unit 5 My clothes part B Let's talk教案

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《unit 5 My clothes part B Let's talk教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《unit 5 My clothes part B Let's talk教案(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、课 时 教 学 计 划课题Unit 5 My clothes Part B Lets talk课型会话课课时第四课时教材分析 教材通过Sarah和弟弟Sam帮妈妈整理衣物的情景,使学生感知Whose coat is this? Whose pants are those?功能句的语义及语用情景。进一步将上一课的词汇用于对话和交际中充分体现了教材以旧带新的编写特点并且为第六单元购物会话的学习做了铺垫。学情分析学生在学习了一些用复数表示服装名词后对复数的表达得到了进一步熟练,对复数与are的连用也有了进一步了解。本课的this/that和these/those的发音及句子的完整表达对学生来说都是难

2、点,通过扩句子替换练习和小组合作来完成。教学目标1、听说认读本课时的主要句型:Whose pants are those? Theyre your fathers. Whose coat is this? Its mine. 2、能在实际的情景中运用以上句型描述他人或自己的衣物。重点难点1.掌握本课时的主要句型:Whose pants are those? Theyre your fathers. Whose coat is this? Its mine.2. mine的理解与掌握。教学策略情景教学法 任务教学法教学准备教学ppt、单词卡片. 录音机教 学 过 程教师活动设计学生活动设想二次备

3、课Step 1 Warm-up / Review1. Sing a song”Whos wearning yellow today?”2. Lets do: Put on your shirt.page 493. Review clothes word carks.【设计意图:营造轻松愉快的课堂氛围,并复习服装名称为本课进一步学习做好铺垫。】4. Learning Aim:能够在情景中恰当运用Whose coat is this? Its mine.Whose pants are those?Theyre your fathers.句型就某物的主人展开问答。【设计意图:明确本课学习目标,让学生

4、带着任务有目的的展开学习。】Step 2 Presentation1. Preview :Look at the picture on page 51. You plug-in prep dialogue and think:1Whose coat is this?2Whose pants are those?【设计意图:布置小组自学任务预习对话,培养学生的自主学习能力和合作精神。】Ss sing a song togetherLets doSs answer the questions.教 学 过 程教师活动设计学生活动设想二次备课2. Learn new dialogue 3. Liste

5、n to the tape and repeat. The dialogue on the role of reading in this sub.【设计意图:Those的发音和mine的理解运用是个难点,先指导发音,紧接着展开“Whose coat is this?Whose pants are those?”句子的学习和操练,让学生在情景中操练理解,突破难点,帮助学生更好的理解和掌握。】Step3 Practice1. For this class we had learn sentences: “These are and Those are”2. Homework :Read the dialogues at home.Ss Practice the sentences “Whose coat is this?Whose pants are those?Ss practice to act the dialogue.板书设计Unit 5 My clothes Part B Lets talkWhose pants are those? Theyre your fathers. Whose coat is this? Its mine.教学反思


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