2017届高考英语一轮复习 unit 4 body language高考提能练 新人教版必修4

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1、Unit 4 Body language阅读理解组块专练练速度(限时:35分钟).阅读理解A(2016山西大学附中第五次月考)My grandfather died more than twentyfive years ago. I was fifteen then. He was kind, strong, fair, and very funny. When I was a young musician, he was my biggest fan. I played my violin for him when he visited, and he loved everything, b

2、ut each time he had one request. “Could you play Amazing Grace?” he asked, full of hope and with a twinkle in his eye, because he knew my answer was always, “I dont know that one!” We went through this routine at every major holiday, and I always figured Id have time to learn it for him later.About

3、the time I entered high school and started guitar, Grandpa got cancer. The last time I saw him alive was Thanksgiving weekend in 1985. My mom warned us that Grandpa didnt look the same anymore and that we should prepare ourselves. For a moment I didnt recognize him. He looked so small among all the

4、white sheets. We had all gathered in Ohio for the holiday, and Im sure we all knew we were there to say goodbye. I can see now that Grandpa held on long enough to see us each one more time. I remember how we ate in the dining room and laughed and talked while Grandpa rested in his hospital bed. I wo

5、nder if it was sad for him to be alone with our voices and laughter.Knowing Grandpa, he was probably content.The next morning I found my moment alone with him. I pulled out my guitar, tuned to his appreciative gaze, and finally played for him Amazing Grace. I had worked on it for weeks, knowing it n

6、ever mattered whether I actually played it well and choosing not to believe as I played that it was my last concert for my biggest fan. The cancer had stolen his smile, but I saw joy in his eyes. He held my hand afterward, and I knew I had done something important.I argued with people all through co

7、llege about my music major. I was told by strangers that music wouldnt make me any money and it wasnt useful like being a doctor. But I know firsthand that with music I was able to give my grandpa something at a point when no one else could.语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要回忆了作者和爷爷之间的故事。1At first the author didnt

8、play Amazing Grace for Grandpa because _.Ashe hadnt learned it yet Bshe found it difficult to playCshe disliked playing itDher grandfather was just joking 解析:选A细节理解题。根据第一段中的“I dont know that one!. I always figured Id have time to learn it for him later.”可知,作者当时不会演奏Amazing Grace。故答案选A。2From the last

9、sentence in Paragraph 2 we can infer that Grandpa _.Atreasured love from familyBwas used to living alone Cwas too weak to feel anythingDwas optimistic about his health解析:选A句意猜测题。根据画线句子可知,作者的爷爷虽然病危,但是听到孩子们的声音和笑声,仍感到满足。由此可推知,作者的爷爷很看重亲情。故答案选A。3When the author finally played Amazing Grace for Grandpa, s

10、he_.Amade him smile joyfullyBknew she must play it wellCbrought him love and comfortDbelieved she could play it many times for him 解析:选C推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“I had worked on it for weeks”“his appreciative gaze”可知,作者这样做体现了作者对她的爷爷的爱;再根据本段中的“The cancer had stolen his smile, but I saw joy in his eyes.”可推知,作者演

11、奏这首曲子让她爷爷感到很欣慰。故答案选C。B(2016绵阳第二次诊断)A recent survey in the United States showed that the average family spent more money on its pets than on its children. Although rather shocking, it should not surprise anyone who has seen the doggy parlors (客厅) where loved pets rest. Are Americans unique in treatin

12、g their little friends in this way? No, the English, too, pay more attention to their pets.This can clearly be seen when we look at pet foods, which often contain more vitamins than human food. They certainly cost much. Last year the British public spent two hundred million pounds on pet food alone,

13、 to say nothing of veterinary bills or animal furniture. It is difficult not to feel angry about this when considering what the same amount could do for victims of starvation and poverty, so it is not unusual for me to_get_hot_under_collar_when I read an old man left all his money to his dog instead

14、 of his children.There are a variety of reasons why I find petsraising alarming. They cause physical problems. An example of this is New York where they have great difficulty getting rid of the mess that dogs leave on the streets. Many people find this funny, but in a number of large cities it is a

15、major problem. Animals can cause disease, too. It is the threat of rabies a disease with no known cure.Another problem is the carelessness of pet owners. Most little children want a dog or a cat, and they continually push their mothers and fathers until they get one. It is only when the “sweet littl

16、e thing” has been brought home that the parents realize how much time and money must be spent on “Rover” or “Bonzo”. Then they just abandon it. As a result, they are allowed to run free. English farmers lose hundreds of sheep a year, killed by someones pet and you must have read of children being hurt by some pets of their own.Lastly, I would only suggest that


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