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1、DAY 1,一、根据所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.在国外 _ 2.在(船、飞机等)上面 _ 3.报道;账户 _ 4.会计;会计师 _ 5.吸收;掌握 _ 6.控告; 指责 _ 7.疼痛 _ 8.学术的;大学的 _,abroad,aboard,account,accountant,absorb,accuse,ache,academic,9.陪同;陪伴 _ 10.住宿;住处 _ 11.事故;意外 _ 12.接受;认可 _ 13.口音;腔调 _ 14.取得;实现 _ 15.通道;入口 _ 16.存取(计算机文件) _,accompany,accommodation,accident,accept,

2、accent,achieve,access,access,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 abstract (adj.) (b) abstract (n.) (c) accustomed (d) academy (e) accumulate (f) abrupt (g) accomplish (h) absolute (i) abuse (j) absurd (k) abandon (l) abolish (m) accelerate (n) abundant (o) abnormal (p) abortion,( )1.学会;研究院 ( ) 2.取消;废除 ( )3.绝对的;

3、确实的 ( ) 4.反常的 ( )5.突然的;粗鲁的 ( ) 6.荒谬的 ( )7.加速;促进 ( ) 8.抽象的 ( )9.积累;积聚 ( )10.抛弃;舍弃 ( )11.习惯的;惯常的 ( )12.滥用;辱骂 ( )13.完成;实现 ( )14.充足的 ( )15.堕胎 ( )16.梗概, 摘要,d,l,h,o,f,j,m,a,e,k,c,i,g,n,p,b,三、填空 1.Maria will be a fine musician because she shows a lot of_ (able). 2.The test measures childrens _ (achieve) in

4、 reading, spelling and maths. 3.Hes been _ (absence) from school for three days now.,ability,achievements,absent,4.We need to get some more _ (accuracy) information. 5.The department store district is easily _ (access) from our house. 6.You must be_ (absolute) silent or the birds wont appear. 7.As a

5、 matter of fact, Columbus discovered America _ accident,accurate,accessible,absolutely,by,8.Flights were delayed three hours _ account of the thick fog 9.When do you want to meet? _ about Tuesday afternoon? 10.It is said that there is _ 800-meter-long bridge over the river.,an,on,How/What,DAY 2,一、根据

6、所给汉语释义写出下列单词。 1.活动;活力 _ 2.地址;致辞 _ 3.承认;准许(入场) _ 4.优点; 好处 _ 5.劝告;建议(v.) _ 6.忠告;建议 (n.) _ 7.成年人 _ 8.钦佩;羡慕 _,activity,address,admit,advantage,advise,advice,adult,admire,9.实际的;真实的 _ 10.管理;经营 (n.) _ 11.前进;促进 _ 12.积极的;主动的_ 13.穿过;横过 _ 14.为做广告 _ 15.冒险(活动) _ 16.敏锐的;剧烈的_,actual,administration,advance,active,a

7、cross,advertise,adventure,acute,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 adolescence (b) adolescent (c) adequate (d) acknowledge (e) acquisition (f) actress (g) acre (h) acid (i) addicted (j) AD (k) acquaintance (l) adopt (m) adapt (n) acquire (o) admission (p) adore,( )1.获得;得到 (n.) ( )2.获得;学得 ( )3.熟人;相识的人 ( )4.收养;采

8、用 ( )5.上了瘾的 ( )6.入场费 ( )7.崇拜;爱慕 ( )8.足够的 ( )9.(使)适应 ( )10.承认;认为 ( )11.青少年 ( )12.酸的 ( )13.英亩 ( )14.女演员 ( )15.青春(期) ( )16.公元,e,n,k,l,i,o,p,c,m,d,b,h,g,f,a,j,三、填空 1.The young man has been _ (active) looking for a job for six months. 2.I think the girl showed_ (admire) self-control in her answer. 3.Well

9、 see how this schedule works, then well make _ (adjust) as necessary.,actively,admirable,adjustments,4.It is reported that he is the highest-paid _ (act) in Hollywood. 5.Her story doesnt agree_ what the headmaster have told us. 6.We must take _ (act) to deal with the problem before it spreads fast.

10、7.The process of _(adapt) to a new school is difficult for some children.,actor,with,action,adaptation,8.He came _ an old school friend in Oxford Street this morning. 9.If youre going to come, please let me know _ advance. 10.My aunt speaks Frenchshe can act _ interpreter.,as,across,in,DAY 3,一、根据所给汉

11、语释义写出下列单词。 1.影响;(使)感动 _ 2.事;事情 _ 3.负担得起;抽得出 _ 4.后来;以后 _ 5.靠着;依着(prep.) _ 6.目的;目标 _ 7.警报 _ 8.飞机场;航空站 _,affect,affair,afford,afterward (s),against,aim,alarm,airport,9.飞机;航空器 _ 10.过敏的;厌恶的 _ 11.活着的;活跃的 _ 12.年龄;老龄 _ 13.主张;拥护 _ 14.非洲人 _ 15.援助;救护 _ 16.(去做想做的事)干吧;行动吧(phr.) _,go ahead,aircraft,allergic,alive

12、,age,advocate,African,aid,二、将方框中单词前的序号填入相应的汉语意思前。 aggressive (b) alcoholic (c) alcohol (d) agent (e) agenda (f) airline (g) airmail (h) alike (i) album (j) algebra (k) airspace (l) airplane (m) agriculture (n) ahead (o) agency (p) all over,( )1.航空邮件 ( )2.代数 ( )3.很相似地 ( )4.(某国的)空域 ( )5.遍及;到处 ( )6.在前;

13、向前;领先 ( )7.酗酒者 ( )8.农业 ( )9.议事日程 ( )10.代理机构 ( )11.航空公司 ( )12.相册;唱片集 ( )13.代理人 ( )14.积极进取的 ( )15.含酒精饮料 ( )16.飞机,g,j,h,k,p,n,b,m,e,o,f,i,d,a,c,l,三、填空 1.We have an _ (agree) to always tell each other the truth about everything. 2.This countrys economy is mainly _ (agriculture) and depends on crops like coffee. 3._ (alcohol) drink can have a bad effect on y



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