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1、新目标8年级上期单元测试 Unit 2听力测试(20分)一、选出与图片意义相符的选项。听一遍。(5) A B C D E1._2._3._4._5._ 二、选出与听到的句子意义相同或相近的选项。听二遍。(5)( )6. A. What do you matter? B. Whats your trouble?C. Whats your matter? D. What matter is it?( )7. A. I have a head. B. There is a pain(痛) in my head.C. I have a headache. D. My head is a pain.(

2、)8. A. You can get more energy from hot yang foods.B. If(如果) you dont eat hot yang foods, you wont have energy.C. Only hot yang foods have energy.D. The more hot yang foods you eat. The better it is for your health.( )9. A. I dont think its good. B. Im ill(生病 ).C. Im not good. D. Its not all right.(

3、 ) l0. A. Hot tea is good. B. Please drink hot tea.C. Its bad for your healthy if you don t drink hot tea.D. You need to drink some hot tea.三、听对话选择正确答案。念二遍。(5)( )11.Where are they talking?A. At Andersons home. B. In a store.C. In a hospital. D. In a post office.( ) l2. Whats wrong with Anderson?A. H

4、e has a headache. B. He has a sore throat.C. He has got a fever. D. He has a toothache.( ) l3. Is Anderson ill(生病) ?A. Yes, hes ill seriously. B. No, hes very well.C. No, but he works too hard. D. Yes, but its not serious.( ) l4. How many people are there in the dialogue?A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D.

5、 Four.( ) l5. Whats the doctors advice?A. He should stay in bed for some days.B. He should take some medicine(吃药).C. He should have some hot yang foods.D. He should have a good rest.四、根据短文回答问题。听2遍。(5)l6. Who believes people need a balance of cooling yin and hot yang?_l7. Whats the matter with a pers

6、on if hes often tired?_l8. Whats the Chinese doctors advice?_l9. Whats the matter with a person if hes angry easily?_20. What kind of food is tofu?_笔试部分一、单项选择(25)( )1、I _ its important to sleep eight hours a night. A. need B. sure C. believe( )2、Its very cold. There is _ snow on the road.A. much too

7、 B. too much C. very much( )3、People _ have good habit are popular. A. which B. those C. who( )4、My aunt looks _ and often tired. It might be because she has too much yin.A.quite B. quiet C. quietly( )5、When you are stressed out. You should _ music.A. listen to B. hear C. listen( )6、Everyone _ tired

8、 sometimes. A. get B. gets C. has( )7、Im _. I want to drink some water. A. hungry B. tired C. thirsty( )8、He isnt in _. A. at moment B. the moment C. at the moment9、I have a lot of _. A. headaches B. headache C. the headache( )10、You talk _. A. much too B. too much C. very much( )11、Tony _. A. is st

9、ress out B. stress out C. is stressed out( )12、I have a toothache. I have to _.A. go to the dentist B. go to the dentists C. see the dentists( )13、He has_. A. a headache B. the headache C. headache( )14、Did you _ some medicine? A. take B. eat C. drink( )15、Are you feeling _ today? A. better B. good

10、C. well( )16、Whats _ you? A. matter with B. matter of C. the matter with( )17、_, you should study hard at school every day.A. On the hand B. On the other hand C. On other hand( )18、She is easy to _. A. get angry B. angry C. angring( )19、_ you do your homework yesterday? A. Do B. Did C. Does( )20、If

11、you have a cold, you _ see a doctor.A. cant B. should C. shouldnt( )21、Its good _ exercise every day. A. to take B. takes C. took( )22、Can you come and play football _. A.with us B. and we C. with we( )23、She doesnt feel very well. She must stay _ .A. in home B. at the home C. at home( )24、I _ help

12、my mother. I _ go out with you.A. can,can B. may, cant C. cant, cant( )25、_ you have a sore throat? A. Do B. Are C. Can二、完型填空(10分)1、Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance _1_ yin and yang to be _2_.Are you often _3_ and often _4_ ? Maybe you have _5_ yin. You should eat hot yang foods

13、. _6_ Dangshen and Huangqi herbs is _7_ good for this. But people_8_are too stressed out may have too much yang. Its easy _9_ a healthy lifestyle. Its important to eat a _10_ diet.( )1. A. for B. of C. on( )2. A. healthy B. health C. unhealthy( )3. A. quite B. quikly C. quiet( )4. A. tied B. tired C. tried( )5. A. too many B.much too C. too much( )6. A. Eat B. Eating C. Eats( )7. A. also B. too C. either( )8. A. who B. where C. when(



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