(广州版)五年级英语上册教案 Module 5 Unit 14(7)

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1、广州市小学五年级英语Module 5 Zoo animalsUnit 14 They are visiting the zoo (work with language)Author执笔 Date Module/Topic 模块及话题MODULE 5Unit 单元 Unit 14Title 题目They are visiting the zoo.Period课时2nd Type of lesson 课型Work With LanguageObjectives:教学目标1.Language knowledge 语言知识:Vocabulary 词汇: Europe, Asia, North Amer

2、ica, South America, the Arctic, Australia, India句型:What does look like?It looks like.Daily Express 习惯用语:What does look like?It looks like.Grammar 语法:注意一般现在时第三人称单数的动词变化。 Phonetic 语音:2.Language skill 语言技能: To revise and extend the pupils knowledge of names of countries and places.To continue work on a

3、nimal vocabulary.3.Affect 情感态度:渗透环保教育,保护各种珍稀野生动物。4.Learning Strategies 学习策略:直观法、游戏法、任务型、创造情境、小组合作5.Culture Awareness 文化意识: To develop the pupils general cultural knowledge of where animals come from.Difficulties Analysis教学难点分析:Vocabulary:Europe, Asia, North America, South America, the Arctic, Austra

4、lia, India这些专有名词的发音、拼写都比普通词有难度,在教学中要帮学生归纳发音拼写规律。TeachingAids/Media主要教学媒体 图片,教学图片、自制图片、录音机、录音带、实物,电脑课件Teaching Resource教学资源网络图库收集的动作图片Teaching Procedures教学过程Teaching activity & Steps of the activity教学活动及具体的活动操作步骤Learning strategies学生学习策略 Purpose设计意图A. Warming up and revisionB. Pre-task:C Development.

5、Warming up:1. Sing a song “The animals went in two by two”2.: Draw a map on the blackboard.(Use the word cards and the pictures of animals.)e.g. Where is the panda from?It is from Asia.Stick the word card Asia and the picture of panda onthe map.1.The same activity to learn the new words:Europe, Asia

6、, the Arctic,Australia, North America,South America2. Read the new words ingroups.1. Play a game (1).Remove the word cardsfrom the map. Ask somepupils to choose wordcards and stick on the map.4. Play a game (2).Ask the boys to hold upthe word cards and the girlsto take the pictures ofanimals. Then a

7、sk thequestions each other to findtheir partners.e.g. Where are you from?Im from Europe.Sing a song “The animals went in two by two”Stick the word card and the pictures onthe map.Learn the new words.Read the new words ingroups.Play two games.在轻松的气氛中唱歌开始新课, 歌曲内容有教学相关。利用地图、动物图片比较直观地呈现,使学生易于掌握相应的生态地理知识

8、,同时学习语言技能。辨认地图之后,系统学习新单词,注意强调发音规则和拼写。在游戏中巩固新知,激起学生兴趣笔头练习,检查学习效果。While-task And Post-task:D.Summary1.Do the exercises: p66 ex.12.Practice some dialogueE.g.: A: I want to see a kangaroo.Where can we see?B: Go to Australia. Dont go to India.A: what does a kangaroo look like?B: It looks like a mouse. It

9、s brown.3. practice some dialogue in groups: (bear, polar bear, panda)(tiger, cat)(giraffe, deer)4. perform the dialogue in groups.SummaryDo the exercisesPractice dialogue in groups.perform the dialogue in groups.Review new knowledge of this class with the teacher.使用新单词,新句型进行对话,练习综合运用语言的能力。教师要对各组进行观察辅导。回顾,总结,加深印象,反思自己学生情况。Evaluation 教学评估通过教学过程中的师生、生生之间的互动,课堂、课后对课文的理解以及朗读的熟练程度,还有课后的作业、练习的反馈进行教学评估。


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