2017届高考英语一轮复习 unit 5 music导学案 新人教版必修2

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1、Unit 5Music写得准用得活积得多1.pretend vt. 假装;假扮2.attach vt.& vi. 系上;缚上;附加;连接3.form vt. (使)组成;形成;构成4.broadcast n& vi.& vt. 广播;播放5.musician n. 音乐家6.familiar adj. 熟悉的;常见的;亲近的7.invitation n邀请;招待invite vt.邀请8.passerby n过路人;行人passersby (pl.)9.perform vt.& vi.表演;履行;执行performance n表演;演奏performer n表演者10.rely vi.依赖;依

2、靠reliable adj.可靠的;可信赖的11.humorous adj.幽默的;诙谐的humor n幽默12.attractive adj.吸引人的;有吸引力的attract vt.吸引attraction n吸引;吸引力;吸引人的事物13.confident adj.自信的;确信的confidence n自信;信任14.brief adj.简短的;简要的 n摘要;大纲briefly adv.简要地;短暂地15.devotion n投入;热爱devote vt.投入;热爱devoted adj.献身的;忠诚的16.sensitive adj.敏感的;易受伤害的;灵敏的sense n感觉;感

3、官用所给词的适当形式填空1.We need to make this type of car attractive (attract) to a wider range of people.2.Roger turned down the invitation (invite) to speak at the science conference.3.He gave her a confident smile and his confidence made her faced with challenge bravely.(confident)4.After a brief pause, he

4、began to end the meeting briefly with only a few words.(brief)5.The doctor performed the operation quite well and the director was very satisfied with his performance and praised him as a real performer of difficult operations.(perform)6.Few people are able to devote themselves fully to their career

5、s. Once they are devoted to them, their devotion must bring them a big success.(devote)7.He has a sense of humor. As soon as he came back from his holiday, he gave a humorous account of his trip to America.(humor)8.My friend is a reliable person, and you can rely on it that he will give you a hand.(

6、rely)1.ician后缀高频名词全扫描musician 音乐家physician 内科医生electrician 电工beautician 美容师magician 魔术师technician 技术员2.合成名词一览passerby过路人;行人steamboat 汽船armchair 扶手椅sandstorm 沙尘暴teamwork 协作airport 飞机场3.与“音乐”有关的高频单词集锦perform vt. 演出;表演performance n. 演出;表演classical adj. 古典的compose vt.&vi. 作(曲)composer n. 创作者conduct vt.

7、指挥conductor n. (乐队等的)指挥album n. 专辑写得准用得活积得多1.dream_of梦见;梦想;设想2.to_be_honest 说实在地;实话说3.attach_._to 认为有(重要性、意 义);附上;连接4.in_cash 用现金;有现钱5.play_jokes_on 戏弄6.rely_on 依赖;依靠7.be/get_familiar_with 熟悉;与熟悉 起来8.or_so 大约9.break_up 打碎;分裂;解体10.in_addition 另外;也11.sort_out 分类12.above_all 最重要;首先选用左栏短语填空1.It took qui

8、te a while to sort_out our luggage from others.2.It is strongly recommended that the girl should break_up with those boys, because they are addicted to drugs.3.Those who you can rely_on at any time are true friends and they will always stand by you no matter what happens.4.He is always honest and do

9、esnt talk much. Never did it occur to me that he should have played_jokes_on me at yesterdays party.5.Please pay in_cash,_for credit cards cannot be used in this supermarket.1.“v.on”短语小结rely on 依靠;依赖depend on 依靠;取决于take on 雇用;呈现put on 上演;穿上focus on 集中于2.“v.up”短语全接触break up分裂;打碎build up 逐渐增强;建立hang u

10、p 挂起来;挂断电话pick up 偶然习得;捡起bring up 抚养;教育make up 虚构;弥补;组成show up 出现;露面take up 占据;从事背原句记句式会仿用1.The musicians were to play jokes on each other as well as play music, most of which was based loosely on the Beatles.组成乐队的音乐人演奏音乐,还彼此打趣逗乐。这些玩笑和音乐大多都在模仿“甲壳虫”乐队。most of which .是“名词/代词介词关系代词”结构引导的定语从句。应一些英语学习者的要

11、求,他出版了许多书,其中一本是关于英语习语的。At the request of some English learners, he has published a lot of books, one_of_which_is_about_English_idioms.2.Their personal life was regularly discussed by people who did not know them but talked as if they were close friends.一些不认识他们的人也在不断地讨论他们的私生活,而且就像是他们的密友一样在谈论他们。as if/

12、though “似乎;好像”,引导方式状语从句,从句常用虚拟语气。他谈论起长城好像长城是他自己建造的一样。He talked about the Great Wall as if it had_been_built by himself.3.Freddy and his band could not go out anywhere without being followed.弗雷迪和他的乐队无论走到哪里都会有人跟随。not . without .意为“没有就不能”。这是一种双重否定句式,表示肯定意义。学生不出示学生证,就进入不了图书馆。Not a student has access to

13、the library without_showing_his_or_her_student_card.1pretend vt.& vi.假装;假扮;扮演教材原句Do you sing karaoke and pretend you are a famous singer like Song Zuying or Liu Huan?你唱卡拉OK时是否假装自己就是宋祖英或刘欢一样的著名歌星?pretendJacy pretended to_have_known (know) everything about it and said nothing.杰西假装对此已了解了一切,一句话也没说。He pr

14、etended to_be_reading (read) an important document when the boss came in.老板进来时他假装在看一份重要文件。I had been lying to myself, pretending (pretend) that everything was fine.我一直对自己撒谎,假装一切顺利。名师指津和pretend有类似用法(后接to do/to be doing/to have done)的动词还有happen, appear, seem, claim等及be said to结构。2attach vt.附上;系上;贴上;使依

15、恋教材原句To be honest, a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.说实在地,许多人把名和利看得很重。(1)attach . to .把固定/附在上attach great importance/significance to sth. 认为非常/很有意义(2)attached adj. 依恋;附属于be attached to 附属于;依恋Many of us teenagers attach_much_more_importance_to our phones than to our friends.(2014


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