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1、Unit 4 Getting from A to BListening to the worldSharingScriptsF = Finn; M1 = Man 1, etc.; W1 = Woman 1, etc.Part 1F: I usually get to work by bus. It takes about half an hour. Sometimes I read a book on the way.How about you? How do you get to work?M1: I travel by bus. Um, its only one bus to work.

2、It takes about 15 minutes.M2: I get to work by car.W1: Bus.W2: I walk to work.M3: I get to work on the tube and I walk some of the way.W3: About five minutes walk to the station, Waterloo Station, and then I get on a bus which takesabout 20 25 minutes.M4: On most days I use the tube my journey into

3、work and my journey home at the end of theday.M5: I cycle to work. Thats the quickest and easiest way.W4: I cycle in to work every day on my bike.Part 2F: What do you do on your journey to work?M3: I usually listen to music or read.M1: Sometimes I listen to music and sometimes I read a book.M4: I ei

4、ther read the newspaper or I read books.W4: Take in the fresh air, the scenery, um and try to avoid holes in the road which are quitedangerous.W3: I listen to my iPod.M5: Well, sometimes, if if its a bit of a quiet road, I can think about what Im going to do thatday.W1: I I dream, usually. I just I,

5、 I love I love journeys. I love just looking out of thewindow.M2: Well, its so short; I dont actually do very much at all, apart from making sure I dont havean accident.Part 3F: What do you like about it?M4: Its fairly short, so my journey to work is only 30 minutes.W3: Its quick.M2: Its short. It o

6、nly takes me seven or eight minutes.W1: Seeing how the landscape changes through the seasons.M3: I like listening to music and having some time to think before work.M1: Its quite early in the morning, which means that the bus is always quite quiet, so um, I donthave to fight for a seat.M5: I like to

7、 have some fresh air and the exercise.W4: I just like the exercise that I get from it and being outside in the open.W2: Its not too far. I can walk or run. Its about a quarter of an hours walk, so I feel very healthy.I dont have to catch a bus.Part 4F: What dont you like about your journey to work?M

8、3: Um, I dont like it when its very busy in the mornings and I dont like it when its hot andsweaty on the tube.W1: Its a very full bus. Its packed with people because its the “work bus”.M5: There are some very bad drivers on the road.W3: Sometimes the buses get overcrowded and a lot of people are go

9、ing to the same place.W4: I really dont like cycling to work when its raining because I get wet, (and) all my books getwet.M1: In the winter its very cold that early in the morning and um, sometimes if I miss the first busI have to wait about 20 minutes for the next one to come along.W2: In winter i

10、ts very windy coming over the bridge and it makes my eyes water.M2: Its so short; theres nothing to like or dislike about it.ListeningScriptsG = Guide; V1 = Visitor 1; V2 = Visitor 2; V3 = Visitor 3G: So, ladies and gentlemen. Lets move into the transport section now. Could you all come overthis way

11、? Lets look at these photos. As you can see, these early methods of transport havetwo things in common Theyre all great ideas, great ways to travel through the air ratherthan on the ground but they werent successful! There was a big problem with each one.V1: But the monorail that was successful.G: W

12、ell, yes and no. Look at this photo on the left. Its from the World Fair in Seattle. That wasin 1962. Monorails were a very popular idea in America at that time. People wanted to leavetheir cars at home and go to work by public transport. But they werent successful monorails are difficult to build a

13、nd expensive to keep in good condition. So youre right.There are some monorails in the world but not very many!V2: Hey. Look at this photo. Is that a car under a plane?G: Oh, yes. This was a very interesting idea. People wanted to fly from Los Angeles to NewYork and then drive straight into the city

14、 center from the airport.V2: No way! How?G: Well, the idea was that the car came off the bottom of the plane and then you got in and droveaway. This was in the 1940s. Ah, yes. Look. Heres the date: 1948. It was a nice idea noairports or waiting around but it wasnt successful.V2: Why not?G: There was

15、 an engineering problem. The car was too heavy and small planes werent strongenough to carry them (it).V3: Whats this? A helicopter in the garage?G: Yes, indeed. We laugh at this now, but people were very serious about it at the time. Peoplewanted to leave home in the morning, say goodbye to the family and go to work by privatehelicopter. The idea was very popular, but, of course, it was impossible. Helicopters are verydifficult to fly and can you imagine the traffic problems in the sky? So noisy!V2: Yes. Very noisy. Theres far too much traffic th


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