2019年秋九年级英语上册 unit 1 stay healthy lesson 1 what’s wrongdanny导学课件(新版)冀教版

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1、Lesson 1 Whats Wrong, Danny?,课前自主预习,课堂互动探究,Unit 1 Stay Healthy,课前自主预习,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,stomach,stomachs,regret,regretted,regretted,fever,pale,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,examination,exam,pain,pardon,Xray,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,regret doing,get/have a high fever,get dressed,take an Xr

2、ay,立即; 马上,叫醒,唤醒,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,regret,up,wrong,well,wakes,Whats,feel,eating,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,got,Need,go,a,high,fever,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,gets,needs,need,dressed,to,stay,take,to,课堂互动探究,词汇点睛,1 regret v . &n. 惋惜;懊悔;遗憾,观察 I regret eating so many donuts now. 现在我后悔吃了那么多面包圈

3、。 I regret to tell you some bad news. 我很遗憾告诉你一些坏消息。,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,探究 regret doing sth.意为“_”, 指对_的事情表示遗憾、后悔;regret to do sth. 意为“_”,指对_的事情 表示遗憾,强调事情_。,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,后悔做了某事,做过,遗憾去做某事,要做,未做,拓展,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,活学活用,1(1)Did you talk back to your mother when you wer

4、e a child? Yes. But now I realize I was wrong. I really regret _ that silly thing to my mum. Ado Bto do Cdoing Ddid,C,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,【解析】考查非谓语动词的用法。句意:“当你是个孩子的时候,你和你妈妈顶过嘴吗?”“是的。但是现在我意识到我错了。我真的后悔对妈妈做了那种愚蠢的事。”regret to do sth.意为“对要做的事感到遗憾(未做)”; regret doing sth.意为“后悔做某事(已做)” 。根据句意可知事情已做过。

5、故选C。,(2)2017无锡 Do you really want to do this, my boy? Think twice! Or you_ (regret) it one day.,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,will regret,2 get a high fever 发高烧,观察 Youve got a high fever, son. 儿子,你发高烧了。,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,have/get a bad fever,have,探究 get a high fever相当于_ a high fever, 同义短语为_。

6、,拓展表示有某种“病症,症状”时,常用“have/get a名词”结构,have/get在此类短语中译为“患上”, 常用于以下搭配:have a fever 发烧 have a cough 咳嗽 have a cold 感冒 have a stomachache 胃痛 have a headache 头疼,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,2You look sick. Do you have a _ fever? Atall Bhigh Cbadly Dworse,B,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,3 get dressed 穿衣服,观察 Da

7、nnys father gets dressed quickly. 丹尼的爸爸迅速穿上衣服。 Can the little boy dress himself? 那个小男孩能自己穿衣服吗?,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,动/名,名/动,探究 dress 既可作_词,也可作_词。作动词时, 常用于以下搭配: get dressed, be dressed in, dress sb.。,辨析 get dressed, be dressed in与dress,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,She was dressed in a green dre

8、ss. 她穿着一条绿色的连衣裙。 The girl has a beautiful dress. 那个女孩有一条漂亮的连衣裙。 His daughter can dress herself. 他的女儿会自己穿衣服。,3(1)那个男孩迅速穿上衣服,冲向学校。 The boy _ _ quickly and rushed to school. (2)我的英语老师穿着一件新毛衣。 My English teacher _ _ _ a new sweater.,in,got,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,dressed/dressed himself,is,dressed,句

9、型透视,1 Its 3:00 a. m. Danny wakes up his parents. 现在是凌晨3点。丹尼叫醒了他的父母。,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,探究 wake up在句子中用作实义动词短语,意为“_”,其后接_词作宾语时,宾语放在wake与up之间或up之后均可;其后接_词作宾语时,必须放在 wake 与up _,且必须用_格形式。 Please wake me up at six tomorrow morning. 请在明天早晨六点叫醒我。,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,拓展 wake up还可以用作不及物动词短语,意

10、为“醒来”。,叫醒,唤醒,名,代,之间,宾,活学活用,1(1)_, Jim! Its time to get up and have breakfast. A. Wake up B. Make up C. Grow up D. Look up (2)今天早上我在五点就醒来了。 I_ _ at five this morning.,A,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,woke,up,2 Whats wrong, Danny? 丹尼,你怎么了?,探究询问“某人/某物怎么样或出什么毛病了”,常用以下句型: Whats wrong with? Whats the trouble with? Whats the matter with? Whats wrong, Brian? 布莱恩,你怎么了? I have a fever. 我发烧了。,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,22017宜昌 You dont look well._ with you? I have a fever and cant stop coughing. AWhats happening BWhat is it CWhats on DWhats the matter,D,Lesson 1 Whats Wrong,Danny?,


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