(广州版)五年级英语上册教案 Module 5 Unit 15

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1、广州版小学英语Success With English五年级上册Module 5 Zoo AnimalsUnit 15 Lets Go Further & Project一 、教学内容:Book 6 Unit 15 Lets Go Further & Project二 、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标: 理解故事内容,能听说读故事中的新单词。 巩固加强句型 “Dont” 的运用。 围绕本单元的主题增加学生对其他 zoo animals 的认识。2语言技能目标: 能够加强学生对于阅读技能的运用能力。 通过学生自己归纳出描述动物的各方面。3情感态度目标:通过学习要学生有爱护动物的意识。4学习策略目标

2、:小组讨论,协作共同完成任务,并相互比赛,相互促进。5文化意识目标:正确认识设计爱护动物的告示牌。了解不同地方动物的生活习惯。三、教学重点难点:1 Vocabulary: asleep, jungle, widely, perhaps, laugh, hunter, tieto, return chew the rope, free2. 学会运用阅读的技巧猜测新单词的意思。3. Sentence patterns: Please dont eat me. Be kind to me. One day perhaps I can be kind to you.四、教学准备:课件,投影仪,电脑,图

3、片,磁带,录音机。五、教学步骤:1Warming up. (free talk and chant)T: Do you like zoo animals? Whats your favourite animal?(the students talk about their favourite animals and tell why?) T: My favourtie animal is the monkey. Its cute. It can climb trees and it also can jump on the bed. Would you like to chant about

4、the monkeys?(Yes, that would be fun.) Students chant like that: Three little monkeys are jumping on the bed.T: I can see many cute monkeys. (show the pictures of the animals) Lets chant about another animal. (ask a student to get one picture then everyone chant about it.) 2. Leading in. (talk about

5、the pictures)T: Today lets learn (student read the title of this class) (point to the picture on the blackboard) Look, this boy is Zhang. In the morning, he visits the zoo. Now its in the evening. Whats he doing? (student can answer: he is sleeping. ) He is asleep in bed. He is making a dream. What

6、can you see in his dream? ( the lion) What is lion doing? (He is sleeping.) Yes, the lion is sleeping in the jungle.T: Lets imagine what is happening in the jungle? Now, its team work. There are five pictures in your team. The first, everyone looks at the pictures. The second, put them into order. T

7、he third, try to think about the story. Understand? 30 seconds Ready? Go! After 30 seconds.T: OK, look at team X s pictures , try to talk about the idea of your story. 3. Tell the story( learn new words and use reading tips)T: Good job! Look at team Xs picture, lets try to tell the story.(Everyone t

8、ries to talk about each picture. I will teach the new words and ask them question to help them.) Picture 1: Zhang is asleep in bed after his day at the zoo. In his dream, what is the lion doing? (Ss: the lion is sleeping in the jungle.)(PPT: picture1 with the sentences, look at the sentences and gue

9、ss the meaning of asleep dream jungle then ask the Ss: what reading tips can help you.) For example: sleepshort word asleep-long word we can look for smaller words inside long word. Picture 2: the lion opens his mouth widely. A. 大大的 B.小小的 T:The lion is very angry he opens his mouth widely. It is goi

10、ng to eat the mouse. What does the mouse say to the lion? (point to the sentences on the blackboard. “Please dont me. Be kind to me. One day perhaps I can be to you. (teach “perhaps” person hat Put another words in its place and guess the meaning. Picture3: the lion laughs and let the mouse go. (tea

11、ch laugh) Picture4: some hunters catch him and tie him to a tree. (teach hunter and tieto then show the sentences with PPT and ask the Ss guess the meaning. Picture 5: the mouse returns and sees the lion. A 返回 B 离开The mouse begins to chew the rope. A 吃绳子 B 咬绳子the rope is break and the lion is free .

12、 A 断了 B 旧了A 逃跑 B 自由(show the sentence and let them guess then teach the new words.)4. Practice the new words.Read the words again(team by tem)-I point the words the fastest one read and get the points.5. Listen to the tape and check comprehension.T: Look at the blackboard. The mouse/lion is saying s

13、omething. Can you say like the mouse/lion? (the best one can come and act like mouse/lion)In this story there is a hunter. (show the gun and find a handsome hunter.)T: Listen to the tape the mouse the lion the hunter do the actions. After that please answer my questions about the story.After listeni

14、ng to the tape. I ask the questions, students answer and read the story together6Choose a title for the story.In the story, when the mouse says perhaps one day I can be kind to you the lion laugh. Why? ( Because the lion think the mouse cant help him.) The lion think he can do everything himself. Do

15、 you think the lion can do everything himself? (No) Open your book and choose a title. T: today weve learnt a story, the title is 7. Reading.We all need friends sometimes. Actually animals are our best friends. We should love the animals. (Show PPT) Look, this is a poster of the Night Zoo in Panyu,

16、it needs helpers. Would you like to be the helpers? Three task here. No1. He needs to know the zoo rules. Can you tell me some zoo rules? (Ss answer and get the points.) Everyone is excellent. Now task 1-past. Look at task 2: he needs to know something about the animals. One is (show the picture) koala the other is gorilla. Which do you like? If you like koala, raise your han


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