中考英语突破复习(第一部分 语法专项)十三 情景交际课件

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《中考英语突破复习(第一部分 语法专项)十三 情景交际课件》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《中考英语突破复习(第一部分 语法专项)十三 情景交际课件(14页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、交际用语是英语教学中的重点内容,也是各地中考的热点之一。其目的是考查考生在具体情景中的交际能力和语言应用能力。情景交际试题的特点是试题情景化、语言交际化和有声语言文字化。考查交际用语的题型有听力题、口语考试中的情景反映,单项选择题等形式。解答此类试题要根据对话的情景和上下文句意,并结合中西方文化的差异来有效地答题。,情景交际,一、建议、劝告及应答 建议:Why not do sth.?/ Lets do sth. Shall I / we do sth.? Will/Would you like do sth.? Will/Would you like sth.? How/What about

2、 doing sth.? 劝告:Youd better do sth. Youre supposed to / should do sth. You need (to) do sth.,一、建议、劝告及应答 接受:Good idea. That/It sounds great. That/It would be very nice. With pleasure. Id love / like to. Ill be glad to. Yes, please. Certainly Of course Sure. No problem. I agree. I think so. 拒绝:Im afra

3、id I cant Im afraid not. I disagree. I dont think so. No, thanks. Id love / like to, but Thank you, but,情景交际,二、问候、介绍和告别 问候:Good morning/afternoon/evening. Hello/Hi. How do you do? Nice to meet you. How are you? 介绍:This is My name is 告别: Good bye./ Byebye. /See you (later) Good night.,情景交际,三、打电话 请听电话

4、:Hello. May I speak to, please? Is thatspeaking? 接电话: Hold on, please. He/ She isnt in. Can I take a message, please? Speaking. 电话中介绍自己: This is 询问对方是谁: Who is that?,情景交际,四、感谢、祝愿与同情遗憾 当别人帮了你或赞扬了你, 你应该表示感谢:Thank you vey much./ Thanks a lot./Many thanks./ Thanks for 当别人要去做一件事时或有喜事时,你应该表示祝愿: Good luck.

5、 /Best wishes./ Have a nice time. 当别人发生不幸的事情,应该表示同情与遗憾: What a pity!/ I am sorry to hear that.,情景交际,五、就医、就餐与购物 (1)就医: 医生说的话: Whats wrong with you?/ Whats the matter with you?/ How long have you been like this? / Take this medicine three times a day./ Nothing serious.等 病人说的话:Ive got a headache/ fever

6、 / cold./ I dont feel well. / I am not feeling well./ There is something wrong withfordays等。,情景交际,五、就医、就餐与购物 (2)就餐: 服务员说的话: Can I help you?/ What can I do for you?/ What would you like for supper? / Would you like something to drink?/ What else would you like? 顾客说的话: Id like some/Give me some, pleas

7、e. 等,情景交际,五、就医、就餐与购物 (3)购物: 导购员说的话:Can I help you?/ What can I do for you? /What color do you like?/ What size do you want?/ What else would you like等。 顾客说的话: Id like some/ Give me some, please./How much is it / are they?/Ill take it. / Ill think about it.等。,情景交际,六、天气、请求帮助 (1)天气: Whats the weather l

8、ike?/How is the weather? /Its sunny/rainy/cloudy/snowy. (2)请求帮助: Excuse me, would you mind doing sth./Would you please do sth.?,情景交际,七、问路、禁止、警告与常见标志 (1)问路: Excuse me, could you please tell me the way to/which is the way to/if there is anear here等。 Go along the road./Take the second turning on the ri

9、ght/left./Go down the road to the end./You wont miss it.等,情景交际,七、问路、禁止、警告与常见标志 (2)禁止或警告别人:You cant do./You mustnt./You are not allowed to/If you, you will./Be careful./Take care./Look out. (3)常见标志和说明:EXIT(出口) NO SMOKING(禁止 吸烟) ENTRANCE(入口) NO PARKING(不准停车) NO PHOTOS(不准照相) DANGER(危险) BUSINESS HOURS(营

10、业时间)等,情景交际,互动一,D,A,( )1.Hurry up, or we will miss the sea lion show in the Ocean Park. _. We still have fifteen minutes before the show begins. (2015广东省卷) ATake it easy BGood luck CI guess so DTake care,( )2.I feel really tired. _ (2014深圳) ALucky you! BYoud better work harder. CCongratulations! DWhy not go and have a rest?,互动一,D,C,( )3.Would you like some noodles? _. Im not hungry now. (2014湛江) AYoure welcome BYes, please CNo, thanks DHere you are,( )4. I think we should ask people to use public transport more often. _ (2015沈阳) ANever mind BNot at all CSorry DI agree,


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