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1、1论文写作中的主题句论文写好主题句的方法主题句是表达全段核心思想的句子,对全段具有指导功能,但不是任何一个句子都可以做主题句。所以在构思主题句时要注意以下几个方面:(1)主题句首先应是完整句。一个完整的句子才能做主题句,但不是任何完整句都可以做主题句。主题句不应是一个词组或什么修饰成分。如:Consumers party, research center,Only if they have fared well 等。(2)主题句要明确表达段落的中心思想。要明确表达段落的中心思想,主题句就不能太笼统,例如下列句子不适合做主题句。He is great.There is a man working

2、 there.Women are going out to work.The air is dirty.以上四句不能做主题句,其原因是这些句子未表达出任何明确的观点。试比较下面几句:There are many Lei Fengs followers in our society.Some of the Indo-Chinese refugees choose to stay in China.Some of the female intellectuals lead families in earnings.Air pollution should be prevented.以上四句都比较适

3、宜做段落的主题句,因为各句都表达了明确的观点,对全段的展开具有指导意义。(3)主题句不能太具体。属于描写细节的句子,不能做主题句,如:They moved to another province last year.A lorry driver smashed through the gates of Buckingham Palace.Gunmen killed two officers late on Tuesday in a village.2Zhejiang exports reached US $ 681 million last year.这四句都是具体细节的描写,很难以其为核心观

4、点展开段落。请对比下面四句:They like their new residence.A careless lorry driver had an accident at the gate of Buckingham Palace.The villagers showed great concern about their safety.Zhejiang doubled the value of exports last year.上述四句从不同角度对前面四句作了改写。改写后就适合做段落主题句了。4. 各段的主题句应相互照应在一篇短文里,各段的主题句不应是孤立的,应与其他各段的主题句相互照应

5、。如:例 1Human Needs and WantsTo begin, we should understand thedifference between a need and a want.A “want” is a conscious desire for something. If you have a want, youknow it whether its a want for a vacation trip, a new pair of shoes, a date with so and so, or simply a bite to eat. You always are c

6、onsciously aware of your wants.3A “need” is something different. A need is a basic human requirement, but a person may or may not know that it exists. In other words, while a want always is conscious, a need may be conscious or it may be unconscious. If you need a drink of water you are likely to kn

7、ow it, but if you need to make up a vitamin deficiency, or need recognitionfrom someone, you may not be consciously aware of that. But you will be motivated (driven from the inside) by your need, whether you are aware of it or not.If people work to meet their needs, itwould be good to know what thes

8、e needs are. They are very simple. Dr. Maslow has suggested that people have only five needs: the physical needs, the safety needs, the belongingness needs, the esteem needs and the self-actualization needs.Everyone has them, and everyone spends his or her life trying to satisfy them. Although we ma

9、y try to satisfy our needs in different ways, we all are trying to satisfy the same needs. In a way, it is these needs, which are common to all people that make us human. They seem to be a basic part of human nature.例 1 全文共四段,各段主题句十分明确并相互呼应。第一段就一句话,告诉读者首先要了解与的区别,第二、第三段分别对与作了具体限定与说明。全文四段的主题句和谐统一。下面是由

10、上面各段主题句组成的段落:To begin,we should understand the difference between a need and a want. A “want” is a conscious desire forsomething. A need is a basic human requirement, but a person may or may not know that it exists. If people workto meet their needs, it would be good 4to know what these needs are. 例

11、 2Scientific DiscoveryBless or CurseNew scientific discoveries nearly always bring to mankind a blessing. We live in a circumstance in which scientific discoveries bring us much convenience, comfort and enjoyment. For example, transportation progress makes us go out to any places we want to. Electri

12、cal home appliances like air-conditioner,machine and refrigerator make our life comfortable. TV and radio supply us with as much information, knowledge and amusement as possible. In fact, there are many other blessings thatscientific discoveries have brought about.Yet sometimes scientific discoverie

13、s may prove a curse upon human race because some scientific discoveries overuse our scarce resources or pollute our environment. Moreover, some discoveries likeatom bombs aggravate the conflicts between human beings and can kill more people than ever before.The misuse of scientific discoveries must

14、be prevented. It demands people all over the world to struggle with various bad phenomena. Laws and treaties preventing the misuse should be made5among countries on earth. Also the propaganda against the misuse should be strengthened that more people will realize the serious consequences the misuse

15、will lead to. In short, this object can be realized only throughinternational agreements or arisinginternational concern about it.本文尽管第一、第二段主题句有转折,但一词使第一段的主题句,即“科学发明的正面影响”与第二段的负面影响有机地联系起来,因而与第三段的主题句也是相互呼应的。把三个主题句提取出来组成一个段落,意思也很清楚明确。下面是由上面各段主题句组成的段落:New scientific discoveries nearly always bring to m

16、ankind a blessing. Yetsometimes scientific discoveries may prove a curse upon human race because some scientific discoveries overuse ourscarce resources or pollute our environment. (Therefore,)the misuse of scientific discoveries must be prevented. 5. 实际写作中的主题句在写作考试中,出题的形式多种多样,有看图作文、提纲式作文、情景作文、关键词作文、图表作文等。如果题目中已给了提纲,那么主题句只要扣住提纲写就可以了,请看下面短文题目:Fire Accidents in Big Cities6OUTLINE:1 Present situation.2 Possible reasons.3 Measures to prevent fire


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