广东工业大学广工研究生英语展示public security

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1、PUBLIC SECURITY,Article Analysis,1,Article Analysis,The security guard checks the waiting airline passenger.,Para.1,Para.2,Airport security checks have been stepped up. The USA has imposed particularly draconian security measures.,Para.3,9/11 attack was the turning point . The nature of the threats

2、facing our society has changed.,Article Analysis,Para.4,Para.5,The USA and EUs expenditure on security research and related technologies was increased.,New interdisciplinary research collaborations are being launched , and the German government has approved the creation of the first-ever cross-depar

3、tmental program of security research.,Article Analysis,Para.6,Safety and security systems are rapidly developing into an important line of business for research and industry.,Article Analysis,Para.1/2/3,Para.6,Para.4/5,Due to the terrorist attacks , the Airport security checks have been stepped up.,

4、Safety and security systems are rapidly developing into an important line of business for research and industry.,Facing the change of the nature of the threats , the USA , the EU , the Germany have their own solutions.,Analysis of long and difficult sentences,2,Analaysis of Sentences,E.g 1 Modern te

5、chnology can help to detect potential risks (at an early stage )and provide a means of coordinating action (in the event of a major disaster). Translation 现代科技有助于早期阶段潜在危险的检测,提供一种协调大型灾害事故的方式。 Skills 状语前置,Analaysis of Sentences,E.g 2 All of these items are deposited (in a plastic tray). After that ,th

6、e passanger s hand baggage is opened , the laptop is taken out of its carrying case , and the clear plastic toilet bag (containing toothpaste , shower gel , body lotion and shampoo) is presented for inspection. Translation 所有这些东西都存放在个塑料托盘里。然后,要求乘客打开行李箱,取出笔记本电脑,拿出装有牙膏,沐浴露,润肤露,洗发水,等洗漱用品的透明塑料梳洗包以供检查。 S

7、kills 被动变主动,定语前置,which contains,后置定语,Analaysis of Sentences,E.g 3 Government authorities and airlines have imposed even stricter controls (since September 11, 2001, and last years fortunately foiled, planned attacks on transatlantic flights by terrorists carrying liquid explosives.) Translation 自从20

8、01年9月11日以及有人去年携带液体炸弹企图袭击大西洋航程的恐怖计划被挫败之后,美国政府当局和航空公司实行了更严格的管制。 Skills 状语前置,并列主语,Analaysis of Sentences,E.g 4 Suicide bombers have paralyzed the entire public transportation network in London , New Orleans was almost wiped off the map (by severe flooding ), viruses (capable of infecting the population

9、 with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome ) were spread around the globe (by passenger aircraft in a matter of hours). Translation 自杀式炸弹使得伦敦整个公交网络瘫痪,洪水几乎在地图上抹去了新奥尔良,SARS病毒(严重急性呼吸道综合症)以客机乘客为媒介,在数小时内传遍全球。 Skills 状语前置,被动变主动,后置定语,Analaysis of Sentences,E.g 5 Breakdowns ( at such neuralgic points ) can hav

10、e dramatic consequences , regardless of whether they are caused by human errors , terrorist attacks or natural forces. Translation 无论这些危机是人文失误、恐怖袭击抑或自然灾害造成的,在这些社会敏感点出了问题将会导致严重的后果。 Skills 状语前置,状语从句,Vocabulary,3,Vocabulary,terrorist=terror+ist 复数:terrorists 美 terrst 英 terrst n.恐怖主义者;恐怖分子 例句:Police sai

11、d the explosion bore all the hallmarks of a terrorist attack. 警方称这次爆炸具有恐怖分子袭击的所有特征。 complex 美 kmpleks 英 kmpleks n.情结;(类型相似的)建筑群;相关联的一组事物;不正常的精神状态 adj.复杂的;难懂的;费解的;复合的,Vocabulary,2、detect 美 dtekt 英 dtekt v.发现;查明;侦察出 第三人称单数:detects 现在分词:detecting 过去式:detected 例句:The only apparent building process that

12、the early earth scientists could detect was volcanic activity. 早期地质学家所能发现的唯一明显的构造作用就是火山活动。 3、detection 美 dtekn 英 dtek()n n.探测;发现;侦查;察觉 例句:The metal detector has found something suspicious.,Vocabulary,coordinate 美 英 k(r)dnet n.坐标;(颜色协调的)配套服装 adj.同等的;配合的;【语】对等的;【数】坐标的 v.协调;使协调;使相配合;使(身体各部位)动作协调 Since

13、 scalars are independent of the coordinate system, the dot product of two vectors is called a scalar invariant. 因为标量与坐标系无关,故两个矢量的点积称为标量不变量。 Coordinate among different departments to ensure the company system implementation. 协调各部门以保证公司系统的全面实施。,Vocabulary,beep 美 bip 英 bip v.发出哔哔声;发出嘟嘟声;(使汽车喇叭等)发出嘟嘟声 n

14、.(汽车喇叭或电子设备发出的)嘟嘟声 例句:Please leave your name and telephone number after the beep. 请在哔哔声后留下你的姓名及电话号码。 security 美 skjrti 英 skjrti n.安全;证券;担保;保证 例句:He gave a flat assurance that they would introduce no resolution in the Security Council. 他直截了当地保证他们不会在安理会提出任何决议案。,Vocabulary,proceed 美 prsid 英 prsid v.继续做

15、(或从事、进行);接着做;继而做;行进 n.(从事某种活动或变卖财物等的)收入;卖得金额;收益 例句:. to develop should not be obstructed. Where local conditions permit, development should proceed as fast as possible. 所以,能发展就不要阻挡,有条件的地方要尽可能搞快点。,Vocabulary,deposit 美 dpzt英 dpzt n.存款;押金;订金;订钱 v.存储;放置;放下;使沉积 v.+n:deposit money 例句:1.“What a precious de

16、posit! “ said he with a tender sigh, as he received thepicture. 他接过画像时轻舒了一口气,说:“真是无价之宝!” 2. how much should I pay for the deposit? 我该付多少定金呢?,Vocabulary,foil 美 fl 英 fl n.箔;【船】(船艇的)水翼;陪衬物;【体】花剑 v.衬托;阻止;挫败;【猎】搅乱 例句: 1. Oil the foil after cleaning the blades once a week. 动刀片每周一次涂油。,Vocabulary,impose 美 mpoz英 mpz v.推行;迫使;强制实行;把强加于 Draconian 美 drkonin英 dr


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