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1、 I CnullSiC null + k nullEXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION ON THE TENSIONnullTENSION FATIGUECHARACTERISTICS OF PLAINnullWOVEN CnullSIC COMPOSITE null nullnull1, 2 null 3, 4 null null null U 3,4 null null l 3 null null - 3(1. 西北工业大学航空学院, 西安 710072)(2. 中国航天科技集团四院, 西安 710025)(3. 西北工业大学无人机特种技术重点实验室, 西安 710072)

2、(4. 西北工业大学航空学院, 西安 710072)WANGKun1, 2 null CHENG QiYou3,4 null ZHENG Xiang3, 4 null TONG XiaoYan3 null YAO LeiJiang3(1. School of Aerospace, Northwestern Polytechnical University, Xi an 710072, China)(2. The FourthAcademy of ChinaAerospace Science andTechnology Corporation, Xi an 710072, China)(3. N

3、ational Laboratory of UAV Special Technology, NorthwesternPolytechnical University, Xi an 710072, China)(4. School of Aeronautics, NorthwesternPolytechnical University, Xi an 710072, China)K 1 null 2D I CnullSiC ? , Instron8801A k 2D I CnullSiC k _ null k bL , 2 ? ! ! N S V ; L , 0 A % k k k g 4 1 s

4、 bk ? C , - 100Q , k q y / , 2 ? ? 9 v , A 6 b100 , k q a2 ? ? k q M t M b % k ( 8 a s ; r % k g ) 8 $ 8 T U , 7 r k g ) 8 8 T , V 8 b1 o M null CnullSiCnull I null k null m s | null TB33null TG115.57Abstract null To study fatigue property of 2D plain weave CnullSiC composite material, the constant

5、amplitude tensionnulltension fatigue exnullperiments under room temperature is taken. In the experiment, the infraredthermographer and the acoustic emission equipment are usedto inspect damage evolvement of the composites. After the experiment, the scanning electronmicroscope (SEM) is usedto investi

6、gate themicrograms of specimens. The results of the experiment show that: (1) In the first 100 cycles, the model of the specimen rapidly denullcreases, the energy of acoustic emission rapidly increases, andthe temperature of specimen obviously increases. ( 2) After 100 cycles,there is a dropnulloff

7、in the variation ratio ofthe model of the specimen, the energy of acoustic emission, and the temperature of specimen.( 3) In the tensile test piece and the fatigue testing specimen, the predominant damage models are fiber breakage,fiber pulling out, anddelamination. (4) The fibers that are pulled ou

8、t in the damaged tensile test piece are enwrapped by the matrix, but the fibers that arepulled out in the damaged fatigue testing specimen are attached by a little matrix.Key wordsnull CnullSiC; Plainnullwoven; Fatigue experiment; Damage evolvementCorresponding author: CHENG QiYou, Enullmail: qy-che

9、ng163. com, Tel: + 86null29null88451161, Fax: + 86null29null88451160The project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 10372081) .Manuscript received 20080421, in revised form 20080929.1null ( L v a r k - A x b M z V V , M ? p 2 ? ? M ? p B b2) V A 6 , Kv M M 1 , M 1 y T

10、) 8 a8 8 W , # 8 8 W ; M B 1 ; V E / , E / z + d V = 4 ? M b3) / , k % k g 4 v , g ( C s , 8 ; , r % k g ) 8 $ 8 T U , 7 r k g ) 8 $ 8 T U ,V 8 b I D (References) 1 null f , f , . A ( L Z J . t b / / , 2003( 1) : 24null32.ZHANG LiTong, CHENG LaiFei, XU YongDong. Progress in researchwork of new CMCnu

11、llSiC J . Aeronautical Manufacturing Gechnology, 2003( 1) :24null32. 2 null Naik R A. Analysis of woven bradied fabric reinforced composites: NASAContractor Report 194930 R . Washington, USA: National Aeronauticsand Space Administration, 1994: 1null5.3 null Jacobsen T K, Brondsted P. Mechanical properties of



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