(四上)unit 6 b let's learn

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《(四上)unit 6 b let's learn》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《(四上)unit 6 b let's learn(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、PEP四年级上册 Unit 6 Meet My Family! 第四课时教学设计 一、教学内容 四年级上级Unit 6 Part B Lets learn 二、教学目标 1.知识与技能目标: (1)能听、说、读新授单词,cook, driver, farmer, doctor, nurse. (2)能综合运用句型:Whats your fathers job? My father is a doctor.2.情感目标:初步激发学生对各行各业的热爱和尊重,以及对父母的感恩之情。 3.文化目标:了解多种职业的特征。 三、教学重点难点 1.重点:掌握5个单词的读音。2.难点:掌握句型:Whats y

2、our fathers job? My father is a doctor. 四、课前准备: 单词卡、职业头饰(农民、司机、医生、护士、厨师)、表演道具(道具方向盘,道具听诊器,道具注射器,道具蛋糕)、课件。五、教学步骤 Step 1: Warm-up/Revision (1) Greetings.(2) 介绍学习内容:unit 6 Meet my family Part B,介绍本次教学奖励方式:吃葡萄(在黑板左下方画三串葡萄分别代表三个组,表现好的同学每次可以吃掉一颗葡萄,到课堂结束后,吃掉最多的即剩下最少的一组获胜)。(3) 复习表示家庭成员称呼的单词 T: lets review t

3、he words about our family. Remember each word and then guess what it is according to the head portrait.Step 2: PresentationT:Today I will tell you a love story.And some students will come here to help me.1.学习单词:farmer driver doctor nurse cook(1)学习farmer (扮演farmer的同学上场)T:There is a farmer working ver

4、y hard (出示farmer词卡,教读farmer :farmer farmer,he is a farmer.教读完后将词卡粘在黑板上,学生再读三遍。)(2)学习driver(扮演driver的同学上场)T:One day he hurt himself.Farmer farmer,wake up!At this moment,here is a driver coming here.(出示driver词卡,教读driver driver,he is a driver.教读完后将词卡粘在黑板上,学生再读三遍。)Driver driver,come on,come on!(3)学习doct

5、or(扮演doctor的同学上场)T:Now the farmer is in the hospital.The doctor helps him.(出示doctor词卡,教读 doctor doctor,he is a doctor.教读完后将词卡粘在黑板上,学生再读三遍。)(4)学习nurseT:There is a nurse,she works in the hospital.(出示nurse词卡,教读nurse nurse nurse,she is a nurse.教读完后将词卡粘在黑板上,学生再读三遍。)(5)学习cookT:The farmers brother is a coo

6、k.He takes some cake to see the farmer.(出示cook词卡,教读cook cook ,he is a cook.教读完后将词卡粘在黑板上,学生再读三遍。)(6) T:Why the farmer can be healthy ?Because the driver ,the doctor, the nurse and the cook help him(依次指向角色扮演的各位同学).(角色扮演者下场)(7) 学习job (8) All of these words are about jobs.(出示job词卡)So,whats meaning of jo

7、b? You can speak in Chinese.(引导学生回答job是职业的意思)用词卡教读job:job job job,I love my job.将词卡贴在黑板上,学生再读三遍。)(7) 带读(提醒口型)-指名读-齐读(齐读时学生读一个老师摘一张词卡下来,直到摘完)(角色扮演者再上场)(8) Game:找词卡T:(对角色扮演者)Come again.Whats your job?(一边给黑板上的job加上问号)I will hide the cards in the desks,and you must go down and find out your own word and

8、 then come back. (教师将五张单词卡分别藏到不同的桌箱里,示意同学们用读词的声音大小来提醒找词卡的同学词卡的位置,当他离词卡越近,则声音越大,反之越小。)五名同学依次去找出代表自己所扮演职业的单词卡。(教师此时在黑板上板书:What his.衔接job,在job 后面板书He is a.为下一环节教学作准备)2.学习句式:Whats.job?.is a .(六名职业扮演者找到词卡上台。)(1)T:(指着farmer扮演者,教读黑板上的对话)Whats his job?He is a farmer. (将farmer词卡贴到黑板上,以下同)(2)T:(依次指着各位角色扮演者提问,

9、直到都问周到)Whats his job? Ss:He is a.(当问到护士的时候,强调使用单词her /she)(职业扮演者下场)(3) 将词条“your fathers”贴在句子中(覆盖“Whats his job?”中的“his”,使句子变成Whats your fathers job?),引导学生理解句意,教读,并用句型He is a.进行回答用同样的方法教学Whats your mothers job? She is a.Step 3:Practice1.T:(提问任意同学)Whats your father job?/Whats your mothers job?(提问3-5名同

10、学,也可以让学生反过来提问。) 2.同桌对话练习T:Make dialogues in pairs,you can ask the jobs about your partners father,mother,brother,sister and so on .My turn,your turn.3.Make dialogues in circle.T:Now,were going to talk about jobs in a big circle.When the music started ,you just go along the circle .When the music sto

11、pped ,you stop.What you have to do is to talk with your new partner about jobs. (示意学生排列成内外两个大圈,每次音乐响起时,外圈同学顺时针行走,内圈同学逆时针行走,音乐停时会遇见一个新的搭档,两两相对的每组同学用所学举行进行一个完整的对话,如此循环。)请一名同学与老师作对话示范:A:Hello!B:Hi!A:Whats your fathers job?B:He is a.Whats your mothers job?A:She is a.B:Thank you,goodbye!A:Goodbye.学生进行圈内对

12、话练习。Step 4 Consolidation1. Read all the words .2.读对话,连线并加标点,形成完整的句子。3.The emotional education(渗透情感教育) (Teacher speaks as the music goes.)Both my father and mother are farmers.We dont have so much money.But we are very happy.Because we love everyone in the family.When we are young ,parents are our te

13、achers .When we go to school,parents are our drivers.When we are hungry,theyre the cooks.When we are ill,they are doctors.They love us.Lets say:father and mother,I love you!Step 5 Homework1. Read the words after school.2. Tell your parents that you love them.3. Classroom assessment T:Lets count the number of grapes left in each group.(评出获胜的一组,表扬,鼓励其他两组要加油并祝贺获胜小组。)板书设计:Unit 6 Meet my family!B Lets learnWhats your fathers job?your mothers He /She is a farmer. driver. doctor. nurse. cook.


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