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1、第一章 肥料的概念分类和定义 Chapter 1. General Concepts, Classification, Terminology and Definitions,内容 Contents,1肥料与植物的养分 2肥料的品位 3肥料的法规 4肥料的定义和相关名词,1. 肥料与植物的养分,植物必需的营养元素,阳光、雨露、肥料,1. 肥料与植物的养分,植物必需的营养元素有17 种,大量元素:碳氧氢氮磷钾钙镁硫 微量元素:氯铁锰硼锌铜镍钼,肥料三要素,氮磷钾 并非17种营养元素都要以肥料的形式补充,肥料的概念和定义(Fertilizer):,能给作物提供养分; 或能改善作物品质; 或能维持与

2、增进地力; 或能改良土壤性质; 而由人工补给土壤的物质均称为肥料。 狭义的概念 以提供植物养分为其主要功效的物料,广义的概念,国外的肥料概念和定义(Fertilizer):,A fertilizer is a material that furnishes (supplies) one or more chemical elements (nutrients) necessary for the proper development and growth of plants. Most important fertilizers: 1) fertilizer products (chemica

3、l fertilizers) 2) manure 3) plant residues,Inorganic (Mineral ) Fertilizer: A term used by International Organization for Standardization (ISO) for fertilizer in which the declared nutrients are in the form of inorganic salts obtained by extraction and / or by physical and / or chemical industrial p

4、rocesses., Fertilizer manual (ed) by UNIDO and IFDC, 1998,Chemical Fertilizer: In Thailand a fertilizer derived from inorganic substances or synthetic organic substances, including single fertilizer, mixed fertilizer, and compound fertilizer as well as organic fertilizer mixed with chemical fertiliz

5、er but excluding white lime, marl (泥灰), plaster(灰泥), or gypsum., Fertilizer manual (ed) by UNIDO and IFDC, 1998,化肥: 根据化学反应原理,用化学方法制造的肥料(樊小林,1995).,土壤肥料学,樊小林和史俊通主编,世界图书出版社,1995,化肥: 人工应用化学方法所制得的肥料,其中含要素一种或二种亦或三种(包伯度和郑双福,1979).,肥料学,包伯度和郑双福编,国立编译馆出版,民国六十八年八月,化肥: 化肥是不赖于农田自身循环的现代工业产品(奚振邦,2003).,现代化学肥料学,奚振

6、邦编著,农业出版社,2003,化肥的定义: 应用化学方法制造的包括植物营养要素之的化工产品。除尿素外,养分以无机盐形态存在。,樊小林,2004,肥料的种类,按照肥料的制造和来源,肥料,单质肥料,复合肥料,按照施肥法,N,定义只含氮磷钾其中任意一种养分的肥料。,单质肥料,含氮磷钾其中任意两种或含氮磷钾三种养分的肥料。,1、化成复合肥 (如SACF复合肥)通过肥料中不同成分的化学反应过程生产的肥料每粒肥料都含有相同比例的养分。,复合肥料,含氮磷钾其中任意两种或含氮磷钾三种养分的肥料。,2、混合造粒肥采用单质肥料经过二次造粒过程生产的肥料。每粒肥料所含养分比例不完全相同,复合肥料,复合肥料 含氮磷钾

7、其中任意两种或含氮磷钾三种养分的肥料。,3、掺混肥料 (bulk blends)采用几种单质肥料简单混合生产的肥料,肥料成分非常不均一,容易在装卸,运输和施用过程中产生分离现象。,缓效肥料 slowrelease fertilizer 养分所呈的化合物或物理状态,能在一段时间内缓慢释放供植物持续吸收利用的肥料。 包膜肥料 coated fertilizer 为改善肥料功效和(或)性能,在其颗粒表面涂以其他物质薄层制成的肥料。,内容 Contents,1肥料与植物的养分 2肥料的品位 3肥料的法规 4肥料的定义和相关名词,肥料的品位(Fertilizer Grade),以百分数表现的肥料养分含量

8、,通常用:共同式 formula 按N-P2O5-K20(总氮-有效五氧化二磷-氧化钾)序次,用阿拉伯数字分别表示其在复混肥料中所占百分比含量的一种方式。,肥料的品位 (Fertilizer Grade),It is customary to refer to a given fertilizer product by a series of numbers separated by dashes.,Fertilizer Grade,This set of numbers is called the “grade” of the fertilizer products.,151515 1310

9、21 11 623 102020 201010 22 612,Each of the number indicates the amount of a nutrient that manufacturer guarantees is contained in the fertilizer products.,肥料的品位 Fertilizer Grade,102020 NP2O5 K2O 10 20 20,Each of the number is always expressed by percentage. These percentages are guaranteed minimum r

10、ather than actual content.,使用肥料品位的价值 Value of using Fertilizer Grade,The value of using fertilizer grades in identifying a fertilizer product cannot be over-emphasized. This is a constant reminder to the consumer that he is purchasing plant nutrients, not a named fertilizer product. For example: SSP

11、 is Single superphosphate (14%20%),内容 Contents,1肥料与植物的养分 2肥料的品位 3肥料的法规 4肥料的定义和相关名词,许多物质均可以作为肥料 如果没有肥料的规定和法规,那么肥料市场就会失去控制,就会出现以下两种问题: 1)名曰同一肥料,实际上可能效果不一,给用户带来不便。用户无法合理施肥。 2)肥料市场价格缺乏合理的基础。 例如1吨低含量(25的复合肥)的肥料的价值远小于1吨高含量(45的复合肥)的肥料。 因此农民需要一种最简单的方法决定在现有肥料市场,在众多的肥料中选择什么肥料,为什么要有肥料的规定和法规,在肥料市场中,在零售市场控制商品肥的标

12、识和运营。 作为肥料生产者对肥料中养分含量的保障和承诺。,建立肥料规定和法规的主要目的,内容 Contents,1肥料与植物的养分 2肥料的品位 3肥料的法规 4肥料的定义和相关名词,Fertilizer 肥料 In the simplest terminology, a material, the main function of which is to provide plant nutrients.,肥料学中相关的英文名词和定义 Terminology and Definitions,Chemical Fertilizer 化肥 In Thailand, a fertilizer der

13、ived from inorganic substances or synthetic organic substances, including single fertilizer, mixed fertilizer, and compound fertilizer but excluding white lime (熟石灰), marl (泥灰), plaster(石膏), or gypsum.,Terminology and Definitions,Inorganic (Mineral) Fertilizer 无机肥 A term used by the International Or

14、ganization for Standardization (ISO) for fertilizer in which the declared nutrients are in the form of inorganic salts obtained by extraction and/or by physical and/or chemical industry processes.,Terminology and Definitions,Organic Fertilizer 有机肥 Carbonaceous materials mainly of vegetable and/or an

15、imal original added to the soil specifically for the nutrition of plants (ISO).,Terminology and Definitions,Compound Fertilizer 复合肥 A fertilizer that a declarable content of at least two of the plant nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, obtained chemically or by blending or both (ISO).,Ter

16、minology and Definitions,Blended Fertilizer 掺混肥 A fertilizer, obtained by dry mixing, that has a declarable content of at least two of the plant nutrients nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (ISO).,Terminology and Definitions,Granular Fertilizer 颗粒肥 Solid material that is formed into particles of a predetermined mean size (ISO).,Terminology and Definitions,Coated Fertilizer 包膜肥 Gra


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