分钟评价: 一、根据句意及首字母或中文提示完成单词 1. Keep a safe d_ between cars, please! 2. Many p_ will get off the metro (地铁) at this station. 3. He d_ many interests and learnt more useful skills. 4. The first telephones were i_ in 1876.,ist

2、ance,assengers,eveloped,nvented,第1课时 Vocabulary,5. This seat is more c_ to sit on. 6. The desk is _(布满灰尘的). He hasnt cleaned it for a few days. 7. The invention is really _(有用的)in our daily life.,omfortable,dusty,practical,第1课时 Vocabulary,8. We saw two _(四轮马车) in the City Museum. 9. Can you _(介绍)me

3、to the manager in your company? 10. India is a _(发展中的)country.,introduce,carriages,developing,第1课时 Vocabulary,二、词汇测试i. 从下面每小题的A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换画线部分的最佳选项。 ( )1. Now you can go to buy things in the shop anytime. Thats really convenient. A. at any moment B. at the same time C. at that moment,A,第1课时 Voc

4、abulary,( )2.There is something special in the garden. Really? What is that? A. unusual B. popular C. ordinary ( )3.Your brother is very clever. Yes, he enjoys making different things. A. operating B. creating C. copying,A,B,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )4.Who do you like best in your class? Lucy. She always t

5、ells interesting story to make all of us laugh happily. A. amazing B. true C. funny ( )5.More and more people are using computers because theyre very practical. They really change our lives. A. useful B. expensive C. smart,C,A,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )6.Do you know Ma Yun? He was an unusual man with great

6、 business talents. A. a smart B. a useful C. an uncommon,C,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )7.Mr Li is a good husband, meanwhile he is also a good father. And he works very hard as well. A. instead B. at the same time C. in fact,B,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )8.When does the baby sleep? He is naughty. He always sleeps in t

7、he daytime and plays in the evening. A. in the morning B. in its free time C. during the day,C,第1课时 Vocabulary,ii.根据句子意思,从下面每小题的A、B、C三个选项中选出恰当的词语完成句子。 ( )9. A _means a period of time equals to one hundred years. A. thousand B. century C. million ( )10. A _is a person who is not driving but travellin

8、g in an automobile, bus, train, or other vehicles. A. driver B. customer C. passenger,B,C,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )11. Who _ the first bike in the world? Drais. His invention is helpful. A. invented B. pushed C. found ( )12. Why do you think Jacks article is good? Because it has a great _. A. programme B.

9、 information C. introduction,A,C,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )13. Why did you sleep on the sofa? I felt very _ on the sofa, so I was sleepy soon. A. cheerful B. nervous C. comfortable ( )14. Please _ the tigers. Its dangerous to take photos with them. Oh, I see. Thank you. A. keep off B. take off C. turn off,

10、C,A,第1课时 Vocabulary,( )15. I didnt expect to see you studying at the library so early in the morning. ._ A. Every dog has its day B. Many hands make light work C. The early bird catches the worm,C,第1课时 Vocabulary,三、用所给单词的适当形式填空 1. Its a good idea to put an _ (advertise) in the newspaper. 2. Would yo

11、u please let me make an _ (introduce)? 3. We should help the _ (develop) of the less advanced countries.,advertisement,introduction,development,第1课时 Vocabulary,4. All the _ (passenger) got off the bus with their luggage in the terminal station. 5. Im sure Linda will jump _ (far) in her class. 6. The

12、 movie is about a strange _ (create). 7. His grandpa used to tell him _ (fun) stories when he was a child.,passengers,(the) farthest,creature,funny,第1课时 Vocabulary,8. _ (practice) ideas and methods are likely to be effective or successful in a real situation. 9. Do you know the _ (distant) between B

13、eijing and Shenzhen? 10. Annie needs two more _ (candle) on her birthday cake.,Practical,distance,candles,第1课时 Vocabulary,四、完形填空 In 1905, 11-year-old Frank Epperson mixed some flavour with water. By _1_, he left the drink outside all nightwith the stirring _2_ still in it. It was a very cold night.

14、In the morning, Frank saw that the drink had frozen to the stick. It tasted _3_! Eighteen years later, Frank remembered the,第1课时 Vocabulary,frozen sticks. He _4_ for a patent and began to _5_ Epsicles. By now he had children of his own and they didnt like the name. They _6_ it to Popsicles. In 1853,

15、 George Crum was working in a _7_ kitchen in Saratoga Springs, New York. George was angry because he had a difficult _8_a man who kept _9_ back his fried potatoes, saying he,第1课时 Vocabulary,wanted them to be thinner and fried longer! So George sliced the potatoes as thin as possible. Then he fried them until their sides curled. George


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