八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Wild animals Period 1教案

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1、unit 5 Wild animals 一、教学目标:1、知识目标-话题功能:谈论喜欢的动物。词汇:本课时的7个新单词+有关补充的词汇 New words: wild, delicious, bear, dolphin, giant panda, kangaroo, squirrel If you eat my food, I wont talk to you.句型:If I dont have food, I die.2、能力目标:培养学生就动物选择话题的口、笔头表达能力。To describe different animals according to personal preferen

2、ces3、策略目标:(1) 词汇的图片联想记忆法 (2)合作探究法二、教学策略 1、词汇识记运用,重点句型的运用。2、如何在不同的语言环境下正确运用所学词汇和句型谈论动物。三教学步骤:一预习作业与交流Step 1 read sentences and guess 1 It has a long, soft tail and lives in the trees. It can climb trees quickly. Squirrel2 Its like a bear, but it has black and white fur. Giant panda 3 It looks like a

3、large fish in warm sea. You can watch them jump in the zoo. Dolphin4 It lives in Australia and it has a long strong tail and has strong legs. There is a useful bag for its baby kangaroo 5 Its large and heavy with thick(厚)fur. It is very strong bear6 It looks like a cat and has yellow fur and black s

4、tripes tiger7 Its a useful animal for people. When the stranger comes, itll bark. Dog8 We can get meat from them. It likes sleeping very much pigStep 2: lead-inCreate an interest in the issue of sharing the limited natural resources. Depending on the general interest of the class, use the following

5、situation:* If there is not enough food for you to survive. T: Suppose you are facing the problem now, what will you do ? Ss: If Im facing the problem, I will二教学展示与探究Step1 :listening:Play the tape for the Ss, ask them to listen carefully then try to answer the following questions: 1. What will happe

6、n if they dont eat food ?2. Is Eddie willing to share the food with Hobo?Read the article and do some True or False exercises. Check the answers.1. The food is very tasty. (T)2. Hobo can live without food. (F)3. Eddie often takes care of Hobo. (T)4. There is enough food for Hobo and Eddie. (F)Now pl

7、ease pay more attention to these two sentences.*If you eat my food, I wont talk to you. *If I dont have food, I die. step2 PracticeAsk two more able students to role-play the conversation step3 Teacher groups the Ss into two teams , One team asks ,the other team guesses the names of the animals as q

8、uickly as they can. 1. It has a long, soft tail and lives in the trees. It can climb trees quickly.2. It is the biggest animals on land. It can lift heavy things.3. It looks like a large fish in warm sea. You can watch them jump in the zoo. 4. Its like a bear, but it has black and white fur.5. It li

9、ves in Australia and it has a long strong tail and has strong legs. There is a useful bag for its baby.6. It looks like a cat and has yellow fur and black stripes.7. Its large and heavy with thick(厚)fur. It is very strong.8. It has no legs. Some of them are poisonous enough to kill people.9. We can

10、get meat from them. It likes sleeping very much.10. Its small. It is afraid of cats because cats like eating them for a nice meal.11. It is very clever. Its favorite food is banana.12. Its a useful animal for people. When the stranger comes, itll bark.step 4: Do Part A.Ss complete Part A. Check answ

11、ers orally with the whole class.step 5: Do Part BDivide Ss into groups and ask them to do the survey in Part B1 according to the conversation they just talked.Step 6: Pair-workEncourage them to discuss in pairs why they like or do not like the animals. Ask them to write down their ideas. T: Which is

12、 your favourite wild animal? S: I like best. My favourite wild animal is三,当堂检测一、词组翻译1看上去高兴2野生动物3和他们交谈4最喜欢5照顾你自己 6 in danger 7giant panda8 no one二、根据所给中文,拼写单词1.I enjoy the food very much, because it is very _(可口的).2.There are many animals in the zoo, such as _(熊)_(袋鼠)and _(老虎).3.If you _(死) ,no one w

13、ill look after me.4.The number of the _(野生的) foxes is becoming_(更小的).三、你能翻译下列句子吗?1、这食物看上去美味。2、没有人在学校门口等我。3、关于动物你了解多少?4、如果明天下雨,我不去上海。5、 如果他死了没有人会照顾你四 课堂评价小结开篇部分通过Eddie和Hobo这两个卡通人物的对话,向我们暗示了野生动物们面临挨饿的境地,从而导入保护它们这一主题;接着展示了一些珍稀野生动物的图片,让学生们学习了一些新的单词。通过课文也简单了解了条件状语从句。五 课堂活动设计本课的话题-保护野生动物是学生熟悉而感兴趣的话题,本课主要是

14、让学生学习有关野生动物的单词,所以先让学生课前预习,上课再反复读单词并且表达自己喜欢和不喜欢的动物。因此教师在教学设计与课堂教学过程中要准备充分的材料。本课也涉及了条件状语从句,教师初略的讲解其用法,使学生初步认识if引导的条件状语从句。六 Homework 1. Revise the new words(or points) and practice the sentence structure “if”; 2. Finish the exercises on workbook(学生手中的练习册)3. Write sth about your favourite wild animals and preview the next Part(Reading).


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