江苏省东海县晶都双语学校牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 4测试题(附答案).doc

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《江苏省东海县晶都双语学校牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 4测试题(附答案).doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省东海县晶都双语学校牛津译林版七年级英语上册Unit 4测试题(附答案).doc(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、七 A英语测试题(Unit 4)I.指出划线部分发音不同于其它三个的选项。() 1. A. armB. artC. startD. quarter() 2. A. bestB. getC. geographyD. letter() 3. A. shallB. tallC. walkD. call() 4. A. horseB. shortC. world D. morning() 5. A. readyB. eachC. heavyD. weather() 6. A. coolB. noodleC. foodD. good() 7. A. hurryB. turnC. nurseD. hamb

2、urger() 8. A. birdB. fireflyC. shirtD. bird() 9. A. dinnerB. afterC. her D. worker()10.A. learnB. wearC. hear D. clearII.根据所给汉语选出正确的英文单词。() 1. 醒来A. makeB. wakeC. take() 2. 过去A. fastB. last C.past() 3. 闲聊A. chatB. speakC. say() 4. 祝愿A. hopeB. wishC. fish() 5. 生命A. liveB. fiveC. life() 6. 原因A. lessonB

3、. seasonC. reason() 7. 博物馆A. museumB. minuteC. musicl () 8. 一次A. oneB. onceC. twice() 9. 世界A. workB. wordC. world() 10. 准备完毕A. ladyB. readC. readyIII. 写出下列单词的相应形式1.like (反义词)_6. talk (同义词)_2.often (反义词)_7. sleep(反义词)_3.begin(同义词)_8.every (同义词)_4.life(复数) _9. always(反义词)_5.life(动词 ) _10.in (反义词) _IV.

4、短语英汉互译1. a quarter past seven_6. 醒来_2. a quarter to seven _7. 吃中饭 _3. enjoy school _8. 上床睡觉_4. do after-school activities_9. 去滑冰_5. be never late for school_10.出去_V. 用in; on或at填空1. People usually plant trees _ March every year.2. Amy goes swimming _ Sunday morning.3. We have breakfast _ 6:40.4. Chil

5、dren in China start school _ six years old.5. My father often work _night.6. Dont talk _dinner.7. Mike left Beijing _the morning of Oct. 5th.8. We Chinese have a long holiday _ the Spring Festival.9. There is no snow _winter in Hainan Island(海南岛).10. We dont have any lessons _ SundaysVI. 择正确的答案填空()

6、1. Daniel does not like basketball. He _plays it. A. sometimesB. neverC. usuallyD. often() 2. -_ do you visit a museum?-About twice a month.A. How oftenB. How manyC. What timeD. When() 3. Morning exercises help us get ready _ the day.A. inB. forC. onD. at() 4. His sister is not tall, _ she cant play

7、 basketball well.A. butB. andC. soD. because() 5. My brother always _ too much homework to do.A. hadB. havingC. haveD. has() 6.I would like to tell you _ my life here, dear Mum.A. toB. inC. forD. about() 7. _ class, we often chat _ each other.A. After; withB. After; toC. In; toD. At; with() 8.Sandy

8、does not have much time to play tennis. She _ plays tennis.A. sometimesB. neverC. seldomD. often() 9.Some dogs just dont know _ have fun.A. what toB. how toC. howD. to() 10. Is time _ dinner now?A. toB. haveC. forD. to having VII 完形填空 Where is love? How can we find love in our life?Once a little boy

9、 wanted 1 love. He knew it was a long way to where love lived, 2 he got his things ready with some pizza(比萨饼) and drink and started off. When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looked very 3 . The boy gave her a pizza. She took it and smiled

10、 at him. The smile(微笑) was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke(可口可乐). Once again she smiled. The 4 was very happy.They sat there the whole(整个的) afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing. At last the boy left(离开). But before he went more than 5 steps, he turn

11、ed around, ran back to the old woman and 6 her a hug(拥抱). The woman gave him her biggest smile.When the boy opened the 7 of his house, his mother was surprised(吃惊的) by the look of happiness on his face and asked why he was so happy. “ I had 8 with love. She has got the most beautiful smile in the wo

12、rld.”At the same time(同时), the old womans son was also surprised at his mothers pleasure(快乐) and asked why. “I ate a pizza in the park 9 love,” she said. “And is much younger than I expected(料想).”If the world is 10 of love, we can enjoy a better life.() 1. A. meetB. to meetC. metD. meeting() 2. A. s

13、oB. becauseC. butD. or() 3. A. fullB. hungryC. thirstyD. happy() 4. A. girlB. boyC. manD. young woman() 5. A. a fewB. fewC. a littleD. little() 6. A. boughtB. soldC. gaveD. called() 7. A. windowB. doorC. boxD. book() 8. A. breakfastB. lunchC. supperD. tea() 9. A. withB. andC. withoutD. or()10.A. fillB. filledC. fullD. fillingVIII 根据短


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