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1、适用于新目标版八年级 动力版 15-16 第 1 期 言 警 句Self-discovery 地址: 北京大兴区编辑部质量反馈热线: 0431- 81041508刘老师 2015 年 6 月 26 日 2015-2016 学年度 总第 649 期 2015 年 6 月 26 日 1 适用于新目标版八年级动力版 指导: 中国教育学会顾问: 顾明远(中国教育学会会长)学术指导: 陈琳(教育部课标专家组组长)主编: 刘道义(人教社英语教材主编)特约主编: 李俊和(北京四中英语特级教师) 主管、 主办: 东北师范大学社长兼总编: 邓振宇国内统一刊号: CN22-0035/(F)广告许可证号: 2201

2、01010014227网址: 印 刷:北京世纪华彩印务有限责任公司一张 4K4 定价: 0.8 元。 Section B 玉. 根据汉语提示完成句子。 1. Her father is a successful _ (商人). 2. It takes Lu Ming about thirty minutes to go to school by _(自行车). 3. The two little _(鸭子) are looking for food. 4. John runs fast _ (足够地) but he doesn t catch (赶上) the bus in the end.

3、5. Next let s look at the questions _ (在下 面). 域. 根据句意及首字母提示填空。 6. My mother comes to my school with an u _ because it is raining outside. 7.TheweatherinChongqingishotand w_ in summer. 8. I am a little h_, Mom. There are some cakes on the plate(盘子). You can take one. 9. I w_ who gave me these flowers

4、. 10. In the countryside, I often play on the t_ of my house. 芋. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 11. Do you often have a good time doing after- school _ (activity)? 12. Father sometimes goes shopping with us although he _ (dislike) going there. 13. Two tall _ (build) are behind my house. 14. I m sure you know the _ (

5、different) between “look for” and “find” . 15. _(bird) are our friends. We must protect (保护) them. 郁. 根据汉语意思完成句子, 每空一词。 16. 我想你的母亲这个时候正在校门口等你。 I think your mother _ _ _ you at the school gate at this time. 17. 为了保持健康, 我努力每天上午锻炼一个小 时。 To keep healthy, I _ _ _ for an hour in the morning every day. 18.

6、 约翰今天有空, 因此他决定去镇里拜访他的 祖父母。 John is free today, so he _ _ _ his grandparents in town. 19. 艾丽斯觉得她好像在做一个美梦。 Alice _ _ she was in a very nice dream. 20. 因为下雨上周日我们没去爬山。 Last Sunday we didn t go to the mountains _ _ the rain. 吁. 阅读短文, 从方框中选择适当的词并用其正 确形式填空, 使短文意思通顺、 完整。 decide, for, hungry, real, try, trad

7、e, rain, umbrella, wonder, wet On July 15th, Jane and her family arrived in Penang in Malaysia this morning. The weather was sunny and hot, so they (21) _ to go to the beach. Jane and her sister(22) _ paragliding. Jane felt like she was a bird. It was so exciting! They had Malaysian yellow noodles f

8、or lunch.Theyweredelicious.Theywentto Georgetown by bicycle in the afternoon. They saw the houses of the Chinese (23) _ from 100 years ago. Jane(24) _ what life was like here in the past. She(25) _ enjoyed walking around the town. On July 16th, Jane and her father went to Penang Hill. They wanted to

9、 walk up to the top, but then it started(26) _ a little so they decided to take the train. They waited over an hour(27) _ the train because there were too many people. Because they didn t have a(n) (28) _, they were (29) _ and cold. To be worse(更糟糕的), Jane s father didn t bring enough money, so they

10、 only had one bowl of rice and some fish. The food tasted great because Jane was so (30) _. Self Check 玉. 根据句意, 从方框中选择恰当的复合不定代 词填空。 anything, everything, nothing, anyone, everyone, no one, something, someone 1. I m too busy. Could you do_ to help me? Of course. I can do _ for you if you want me to.

11、2. _ likes money, but money is not _. 3. The man got _ but an old bag in the end. 4. _ wants to see you, Mr Brown. 5. Did _ call when I was out? 6. Is there anyone in the classroom? No. _ is in it. 域. 根据短文内容, 用括号内所给词的适当形式 填空。 Dear Helen, How was your vacation? I (7) _ (go) to Shanghai for vacation l

12、ast week. The weather there (8) _ (be) good and a little hot. I (9) _ (visit) many interesting places. And I also (10) _(buy) some gifts for you. I (11) _ (eat) many different kinds of foods. They were delicious, but they were a little expensive. People there were friendly. Who do you think I (12) _

13、(meet) in the street? The singer Michael! I (13) _ (take) quite a few photos with him. The trip was really great and I was happy. I hope I can visit it again soon. Would you like to go with me next time? Yours, Anna 2 A Visit to a Farm In the early days, American students in the countryside studied

14、at school for about six months in a year. During the other months, they worked on farms. Schools in cities were usually open(开) much longer. Some schools were open for eleven months in a year. Parents were happy because their children could have places to stay when they worked. Later many schools in

15、 cities wanted their students to have longer summer vacations. They thought the schools were often crowded (拥挤 的 ) and hot days made it difficult for the students to learn. But many schools in the countryside wanted theirstudents to have longer school years. They thought it would stop the students from working as child labor(童 工 ). And the students could learn more at school. Thesedays,mostAmericanschool students have a long summer vacation. It s usually from June to September. During t


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