六年级下册英语试题--小升初综合训练(八) 人教(pep) 含答案

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1、小升初综合训练(八)一、单词拼写(词汇运用) 1.friends的单数形式是_.2.Look, the farmers are working in the f_. 3.写出下列单词的相应形式 (1)fly(过去式)_ (2)spend(过去式)_ (3)our (同音词)_ (4)made(原形)_ (5)is(过去式)_ (6)came(原形)_ 4.单词拼写 The White family is at h_. Mrs. White is in the kitchen. She is c_. Mr. White is sitting in a c_and reading the news

2、paper. Tom and his f_Dick are cleaning the b_. Jane and her friend Mary are in Janes bedroom. T_are listening to a tape.5.正确抄写下列单词、词组和句子,抄写句子时注意大小写和标点符号Sally how thank like dogs fly a kite my familyWho is she? Is she your grandmother? Yes,she is.二、单选题6.Whats this? a flower. A.ItsB.It7.Lets _ on Satu

3、rday morning. A.climbB.go climbingC.going climbing8.Lets share it with . A.sheB.theyC.her9.My little sister has got ten _. A.dressB.skirtC.dresses10.Tokyo is to the Shanghai. A.southeast ofB.northeast ofC.eastsouth ofD.westnorth of三、音标题11.读一读,选出读音含有/的单词。_A. fun B. fox_A. socks B. sun_A. put B. must四

4、、判断题12.A:What does he do?B:He is a fisherman. 13.This is my sheep. 14.Lets go to the park to play football.15.You must slow down and stop.16.一Whats the weather like in Sydney? 一Its cool and sunny.五、选词填空(词汇运用)17.看图,选择相应的字母补全下列单词 k g(1)_irl (2)_ite (3)par_ 六、补全对话18.选出合适的句子,补全对话。 A. Lets go to school.B

5、. Im nine.C. Excuse me.D. Whats your name?E. Its seven oclock.A: Good morning. Im peter._B: My names Tom.A: How old are you? B: Im ten. What about you? A: _B: _What time is it? C: _B: Oh, seven oclock._A: OK! Lets go!七、语法填空19.She _ (go) to Ottawa next week. 20.What time _ she always _ (go) to bed?21

6、.Jonny likes cooking _ _.He _ _ _ in the evening.22.I _ (have) go to the supermarket. 23.Its 4:00 now. Lets_(go)home.八、阅读理解24.判断下列句子正误。MaryMikeTomAmyJohn( 代表拥有)(1)This is Marys scarf. (2)These sunglasses are Toms. (3)That umbrella is Mikes. (4)Those are Amys gloves. (5)John has a scarf. 25.根据表格内容回答问

7、题。NameJohnMikeLilyTimBirthdayJun. 4thNov. 3rdJul. 1stApr. 5th(1)When is Johns birthday?_(2)Is Mikes birthday on November 1st?_(3)Is Lilys birthday on New Years Day?_(4)Whose birthday is on April 5th?_九、书面表达26.给你的朋友写一封电子邮件,说一说你暑假的计划。如:想去哪个城市旅行,去的理由及时间等,别忘了邀请你的朋友。Dear Rain,Love,Wang Hong参考答案 一、单词拼写(词汇

8、运用)1. friend 2. field 3. (1)flew(2)spent(3)hour(4)make(5)was(6)come 4. house;cooking;chair;friend;bathroom;They 5. Sally how thank like dogs fly a kite my familyWho is she? Is she your grandmother? Yes,she is.二、单选题6. A 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. B 三、音标题11. A;B;B四、判断题12. 正确 13. 错误 14. 错误 15. 正确 16. 错误 五、选词填空

9、(词汇运用)17. (1)g(2)k(3)k 六、补全对话18. D;B;C;E;A 七、语法填空19. will go 20. does;go21. Chinese;food;cooks;Chinese;food 22. have to 23. go 八、阅读理解24. (1)1(2)0(3)0(4)1(5)0 25. (1)Its on June 4th.(2)No, its on November 3rd.(3)No, its on July 1st.(4)Tims. 九、书面表达26. The summer holiday is coming. I want to go to Xian

10、. Its an old city. There are a lot of interesting places and good food there!I will go there on July 6. Would you like to go with me? I think it will be a great trip. Write back soon! 所谓压力是在动态的环境条件下,个人面对种种机遇、规定以及追求的不确定性所造成的一种心理负担。压力既可以带来正面激励效果也可以造成负面影响。过于严厉的管制和规章制度、不负责任的上级、模糊不清的沟通渠道,不愉快的工作环境都会产生工作压力。


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