仁爱初中英语七上《Unit 4Topic 1 What can I do for youC》word教案 (3)

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1、Unit 4 Having Fun Topic 2 Would you like to go for a picnic?Section C. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标1. Learn some useful phrases: have a picnic, go shopping2. Talk about the invitations:(1)Would you like to have a picnic with old McDonald?Yes, Id love to.Thanks. That would be very nice.(2)What abou

2、t having a picnic with old McDonald? Id like that, thanks.(3)How about having some apple juice? Good idea!/All right. Teaching aids 教具小黑板/图片/幻灯片/挂图/录音机. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)复习、总结征求意见的表达方式及其回答,培养学生观察、总结和运用语言知识的能力。1. (教师出示小黑板,要求学生按示范练习。)T: We have learnt“Would y

3、ou like to ? How about ? What about ?”. Lets practice them. Please look at the small blackboard. Make a dialog using the expressions on it. After practice, please act it out in front of the class.(小黑板内容如下:)Would you like to ? How about ?Why not ?Yes, Id like/love to.Id like that.Good idea.All right.

4、Id like that, thanks.Sorry, I cant.No, thanks.(运用下列短语。)have a picnicgo fishingwatch TVgo shoppingdrink watereat fishhave some juice(板书并要求学生掌握。)have a picnic go shoppingExample:S1:Would you like to go fishing this afternoon?S2:Yes, Id love to. Would you like to watch TV this evening?S1:Sorry, I cant.

5、S2:Why not?S1:I have no time. How about having a picnic this Sunday?S2:Good idea. Would you like to drink water?S1:No, thanks. Id like to have some juice.2. (教师让两三组学生到台前表演,然后总结学生的练习情况。表扬优秀,鼓励后进。)Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:15分钟)由两幅图片引出本课内容,集中呈现征求意见的表达方式及其回答。激发学生的学习兴趣。1. (学习1a。教师出示两幅图片:一幅图中,只有一个人在荒

6、岛上,他很难过;另一幅中,有许多动物在岛上野炊,他们都很快乐。)T:What can you see in Picture 1?Ss:We can see a man.T:Is he happy?Ss:No, he isnt.T:Why?Ss:Because he has no friends.T:Yes, he has no friends. So he is not happy. Now, lets look at the next picture.(学生可能会对“next”产生疑问,教师可指着第二幅图,并解释“next”的意思。)T:Look at this picture. What

7、can you see?S1:I can see many animals.S2: I can see some food.T:What do they do?Ss:They have a picnic.T:Are they happy?Ss: Yes, they are.2. (让学生翻开书,读1a。)T:Now, open your books and read 1a. Then answer these questions.(教师用幻灯片展示以下问题。)(1) Who is not happy?(2) What would they like to do?(3) What would t

8、hey like to have?(4) Are they happy?(三分钟后,教师核对答案。)T:Who has the answers?S1: Let me try. McDonald is not happy.T:Good! You are clever! Next.S2: They would like to have a picnic.T:Yes. Youre clever, too! The third one.S3: They would like to have hamburgers, cakes, fish and bread.T:Yes! The last one, t

9、he whole class.Ss: Yes, they are.3. (学生再读1a,回答1b的问题。)(核对答案。完成1b。)4. (让学生听1a录音,注意语音和语调。)Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)模仿1a编一个话剧并表演,培养学生的语言迁移能力,使学生能学以致用,最终达到灵活运用语言的目的。1. (让学生看1a挂图,分角色朗读。)2. (让学生根据1a的内容,表演一个类似的话剧,五人一组完成1c。)(一个同学假装很孤单的样子,另一个同学邀请其他人与这位同学一块去野炊,并带上自己最喜欢的食物。)T: Now suppose one of your

10、friends is not happy. You will invite other friends to have a picnic with him/her. You must take your favorite food. Lets put on a short play about it. There are five students in one group. Do you understand?Ss:Yes, we do.T: OK. Lets begin. Then Ill ask some of the groups to act it out in front of t

11、he class.Example:S1:Im not happy. Id like to have a picnic with my friends.S2:Would you like to have a picnic with S1?S3:Yes, Id love to.S4:Thanks. That would be very nice.S2:What about having a picnic with S1?S5:Id like that, thanks.S3:Id like to take some bread and eggs.S4:My favorite food is chic

12、ken.S5:I want to take some cakes.3. (学生表演后,给予掌声鼓励。)T:Look! They are all very happy!Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:5分钟)听录音,集中训练征求意见的表达方式及其回答,使学生熟练掌握本课目标语言。1. (播放2录音,完成2。) T: OK. Lets listen to 2 and fill in the blanks. (教师核对答案并板书。)(1)Would you like ?(2)How/What about ?(教师用小黑板出示习题,练习短语及句型用法。)从A、B、C三个选项中选出最

13、佳答案,填在横线上。(1)I would like to the zoo with my parents today.A. goB. to goC. going(2)Mom, what about to the zoo today?Good idea!A. goB. to goC. going (师生核对答案。)2. (学生两人一组读对话,复习本课目标语言。)Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)假设邀请同学去野餐,然后根据这一情境编对话,并对对话内容进行转述,培养学生的口头表达能力和写作能力。1. (假设你要打电话邀请表中三位同学中的一位去野餐,根据表格信息编一

14、个电话会话。)KangkangFish and eggsGuitarMariaLook after her brotherJaneGo to the zoo with her parents T: If you want to invite one of the three students in the form to go for a picnic, please make a telephone call to him/her.“”means“can”,“”means“cant”,the next two are about favorite food and hobbies.Examp

15、le:(S1: Kangkang, S2: You)S1:Hello! S2:Hello, Kangkang!This is S2. Are you free this Sunday?S1:Yes, whats up?S2:Would you like to go to West Hill for a picnic?S1:Oh, Id love to.S2:Whats your favorite food?S1:Fish and eggs. S2:Dont forget to bring your guitar.S1:All right. See you then. S2:See you.2. (对对话内容进行口头转述,先让学生之间互相讲述,再请几个说得流利的学生向全班转述,口头完成3。给予优秀者掌声鼓励。


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