六年级下册英语试题--2019湖南株洲小升初全真模拟试题(二) 人教 (pep)含答案

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六年级下册英语试题--2019湖南株洲小升初全真模拟试题(二) 人教 (pep)含答案_第1页
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《六年级下册英语试题--2019湖南株洲小升初全真模拟试题(二) 人教 (pep)含答案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级下册英语试题--2019湖南株洲小升初全真模拟试题(二) 人教 (pep)含答案(8页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2019湖南株洲小升初全真模拟试题(二)一、听单词或短语,选择正确的选项 1.选出恰当的应答语( )A.Im reading a bookB.I usually read a book2.给所听到的句子选择正确的答语( ) A.I like chicken.B.My favourite food is chicken.3.选出与所听内容相符的图片( ) A.B.4.选出恰当的应答语( ) A.No, she isnt.B.No, they arent.5.选出所听到的句子( ) A.Are you hungry?B.Are you thirsty?6.根据你所听到的内容选出恰当的应答语。_A.

2、 Me too.B. Bye!C. Hello, Im Linda.D. Yes, I am.E. My name is Li Hao.7.My family has six people. 8.根据录音,将图片匹配。 _ _ _A. B. C. D. E. 9.听音,选出正确的应答语 A.Plant more treesB.Plant more vegetablesC.Plant more flowers10.听录音,选出与你所听到的句子相符的图片 A.B.二、听句子,选择正确的选项11.选择合适的答语( ) A.I have chicken.B.I like chicken for din

3、ner.12.选出你听到的句子的应答语( ) A.Its blue.B.Its on the desk.13.听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片 A.B.14.Pass me the _ apple, please. A.redB.bigC.green15.选出恰当的应答语( ) A.She is a teacher.B.He is a cook.16.Do you like _ , Lingling? 17.选出你所听到句子的应答语( ) A.Nice to meet you, too.B.Nice to meet you.三、读句子,根据图片情境选择正确的选项。18.In the USA p

4、eople on bikes must wear _. A.a T-shirtB.glassesC.a helmet19.My mother was angry _me yesterday. A.onB.withC.forD.in20.A.She is good at ping-pong.B.She is good at Chinese.21.A.Touch your ear.B.Touch your eye.22.刚运动完回到家,感到口渴了想喝点儿东西,你可以说: A.I want to eat.B.I want to drink.23.How many _ are there in you

5、r family? A.peopleB.peoplesC.puppy四、语言知识运用,读对话,选择正确的选项。24.This is. pear. Thats umbrella. A.a, aB.an, aC.a, an25.A.pigB.cat26.新的 A.newB.today27.meet A.遇到B.好的C.到28.Trick treat! A.orB.andC.to29.She has two big . A.earsB.eyes30._ in the street. Its dangerous. A.Not playB.Not to playC.Dont playD.Dont to

6、play31.I _ like football. A.notB.am notC.dont五、任务型阅读32.阅读理解。阅读对话,判断正误。(1)Lucy is calling Mary. (2)Mary likes spring best. (3)Mary cant swim in the sea. (4)Its too cold in winter in Lucys country. (5)When its winter in China,its summer in Australia. 六、阅读理解33.阅读理解并判断正误。 Len was thirty years old and he

7、 had very long hair. He lived in a big city. Because of his long hair, he did not find any work. One day he met an old friend, and this man said to him, People in this city dont like long hair. Why dont you go to a barber? He can cut a lot of it off, and then you can get some work. At the barbers Le

8、n said to the barber, Please cut most of my hair off. The barber began. He cut and cut for a long time and then he said to Len, Were you in the army a few years ago? Yes, I was. Len answered. Why did you ask that? Because I found a cap in your hair.(1)Len was old, so he did not find any work. (2)Len

9、 often wash his long hair. (3)Lens hair was short (4)The barber found a cap in Lens hair. (5)Len was in the army now. 34.阅读短文, 判断句子。 I like sports. My favourite sport is basketball. At 8:00a.m. ,I go to school and play basketball with my friends. In the afternoon, I play basketball. In the evening, I watch basketball games on TV. Do you like to play basketball?(1)My favourite sport is baseball. (2)I go to school at 7:00 a.m. (3)I often play basketball at school . (4)In the afternoon ,I


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