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1、江苏省丰县实验初级中学2015届九年级12月月考英语试题一、单项选择(每小题1分,满分15分)( )1. I watched _ action film with my friends yesterday afternoon. A. a B. theC. an D. /( )2. I often mistake Alice _ Lily because they are twins and look the same. A. forB. with C. of D. on( )3. Did Jenny play the role _ the princess in the play? Yes,

2、she did. The prince saved her and fell in love _ her. A. with; atB. as; inC. of; toD. of; with ( )4. Marias hobby is acting and she hopes to be a(an) _ in the future. A. dancerB. actor C. actressD. singer ( )5. I think Paul is _ a careful person that he seldom makes mistakes. But this time he did. H

3、e was _ nervous that he made a tiny mistake. A. so; such B. very; so C. such; that D. such; so ( )6. The man spoke loudly in public in order to _ others attention. A. catch B. holdC. haveD. make ( )7. What are you looking for? Im looking for the watch _ I bought yesterday. A. which B. who C. whose D

4、. where( )8. Do you know the little boy _ is helping the old man cross the road?. A. which B. who C. whom D. whose( ) 9. The man was charged_ into the house last night. A. with breaking B. to break C. for breaking D. with broken( )10. The robber was guilty _ computer crimes in the past. A. of B. fro

5、m C. off D. on( )11.There _a number of books in our school library. The number of books_getting larger than last year. A.is, is B.is, are C.are, are D.are, is( ) 12.In the film Murder in a Country House, a doctot is found_in the house,so the film is _horror and mysteries. A.dying, fill of B.dead;ful

6、l of C.dead; full with D.die; filled with( )13. Linda was very sad because her grandmother _ in hospital last night. A. gave away B. passed over C. passed away D. went over ( )14. I dont like watching documentaries because they are boring. _ do I. A. So B. EitherC. Also D. Neither ( )15. I hope that

7、 I will have millions of dollars and I can buy my private (私人的) plane. _. A. You are welcome B. Thats very kind of you C. In your dreams D. Thank you all the same 二. 完形填空(每小题1分,满分15分)“Never give up!” It is my law(法则) of life. It has brought me _1_. I learned the law from my fathers _2_ story. My fat

8、her was _3_ in a poor village in the north of Jiangsu,in China. When he was a young boy,he went to school in the morning,then _4_ in the fields till sunset. And then he did his homework _5_ midnight. Life was hard,because they had no _6_! At the age of 14,my father heard of the United States of Amer

9、ica. It was the land of gold,the land where _7_ people can become rich. “_8_dont I go to America?” he thought to himself,full of hope. So,my father came to America. “I had thought it was easy to _9_ money in America,” he told me. “But when I arrived there,I realized it was not true. They did not lik

10、e to hire(雇佣) me because I spoke _10_English. Later,I worked in a small restaurant,cleaning up tables,_11_dishes and sweeping the floor. Life was _12_ for the first few years. I worked from 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. I wanted to go to school to learn English,but it was impossible. I couldnt _13_ the schoo

11、ling(学费). ”My father _14_ working hard,and reached his goal. “Alan,” he often says to me. “If you want something,you have to work for it and never give up. Things do not come _15_ in life. ” That is what I learned from my father. ( ) 1. A. disaster B. loss C. success D. pity( ) 2. A. Life B. fashion

12、 C. danger D. history( ) 3. A. famous B. lucky C. rich D. born( ) 4. A. taught B. worked C. studied D. slept( ) 5. A. until B. towards C. for D. during( ) 6. A. experience B. energy C. time D. money( ) 7. A. kind B. poor C. strong D. lazy( ) 8. A. What B. How C. Why D. When( ) 9. A. discover B. make

13、 C. collect D. spend( ) 10. A. little B. good C. much D. excellent( ) 11. A. giving B. running C. washing D. receiving( ) 12. A. comfortable B. cheerful C. nice D. hard( ) 13. A. borrow B. need C. afford D. pay( ) 14. A. kept B. finished C. minded D. stopped( ) 15. A. really B. easily C. quietly D. slowly三阅读理解(每小题2分,满分30分) A


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