六年级上册英语试题--期中冲刺试题(一) 译林版版(三起点) 含答案

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《六年级上册英语试题--期中冲刺试题(一) 译林版版(三起点) 含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级上册英语试题--期中冲刺试题(一) 译林版版(三起点) 含答案(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、期中冲刺试题(一)一、单选题 1.We_ a party. It was great. A.haveB.hadC.having2.Would you like , please? A.two glass of waterB.two glasses of water C.two glasses of waters3.Look! The boys _ games over there A.playingB.playC.are playing4.We can _ the floor now. A.sweepB.sweepingC.are sweeping5.I am _. Can I have so

2、me noodles? A.thirstyB.hungryC.angry6. are you late for school? Because I got up late.A.WhenB.WhatC.WhyD.Which7.My father usually newspapers in the afternoon. A.read B.reads C.reading8.Mike can swim _ dance. A.orB.withC.butD.and9.nice you are! A.WhatB.HowC.Who10. How many _ do you see? I see three.A

3、.dogB.a dogC.dogs二、单词拼写(词汇运用) 11.I like_(阅读)a book. 12.I will _ my _ this evening. 13. What can Danny do?He can _ . 14.正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号Tom today only my birthday how old Miss BirdWhats your name? My name is Mr Tiger.15.Is _(她) a teacher? Yes, she is. 三、翻译 16.Hes a doctor._ 四、情景交际 17.A:

4、 Where is he going?B: _(supermarket).五、选词填空(词汇运用) 18.选出下列算式的答案 A. six B. twelveC. three D. sevenE. eighttwo+four = _ninethree =_seven+five=_one= sixtwofour=_六、句型转换 19.There are some apples in the tree.(变为一般疑问句) 20.根据提示完成句子,按要求完成句型转换 (1)Superdog can fly. (对划线部分提问)_(2)My uncle is a bus driver. (对划线部分提

5、问)_(3)Im sad. (对划线部分提问)_(4)Simon has a long T-shirt. (一般疑问句并肯定回答)_(5)Jill likes mooncakes. (否定句)_21.Will it be hot? (作否定回答) 22.The temperature was 20 degrees yesterday. (对划线部分提问) 23.Theyre 55 yuan. (对画线部分提问) 七、阅读理解 24.阅读理解 One day, a rich old businessman in a small town meets a factory worker, a far

6、mer and a fisherman. He gives them three seeds and says, Bring me the flowers in three months. The man with the most beautiful flower Call have my money! After three months, the factory worker brings a big red flower. The farmer brings a small purple flower. But the poor fisherman brings nothing. He

7、 is very sad. I dont know why! he says. I watered it every day. You are honest! the businessman says. The seeds are bad and will never sprout(发芽)! The money is yours. The fisherman is very happy. The other two men feel ashamed and sad.阅读短文,选择正确答案。在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。(1)What does the fisherman bring to t

8、he businessman? A.A beautiful flower.B.Nothing.C.Some seeds.(2)How does the fisherman feel after three months? A.Sad.B.Angry.C.Worried.(3)Who gets the money from the businessman? A.The farmer does.B.The worker does.C.The fisherman does.(4)What does the word “ashamed” mean? A.生气的B.羞愧的C.兴奋的(5)What doe

9、s the story tell us? A.People should work hard.B.People should be honest.C.People should not tell the truth.八、书面表达 25.你通常和家人做些什么呢?想一想,写一写always / usually / often / sometimes / never go shopping / play chess / go to the park 参考答案 一、单选题1. B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. B 8. D 9. B 10. C 二、单词拼写(词汇运用)11.

10、 reading 12. read;books 13. play football 14. Tom today only my birthday how old Miss BirdWhats your name? My name is Mr Tiger.15. she 三、翻译16. 他是一名医生。 四、情景交际17. He is going to the supermarket 五、选词填空(词汇运用)18. A;C;B;D;E 六、句型转换19. Are there any apples in the tree? 20. (1)What can Superdog do?(2)Whats your uncle?/ What does your uncle do?(3)How do you feel?/ How are you?(4)Does Simon have a long T-shirt? Yes, he does.(5)Jill doesnt like mooncakes. 21. No, it wont. 22. What was the temperature yesterday? 23. How much are


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