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1、高一英语期中复习(单词、词汇) 1高一英语期中复习(单词、词汇)Module 3 unit1 单词拼写:1. Our vacation is _(临近) and we still cant decide where to go.2. The little girl held her mothers hand _(牢牢地).3. Its getting dark, but the boy hasnt come back home. We are all _(担心) about him.4. Your suggestion has not been _(忽视). It is still under

2、 discussion.5. These _(志愿者) came to Sichuan to help those who were in trouble.6. They sat at the back of the room, talking in a _(低语).7. Because of the hurricane, the farmers crops r_ by one quarter last year.8. Susan came home so thin and weak that her mother hardly r_ her.9. This middle school is

3、a_ to a teachers college.10. My sisters taste in dresses is _(相反) to my own.11. The flower show _(吸引) large crowds this year.12. The crowd _(惊慌) at the sound of the explosion.13. Much to my _(宽慰), the car was not damaged.14. Theyve just _(雇佣)five new waiters.15. As a matter of fact, many people have

4、 a _(缺陷).动词填空:1. He sent me an e-mail, _(hope) to get further information.2. She could feel her heart _(beat) wildly when she stepped onto the stage.3. John went into the room quietly, avoid _(notice).4. When he woke up, he found himself _(lie) in a hospital bed.5. John received an invitation to din

5、ner, and with his work _(finish), he gladly accepted it.6. My problem is unimportant _(compare) with other peoples.7. The soup _(consist) of tomatoes, meat, and peas is very delicious.8. I wish I _(try) more things at college.9. What a small world! I _( not know) I could meet you in America.10. It i

6、s no use _(try) to explain, Im not interested.11. Who will you have _(find) a book for me?12. The next morning he woke up to find himself _(cover) with a coat.13. As she walked along the narrow street, she heard the sound of footsteps _(approach).14. The tall man was observed _(enter) the boss offic

7、e at around 8pm.15. We should prevent the Liangxi River _(pollute) by the factories alongside.词组翻译:1. 做某事犹豫_2. 过来帮助某人_3. 分析实验结果_4. 如释重负地说_5. 回报帮助_6. 到处都看不见/找不到_7. 雾太浓汽车不能跑那么远_8. 第一眼看见_9. 和许多人也许想的相反_10. 恰恰相反_11. 一只手伸出来抓住了他的胳膊_12. 学英语的方法_高一英语期中复习(单词、词汇) 213. 因某事对某人感激_14. 被公认为是_15. 在远处_16. 惊慌地逃跑_17. 可能

8、(likely)_18. 释放鸟_19. 不像人类,鸽子从来不迷路。_20. 有意义,有道理_ 理解_21. 差一点死掉_22. 恐惧使他呆着一动不动_23. 抬头凝视_24. 急于做某事_25. 另外 60 个志愿者_26. 仍然是一个谜_27. 突然_28. 为了减少鲨鱼攻击的风险_29. 打鲨鱼的鼻子_30. 保持冷静_31. 你被闪电攻击的可能性是被鲨鱼攻击的可能性的 30 倍多。_32. 把信息附在鸽子腿上_33. 方向感_34. 似乎_Unit 2单词拼写1.You should read more to enlarge your v_.2. N_, people can get

9、information from across the world due to the easily a_ Internet.3. What is the o_ language of France?4. Robots are _(代替) people on assembly lines(装配线).5. She r_ her fingers to her lips as a sign for silence.6. We must draw a clear d_ between right and wrong.7. We came to the _(结论) that the room must

10、 have been empty.8. He _(中断) college to serve in the army.9. The museum had several paintings r_ the artists early style.10. She d_ herself by her coolness and bravery.11. His hesitation i_ that he doubted about the paln.12. Will it be c_ for you to come in the morning?13. Your invention has proved

11、to be of much p_ value.14. Making speech in public e_ me.15. The soldier made great c_ to _(打败) the enemy.动词填空1. The medical team _(consist) of ten nurses and three doctors _(trap) in the mountain.2. _(occupy) in her work, she didnt even notice I came in.3. _(occupy) herself in her work, she didnt even notice I came in.4. The _


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