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1、哈尔滨市教育研究院 初中英语教研员 郭 华 2016.08.26,2016年五四制六年级 英语教学建议,如何进行小初衔接,()时间安排。人教PEP六年级教材上册146个单词,下册共92个单词;上册六个单元,下册四个单元。全册共十个单元,所需课时总量为50节左右。六年级上下学期英语课时总量为160节左右(按每周五节计算)。各区可以按照学生的程度自行进行小初衔接时间安排。,()衔接内容过六关。 . 过书写关,培养学生良好的书写习惯。 过语音关,培养学生良好的听读习惯。 过词汇关,培养学生可持续的词汇学 习能力。 过语法关,培养学生初步的造句谋篇 能力。 过习惯关,培养学生主动学习的习 惯,注重学生

2、学习习惯的衔接。 过“学困生”关。使每个学生都有终身学习的机会。 . 过写作关,培养学生打下坚实写作基础。,教学范例(秋实中学 纪宇红) Unit Three MY WEEKEND PLAN 第三单元:谈论计划,打算 根据学情将本单元分为5课时,第一课时-P22 P23-词汇教学 1.词汇教学(单元热身) 猜词游戏(1): 看单词 猜新词 例如: bed+room=bedroom,Key: football afternoon sunglasses postman greenhouse 总结:英语中的合成词,并引入本单元两个词: supermarket/ postcard (配图释义)并讲解

3、如buy a postcard/ send a postcard CCQ: Can we buy medicine in the supermarket? (No.) Where do we go to send a postcard? (Post office.) 承接:我们还经常利用发音学生词 今天学习几个带有i的生词,猜词游戏 (2)看单词 猜读音 例如:it /i/ sit visit film trip dictionary comic A.在学生试读中及时肯定与校正 协助学生掌握本单元重点词的“发音” B.明确单词的意义及使用 visit: go and see visit sb.

4、 visit my friends接龙游戏,2. 单元热身P22 P23 Picture talking看图说话 Who can you see in the picture? 读对话回答问题What are they talking about? (Read and find out) Practice the dialog.对话操练 (Pair work) What are you going to do this weekend? Im going to 同学转述xx is going to 备注:词汇教学三部曲:eliciting-presentation-CCQ,(Possible

5、answers) visit his grandma visit Tom Id like to visit my friends in the hospital after school. visit sp. visit the Great Wall He visits the Great Wall every year. (其它单词同理),第二课时P24听说课 输入词汇 感悟语法 be going to 教学流程 (1)热身导入:preparation 老师画简笔画说自己的打算: I like dancing. I am going to dance this evening. After

6、that, I am going to wash clothes tonight.,I am going to go for a picnic tomorrow. I am going to make a snowman if it snows this weekend. I am going to go ice-skating next week. 提出问题: What are you going to do? 学生没学不会,提出问题,课堂留白,激起学的欲望。 导入课题 my weekend plan.,(2)精讲精练presentation 新知呈现:呈现生词和句型 板书:What are

7、 you going to do?(见板书右侧为 Im going to,(3)操练practice,机械操练 教师领读黑板问答句型。将简笔画中动词短语套入逐句操练。 游戏A.(接龙问答)学生以小组为单位,看黑板接龙问答 老师迅速指,学生迅速以组为单位答。 Team 1 问: what are you going to do tonight? Team 2答: Im going to dance.依次类推,小组竞争拉开序幕。,游戏B.(找数字)看图问答: 教师事先准备一些A4纸打印的图片,图(打印在A4纸上)正面为数字,背面为动作(来自P22P23的内容draw some pictures/l

8、ook for some beautiful leaves/see a film/buy his favorite comic book),粘贴在教室任意位置。 游戏规则:任意学生说出1到9任意一个数字。找到数字的同学从墙上取下图片,根据图片回答问题。What are you going to do this weekend? 小组竞争延续。,C.情境操练:(猜谜游戏) 列表格,赋予简笔画人物名字。 问: What is Tom going to do in the cinema tonight? 引导学生猜:He is going to see a film. 将be going to迁移到

9、各种人称。小组竞争难度升级。(见板书左侧为主),(4) 交际应用production,A.课本对话:提出问题,通过提出问题引领学生在表格上添加线索信息,辅助背诵对话。由老师领背到学生领背,由自己准备到和老师打电话角色扮演。挑战自我,小组竞争加剧。 B.原创对话: 回归课堂开始的问题:你下周打算做什么?两人一组自编对话,谈论近期计划。小组竞争再次升级。听的同学在观看对话后回答问题。,(5)拓展延伸process 四人一组,谈论远期圣诞节计划。 教师穿圣诞老人服,说:我打算装扮成圣诞老人,创设情境。启发引导学生交流和表演。,(6)课堂小节 本节课学习用be going to 表达计划。谁会在何时何

10、地做什么。使板书呈现知识体系。,第三课时 语法课p25 P26 P27 夯实语法 be going to preparation(1)故事导入 问题牵引学生思维互动,(2)鼓励学生根据板书复述故事情节 presentation (3)学生归纳总结 (deductive) be going to 问题牵引:何时使用(表示将来的计划) 游戏:be 如何使用 教师迅速说:he 学生集体对 is Weare they-are it-is my parents- are Tom-is,Practice (4)操练夯实语法 对人称 时间状语 地点状语 动词短语全方位总结 为下一课时做铺垫 问题牵引: 微问

11、题1:P26听力回答问题?Where is John going? 之后引导学生每人回答问题: Where are you going this weekend?(头脑风暴brainstorming) 鼓励接龙给出不同的答案。,微问题2:继续询问,你要去那里做什么?(思维导图协助学生将where 和what 联系起来) A: Where are you going this weekend? B: A: what are you going to do? B: The post officepost a letter/ send a postcard/buy some postcards Th

12、e parkdraw pictures/ look for beautiful leaves/ take a walk/ hike 微问题3、4/5:你和谁去?who怎么去?how为什么这么去?why Role play: P27 (5)production Make a survey about your partners weekend plan by asking WHERE/ WHAT/WHO/HOW/ WHY. 问题调查同桌的周末计划,向大家汇报。,第四课时 P28P29阅读课 周末规划,Step 1: Pre-reading Guessing game: Whats xxxs we

13、ekend plan? Where is he going? What is he going to do? Who is he going with? How is he going there? Why does he have this plan? (Because it will be Mid-Autumn Festival.),Step 2: While reading Prediction: What are you going to do on Mid-Autumn Day? Gist reading (while reading): What is the writer goi

14、ng to do? Scanning/Skimming: Fill in the form,Step 3:Post-reading (1)Describe the writers plan for Mid-Autumn Festival according to the form. (2)P29 your plan for Mid-Autumn Festival.,第五课时 单元话题写作课 周末规划 方案一 (1)问题牵引写单句导入 简笔画回顾整个单元人物的计划 What is going to do? 浏览22到24页归纳总结,P22 Amy is going to draw some pi

15、ctures in the nature park. Chen Jie is going to look for some beautiful leaves. P23 Mike is going to see a film. John is going to buy comic books. P24 Mike is going to see a film. Sarah is going to have an art lesson in Renmin Park. What about you? What are you going to do?,追问扩写,通过“头脑风暴”帮学生形成“思维导图”。

16、 where are you going? Who are you going to do it with? Why are you going to do it? How are you going to do it?,(2)组合单句成段落body Eg: Im going to the zoo this weekend. Im going to see animals and feed them. Im going with my family. Im going there by subway. (3)扩句扩段 适当添加成短文 (4)词语替换 句式变化 增色彩,() 动笔写作,当堂讲评 ()作文:范文仿写与改写 Story time:根据内容不同 适当融入语法课或写作课,方案二 利用Story time: Picture talking: What is Zoom going to


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