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1、第1课 (2A)Do you know anyone I could go with?I like guys who arent too serious and who have a good sense of humor.Id prefer someone I have something in common with - who I can talk to easily.阅读 A friend can mean anything from a casual acquaintance to someone youve known your whole life. Building frien

2、dships is a lifelong,but worthwhile, job. 1.You have to have friends People use the word “friend” in a variety of ways. A friend can mean anything from a casual acquaintance to someone youve known your whole life. Whoever they are ,friends are an important part of life at every stage. They provide c

3、ompanionship and emotional support. Of all our relationships, friendships are the most voluntary ,we choose our friends.Making new friendsIts easy to stay in a circle of friends youre comfortable with. But as you get older , friendships may be lost-people move away or you just lose track of them. Bu

4、ilding friendships is a lifelong,but worthwhile, job. New friendships can bring opportunities to experience new things.A few pointers for making new friends:reach out to others. Try to be open to new experiences and relationships.participate in classes,clubs,or volunteer organizations . These activi

5、ties will bring you into contact with people who share similar interests. stick with it - even if you feel uncomfortable . It takes time to build friendships.Keeping friendsWhether friendships are old or new ,you cant neglect them if you want them to last. Even thought its sometimes hard to spend ti

6、me together , its important to keep in touch . Two other keys are flexibility and respect. Be understanding when plans change. If you find yourselves fighting , try to look at things from the other persons point of view.Some tips for keeping friends:be a good listener. Dont be judgmental and dont of

7、fer advice unless youre asked.respect the other persons opinion, even when you dont agree.never break a confidence . Your friends need to know they can trust you .be supportive of you friends. Its important to love them despite their faults! A1. You have to know someone a long time to be a friend. F

8、alse.2. Friends are more important than family. Not given.3. New friendships allow you to learn new things. True .4. When you make new friends , old friends will be jealous. Not given.5. Its important to give your friends respect and support. True. 6. You should always offer advice to your friends.

9、False .( When you Lost track of someone ,cant locate him or her. 失去联系 When you Reach out to people,you try to connect with them. 接触、联系 If you Stick with something, you continue to do it . 继续做 When you Keep in touch ,you communicate with someone . 保持联络 If you Break a confidence ,you depend on someone

10、. 失去信心 )第2课 2A 阅读 比较级 Flight attendants get tired of traveling . Being a good worker is sometimes less important than making sure that people know youre a good worker . People who find things to complain about are a lot less popular than people who find things to praise. 第3课 阅读 India, people nod and

11、 shake their heads in different ways depending on where they come from. You have to know where a person is from to understand if they are indicating “yes” or “no”.第4课 3ADaily round-up (每日不断发生的事)Divers hit the jackpot!While divers were working (work)off the coast of Florida , they discovered (discove

12、r) a shipwreck containing gold worth $2 million . The divers were filming (film)a show about the coral reef when they found (find) the gold.Four-legged CustomersAs a woman was walking (walk) her pet poodle down the street , a hair stylist noticed (notice) them through the window and suddenly had (ha

13、ve) a great idea. Later, while he was creating (create) a new line of hair care products for dogs and cats, he came up with (come up with )a new slogan :” Even animals have bad hair days!” Rescuethe Ambulance!An ambulance driver was having (have) breakfast in a coffee shop when a woman hopped (hop)i

14、nto his ambulance and drove (drive)away . The driver hurried (hurry)to a phone and alerted (alert)the police. The carjacker was going(go)over 90 miles an hour when the highway patrol finally caught up with (catch up with)her.第5课 One thing Id really miss is my moms cooking. Something Id be nervous ab

15、out is making new friends, especially in a foreign language. When you visit someone , its the custom to bring a small gift. If you want to bring someone, its not acceptable to arrive without calling first.第6课 Both “teams” have the help of a designer , a handyman, and a budget of $1,000 . “If you dont want a project to last for months,you need a game plan.”Trading Spaces How fast can a home remodeling project be completed ? About 48 hours. At least, thats the basis of the popular reality TV show called Tra


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