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1、烟台大学 硕士学位论文 立法设租的法理学研究 姓名:于滨晓 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:理论法学 指导教师:汤唯 20100312 I 摘 要 自 1988 年吴敬琏等一批经济学家将寻租理论引入中国以来,寻租理论就在我国快速发 展,并在经济学、政治学、法学等领域得到了广泛的认可。与此同时,作为寻租理论的一个 分支,设租理论也取得了一定程度的发展。另一方面,随着我国法治程度的提高,社会对国 家政权的监督出现了扩大化的趋势, 人们的注意力跳出了司法行政领域, 向立法领域投去了 目光。立法设租就是在这个背景下出现的新兴理论。目前我国的法律数量,尤其是行政法规 出现了爆发式的增长,这在一定程度上给各利益

2、集团在立法过程中进行设租创造了便利条 件,为自己创造超额的不当利润。从现实情况来看,立法设租在中国实现的可能性并不大, 反而是在国外极少出现的立法设租在中国则层出不穷。 这是中国社会改革过程中, 传统文化 与现代经济互相碰撞的必然结果。立法设租,从表面上看是立法者自身自律性不高的后果, 究其根本, 确是因为我国目前的法律没有对立法过程中的徇私行为进行规制的结果, 这种立 法设租行为如果任其发展下去, 将对我国的法律环境造成较大的影响, 必须及时从立法制度 上进行适当改革,将立法设租的危害降低到最低。 本文共分三个部分, 第一部分是对立法设租的概论。 首先从经济学的角度, 对租、 寻租、 设租三

3、个概念进行了比较全面的解释, 得出设租比寻租危害性更大的初步结论, 并分析出设 租理论在法学理论界独立的必要性, 由此将立法设租与立法寻租区分开来; 再从主体、 客体、 内容等方面对解释了立法设租的概念, 从流程上介绍了立法设租的整个过程。 对立法设租的 特征进行总结,提出了立法设租主体精英化、手段多样化、后果广泛化等观点。第二部分是 对立法设租的学理分析,先从法理学、法经济学、政治学三个角度对立法设租的背景进行分 析,说明立法设租在我国存在的有利条件;再从法律运行、经济发展、社会文明三个角度分 析立法设租的后果。在这部门中,列举了大量我国近年来出现的立法案例,指出其中的不合 理现象, 并从立

4、法设租的角度上对这些案例进行解释。 第三章是从治理的角度讨论了立法设 租,先是介绍了我国现有制度对立法设租治理的成功经验,再分别从立法主体、立法程序、 立法监督三个方面介绍了一些具体制度,并讨论其合理性与可行性。在这一部分中,本文参 考了大量我国宪法与立法法的法条,以立、改两者相结合为方针,将其与国外相关 制度进行比对,并针对立法设租这一独特的现象,对我国立法制度提出了针对性的意见。 关键词:关键词:立法设租;寻租;立法程序 II Abstract In 1988, rent-seeking theory is introduced to China by Wu Jinglian and a

5、group of economists ,which has been on the rapid development in China in the field of economics, political science, law, etc. Then, as the rent-seeking theory, a branch of rent-setting theory has achieved some degree of development. On the other hand, with the degree of increase of Chinas rule of la

6、w, the community supervision of state power magnification of trends have emerged, peoples attention out of the administration of justice, went to the legislature voted the field of vision. Rent is based on this legislation against the backdrop of the emerging theory. At present the number of Chinas

7、laws, especially the explosive emergence of administrative rules and regulations of growth, which to some extent, to the various interest groups in the legislative process to set rents will create favorable conditions for their improper profits and create surplus. From a practical point of view, the

8、 legislative rent-setting in China are not likely to achieve the contrary, it is very rare outside the legislative rent-setting in China is endless. This is the process of reform in Chinese society, traditional culture and modern economy, the inevitable result of collisions with each other. Legislat

9、ive rent-setting, on the surface is the legislators own self-discipline is not high, the consequences of the fundamental study is indeed because of our current law is not on the legislative process in the conduct of regulatory favoritism result of rent-setting behavior of such legislation, if goes o

10、n, it will be Chinas legal environment places a greater impact, we must promptly carry out appropriate reforms from the legislative system, the legislative rent-based harm reduction to a minimum. This paper is divided into three parts, the first part of the rent-based overview of legislation. First,

11、 from an economic point of view, for rent, rent-seeking, rent-setting three concepts of a more comprehensive explanation of come-based rent a bigger danger than the rent-seeking preliminary conclusions, and analysis of a rent-setting theory in legal theory circles the need for independence, thus the

12、 legislative and legislative rent-seeking rent-setting to distinguish; further from the subject, object, content, interpretation of the legislation in terms of rent-based concept, introduced from the process of legislative rent-setting throughout the process. Rent based on the characteristics of the

13、 legislative summary of proposed legislative rent-setting of the main elite in various ways, the consequences of such a broad point of view. The second part of the legislative rent-based theoretical III analysis, starting with jurisprudence, law and economics, political science point of view of thre

14、e rent-based background of the legislative analysis of legislation, rent-setting favorable conditions exist in our country; and then run from the law , economic development, social civilization and the legislative point of view of three rent-based consequences. In this sector, citing a large number

15、of cases in China in recent years the legislation, pointing out the irrational phenomenon, and rent from the legislative point of view based on the interpretation of these cases. The third chapter is discussed in terms of governance based rent legislation, first introduced Chinas current system of r

16、ent control legislation established the successful experience, and then separately from the legislative bodies, legislative procedures, legislative oversight three describes some of the specific system, and discuss the rationality and feasibility. In this section, this article made reference to a large number of Chinas “Constitution“ and “Legislation Law“, this law in order to lap, to change a combination of both for the principle of its foreign-related systems and compare, and rent



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