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1、Lesson 7 China教学目标:1、掌握、运用map China,speak,Chinese and the capital city等词汇。2、能够听、说、认读句子:What is the capital city of China? What do you speak in China? 3、用简单的英语介绍我们的祖国古迹名胜。a map of the worldmap of China. We live in China . We speak Chinese.This is aChinese 有三个含义:汉语、中国的、中国人 例如: 我们说汉语。 We speak Chinese.

2、我是中国人。 I am Chinese.我是一个中国男孩。 I am a Chinese boy.What is the capital city of China?Beijing is the capital city of China.starThis is Chinas flag. It is red. It has five yellow stars.小组内学习,之后进行小展示。mapChina Chinese flagcapital city打开课本小组内学一学,完成下列问题。Where does LiMing live?He lives in China. What does he

3、 speak in China? He speaks Chinese. What is the capital city of China? Its Beijing. What colour is Chinas flag? Its red. It has five yellow stars.Famous places in ChinaTiananmen Squarethe Palace Museumthe Great Wall请打开课 本读一读!谁最热爱China小 组选个优秀的导 游介绍一下吧!1)We speak C_ hinese in China. in China. 2)We liv

4、e_ 3)We have the P_Museum in alace China. 4)Chinas flag has yellow s_. tars 5)Beijing is the c_ apital city of China.家庭作业:流利朗读课文,书写单词。拓展与运用 让学生通过查阅资料或向家长、老师请教,介绍我国其他方面值得我们骄傲的东西。如:中国的其他名胜古迹万里长城、秦陵兵马俑、秦皇宫、颐和园等。 四、家庭作业: 将今天学习的中国的信息归类: 如:国家名称:China 国旗 :It is red ,It has yellow stars. 语言:chinese 地理位置:the U.S is east of China . 名胜古迹:the Palace Mueseum , Tiananmen Square.教学板书:Lesson 7 ChinaChina: flag yellow starsspeak-Chinesecapital citythe Palace Mueseum , Tiananmen Square. Great Wall2



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