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1、Emperor? Empress? Mother? Nun? is it anything occurs to you?,Emperor Wu,Who is Emperor Wu?,The only female emperor in Chinese history.,personal name Wu Zhao (武曌) she often referred to as Tian Hou (天后) during Tang Dynasty she see herself as an Empress Consort Wu (武后) in later times, was the only woma

2、n in the history of China to asme the title of Empress Regnant. she then broke all precedents when she founded her own dynasty in 690, the Zhou (周) (interrupting the Tang Dynasty) she ruled personally under the name Sacred and Divine Empress Regnant (聖神皇帝),乾陵无字碑空文,费尽天下贤士心。江山一改江山旧,日月变换空余音。(瞾),The sto

3、ry of her life Wu Zetian was born of a royal lineage during the Tang Dynasty. She entered Emperor gaozus harem (闺房里的妻妾群)when she was 13 and that of the ccessive emperor Gao after. A master of manipulation(操纵), Wu Zetian peraded the emperor to declare her one rank below the empress consort. Eventuall

4、y, the Emperor married Wu. When Gao ffered a stroke five years later, Wu governed behind the scenes. She created a secret police force to spy on her opposition,killing those who stood in her way,After Gaos death she controlled through puppet emperors, her sons Zhong and Rui. She finally proclaimed h

5、erself Emperor, the first woman to do so. Wu ruled until her 80s when she was unable to controll anything. She died shortly after. Despite her ruthless climb to power, her rule was excellent. Wu reduced the size of the standing army, and replaced aristocratsrstkrt; rst- in the government with schola

6、rs. She was fair to the peasantry, lowering taxes, raising agricultural production, and strengthening public works. Wu also campaigned to elevate the status of women and had scholars write biographies of famous women.,ch a legend person ,whats wuzetians role in history?,Emperor tais CaiRen(a kind of

7、 Tang concubinesknkjubain妾) A nun Empress Emperor,Emperor tais CaiRen(a kind of Tang concubinesknkjubain妾),A nun: since the death of emperor tai she was sent to the temple to practice,Empress: With wisdom and courage she is struggles in life and finally sit on the queens chair,Emperor: as an ambitio

8、us woman she can not be willing to be a queen.So she use all means and strategy for the staus of emperor . let us thinking.,Women were allowed to have their own property Employ talented women Gave some status to women Chang An-the most cosmopolitan city,shes contribution,ShangGuanYis granddaughter w

9、aner shangguan who is employed by wuzetian proves that the status of women improved,shes contribution Appointed many talented people Pay attention to military defense Create a centralized regime A prosperous national economy and stable social order,An indispensable link A bold reformer Keju Educatio

10、nal Systems Remove political enemies Improve agriculcural production,The characteres that wu had,Wu took the whole situation into account and plan accordingly 武则天具备一个皇帝的统筹全局观念 Wu could judge the hour and size up the situation 武则天能够审时度势 Wu could bring peoples ability into play 武则天也是一位善于用人,唯才是举的领袖 Wu

11、had a unfathomable wisdom 武则天拥有深不可测的智慧 Wu had a psychological quality that not all people have武则天拥有常人所不具备的心理素质 Wu was a broad-minded emperor 武则天心胸宽广,The characters that wu had,1. 武则天具备一个皇帝的统筹全局观念。一个人,特别是一个女人不能够高屋建瓴的统筹国家的全局是不可能成为一个泱泱帝国的合格皇帝的。武则天具备这样的能力,是依靠她辅佐唐高宗皇帝积累的经验练就的这一能力。多少年来的政治波诡云谲不仅练就了武则天高屋建瓴的

12、全局观念,也练就了武则天深不可测的城府。一个伟大的政治家。只有做到喜怒不形于色,才能让其政治对手找不到她的弱点而无从下手。,The characteres that wu had,2武则天能够审时度势。面对千古一帝唐太宗。武则天一度锋芒毕露。然而,锋芒毕露并没有给武则天带来唐太宗的青睐。相反几乎给武则天带来了杀身之祸。面对千古一帝唐太宗李世民,我们不妨试想,如果当时武则天就暴露出自己的野心,后果是什么?不说,大家都明白。于是武则天韬光养晦,这就为自己的以后崛起留下伏笔。,The characteres that wu had,3武则天也是一位善于用人,唯才是举的领袖。武则天的用人和李治的用人有

13、很大的区别。李治用人完全是为国为民。武则天不是。武则天用人绝大部分是为国为民,但武则天有私心。比如:武则天用酷吏。于国于民有百害而无一利。而对武则天而言则是利大于弊。武则天可以用酷吏铲除异己。应当看到武则天主要用的还是国家栋梁和治国良材。例如:狄仁杰等。,The characters that wu had,4武则天拥有深不可测的智慧。做到了运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外。这不是说武则天是诸葛亮。武则天与诸葛亮有本质的不同。诸葛亮能够做到运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外完全依靠诸葛亮自己的神机妙算和缜密的推测。武则天不是。武则天能够做到运筹帷幄之中,决胜千里之外。除了靠缜密的推测、女人的直觉主要还是武则

14、天那无孔不入的情报网给武则天提供了准确而及时的情报,The characters that wu had,5. 武则天拥有常人所不具备的心理素质和决绝的断然作为。武则天可以做到六亲不认,自己的女儿都可以亲手扼杀。可见她要有多么强悍的心理素质和决绝的断然作为。 6. 武则天精通历史。武则天不仅精通历史,并且能够以史为鉴。武则天想当皇帝。不是说迫不及待的登基。而是循序渐进,一步一步的谋夺皇位。她发现什么神迹、搞什么泰山封禅、嵩山封禅,目的是什么?就是告诉世人她武则天是天命所归,弥勒下凡。造反反对武则天就是反对上天,是逆天而行。逆天而行,就人人得而诛之。 7.武则天心胸宽广,察纳雅言。面对反对者、面

15、对讨武檄文。武则天淡然一笑。武则天没有拍案而起,而是遗憾人才骆宾王没有为自己所用。而对于狄仁杰,武则天信任有加,言听计从。,powerness on her opposition Killed many people ,including her two sons and baby daughter Appointed many cruel officials,Dark sides,wuzetian has four sons and one daughter: 李弘 李贤 李显 李旦 太平,She had many male-concubines,and she committed them

16、 In the end she has build a Wordless gravestone,in Chinas history ,Wu zetian as the first female emperor. shes contribution and faults , which can not judge by people in a few words .shes soft and strong , wise and decisive has prove that the women of the social satus has been improved. however people had to rprised with her cruel political means. no matter how she wants to get the power of emporer



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