中国文化英语教程unit 3

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1、,Unit 3 Sunzis Art of War: Source for All Books on War,Lead-in,Text study,Exercises,Content,“The art of war is of vital importance to the state. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.”,Lead-in,Whats

2、 the Chinese version of these lines? Where are they selected from? Whose words are they?,兵者, 国之大事,死生之地, 存亡之道,不可不察也,Lead-in,Introduction,The Strategic Thought of Sunzi,The Dialectical Thinking of Sunzi,Sunzis Caution Against War,Text study,Sunzis Wisdom Beyond the Military,Introduction,Sun Wu, respec

3、tfully called Sunzi, was born sometime between 550 and 540 BC, or toward the end of the Spring and Autumn Period.,He was a native of the State of Qi but later moved to the State of Wu, where he became the kings trusted strategist.,Sunzis Art of War (Sunzi Bingfa), is an ancient classic of war, consi

4、sting of 13 chapters in about 6,000 characters.,As many of the books contents bear features of the Warring States Period (475-221 BC), some scholars believe the book was probably written in the middle of that period.,It represents the theories of war of the Sunzi School originated by Sun Wu.,Introdu

5、ction,Of the more than 3,000 books on war from the pre-Qin (before 221 BC) period to the Qing Dynasty (1616-1911), Sunzis Art of War stands out as the greatest classic.,It excels over the other books in terms of strategy design, philosophical grounding and in tactical application.,Over the centuries

6、 it has been respected as “the source for all books on war (百代谈兵之祖).”,Introduction,The Strategic Thoughts of Sunzi,Of the rich strategic thoughts of Sunzi, the following are four aspects selected for illustration: “Planning before going to war (先计而后战).” “One can fight and win a hundred wars if one k

7、nows both oneself and the enemy (知彼知己,百战不殆).” “The army survives by treachery (兵以诈立).” “Winning a war without fighting it (不战而屈人之兵).”,The Strategic Thoughts of Sunzi,孙子曰:兵者,国之大事,死生之地,存亡之道,不可不察也。故经之以五事,校之以计,而索其情:一曰道,二曰天,三曰地,四曰将,五曰法。 孙子兵法 始计第一,“Planning before going to war.”,Before entering a war, one

8、 must compare and analyze all factors of both sides, which mainly include: morale (士气), climate, terrain, commanders, and rules.,The five aspects for consideration during war were echoed by Carl von Clausewitz (1780-1831), a German war expert, as “strategic factors”. One or two of these factors are

9、insufficient for one to judge the feasibility and consequences of a war. Consideration must be given to all these factors and their combinations. Such holistic (全面的) thinking is a special feature of Sunzis Art of War.,The Strategic Thoughts of Sunzi,“One can fight and win a hundred wars if one knows

10、 both oneself and the enemy.”,知彼知己,百战不殆; 孙子兵法 谋攻第三,The purpose of considering the above five aspects, is to know the real situation on both sides.,The Strategic Thoughts of Sunzi,It is not easy to get to know the enemy, because they do their best to keep their secrets and resort to all sorts of dece

11、ption.,The odds for winning are half and half if one knows oneself but not the enemy. And one is bound to fail if one knows neither oneself nor the enemy.,The Strategic Thoughts of Sunzi,不知彼而知己,一胜一负;不知彼不知己,没战必败。 孙子兵法 谋攻第三,“The army survives by treachery.”,The Strategic Thoughts of Sunzi,Sunzi said,

12、“The use of force is actually the use of treachery.” In his discussion of “strategy” in On War, Carl von Clausewitz attributes its origin to “treachery”.,By “treachery” Sunzi meant it is crucial to deceive the enemy with false impressions.,Treachery is meant to entice (诱使) the enemy to make all sort

13、s of mistakes, defeating them after they all into a state of chaos.,It also means “attacking the enemy at an unexpected time and place”.,It is by using treachery that an expert of war devises strategies at headquarters while directing his army a thousand miles away to victory.,The Strategic Thoughts

14、 of Sunzi,“Winning a war without fighting it.”,To Sunzi, the purpose of a war is to win victory, not to kill as many people as possible. It is best to take over a city intact and to win victory through minimal killing. This is the principle of a “decent victory”.,The Strategic Thoughts of Sunzi,It i

15、s not plausible to fight and win wars. Its ideal to achieve victory through means other than war, such as politics, diplomacy, and other deterrent (威慑的) measures. These ideas of Sunzi reflect his deep understanding of what we today call “holistic war (整体战争)”.,The Strategic Thoughts of Sunzi,The Dial

16、ectical Thinking of Sunzi,The rich philosophical thought in Sunzis Art of War has aroused greater and greater attention from scholars of ancient Chinese philosophy.,The Dialectical Thinking of Sunzi,Changeability,Situations of war are changeable at every moment, perhaps the most changeable of all things in the world.,To win a war, the commander must be able to keep abreast of and adapt to such changes.,故兵无常势,水无常形;能因敌变化而取胜者,谓之神。 孙子兵法 虚实第六,The Dialectical Thi


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