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1、Life, Death Of WWII Spy Transfixes British Public二战女特工的惊世人生We were going now to Torquay in the southwest of England. Until a few weeks ago, that faded ocean-side resort town was the home of an elderly woman named Eileen Nearne. No one there knew much about her. And then she died and the truth came o

2、ut. Hundreds of people turned up for her funeral yesterday to honor one of World War IIs most courageous spies. 我们的目的地是位于英格兰西南部的一个叫做托基的城市。直到几周前,这个已被人渐渐淡忘的海滨度假小镇一直是一位叫做艾琳尼尔内老妇人的居住地。当时人们对她的了解少之又少。直到她死后,一切才真相大白。昨天,有数以百计的人来参加她的葬礼,向这位在二战期间最勇敢的一位女特工致敬。NPRs Philip Reeves was there. NPR电台记者菲利普里夫斯在那儿为你带来有关报道

3、。(Soundbite of church bells) (一阵教堂钟声)PHILIP REEVES: Her coffin arrives in a big black hearse. Outside the church door, veterans from the British Legion form a guard of honor. 菲利普里夫斯:一辆灵车载着她的棺材驶过。在教堂大门外,有来自英国军团的退伍老兵组成的仪仗队。The British, like Americans, have witnessed such scenes many times as they bury

4、 their dead from Iraq and Afghanistan. This is different. This coffin is very small - within lies an eighty-nine year old woman. 虽然英国人跟美国人一样,见证了很多次这样像他们以前埋葬在伊拉克和阿富汗战争中阵亡的人的场景。但这次却跟以往与众不同。因为这具棺材很小,静静躺在里面的是一位89岁的老妇人。(Soundbite of bagpipe music) (一段风笛声)REEVES: A couple of pipers march ahead of the coff

5、in. Until a few days ago, very few people here had heard of Eileen Nearne, aka Agent Rose. 里夫斯:几对对风笛手在她的棺材前行进着。而就在几天前,仅仅只有很少数的人听说过艾琳尼尔内或叫做特工罗斯的名字。Father JONATHAN SHADDOCK (St. Marys Catholic Church): Whenever we saw her, she was just very, very quiet and just said her prayers and then slipped away a

6、t the end of Mass without having much to do with anybody. 圣玛丽天主教堂的神父乔纳森夏多克:过去每当我们见到她的时候,她总是显得很平静祥和,并只跟那些祈祷者说话,然后她就在人群队伍后悄悄地离开,并不与周围其他人有过多的来往。REEVES: Catholic priest, Father Jonathan Shaddock is officiating at the funeral. 里夫斯:该天主教牧师和教父乔纳森夏多克主持了这场葬礼。(Soundbite of chanting) (一段吟诵声)REEVES: The ceremony

7、 gets underway. Adrian Stones, chairman of Britains Special Forces Club, takes the stand and Eileen Nearnes story unfolds. 里夫斯:现在葬礼仪式已开始。英国特种部队委员长艾德里安斯多斯作为证明人出席了该葬礼,并当众披露了关于艾琳尼尔内老人的故事。Mr. ADRIAN STONES (Chairman, Special Forces Club): On the 2nd of March 1944, Eileen was dropped into occupied France

8、 with. 艾德里安斯多斯先生:在1944年3月2日,因为偶然的原因,艾琳被派到德军占领的法国地区去,跟她一起的还有REEVES: Nearne was one of only a few dozen women spies in an organization set up by Winston Churchill, called the Special Operations Executive or SOE. Its mission was to support the French Resistance. 里夫斯: 尼尔内是温斯顿丘吉尔设立的一个叫做特别行动执行小组简称SOE组织中屈指

9、可数的几位女特工之一。该小组的任务是设法支持二战期间法国的抵抗运动。Sarah Helm, author of a book on the subject, says women were used as spies for a particular reason. 曾写过有关这个主题故事的小说家萨拉赫尔姆说,出于某种特殊的原因,女人们被用作了间谍。Ms. SARAH HELM (Author): The thinking was that they would not be noticed. So when they flew them back into France, a woman w

10、andering around, you know, with a basket of eggs or travelling on a train or looking like a housewife wasnt going to be picked up by the Gestapo, as much as a man might be. 萨拉赫尔姆女士:这是出于她们不容易被注意到的考虑,而被用作了间谍。所以当她们飞回法国时,她们就装扮成提着装有鸡蛋篮子的妇人四处走动或赶火车,或装扮成家庭主妇那样。如此一来,她们就不太可能像男特工那样容易被德国纳粹秘密警察发觉捉到。REEVES: Near

11、ne was raised in France and spoke fluent French. She became a wireless operator, like most of the SOEs female agents. Helm says the women ended up doing much more than this, though. 里夫斯:尼尔内在法国长大,因而她能说一口流利的法语。和大多数在SOE组织的女特工一样,她从事的是无线电报员的工作。赫尔姆说,实际上,女特工所作的工作远远不止这些。Ms. HELM: They got involved in the sa

12、botage. They obviously helped with operations. They got involved with putting down the bombs under the trains and the rest of it. 赫尔姆女士:她们还会加入到破坏敌方行动的任务中。显然,这得靠电报来辅助她们。她们会把炸弹安置在火车下或是其他地方来实施对敌方的破坏活动。REEVES: Helm is one of the few who knew Nearnes story before she died. She says after training, Nearne

13、, then 23, was flown secretly from England into Nazi-occupied France by light aircraft. 里夫斯:赫尔姆女士是一位为数不多的在尼尔内身前就知晓其故事的人。据赫尔姆女士说,在组织培训结束后,年仅23岁的尼尔内就乘轻型飞机从英格兰秘密飞到被纳粹占领的法国地区。Ms. HELM: They needed a lot of extra agents to go in before D-Day, because this was when they wanted to gear up the resistance to

14、 its absolute peak. Because the idea being that the German forces would be slowed down in reaching the beaches. 赫尔姆女士:由于当时盟军得到消息,德军将放慢滩头登陆的进度,且盟军需要最大限度的加强抵抗德军的战斗力,所以盟军在诺曼底登陆日之前急需许多特工的加入。REEVES: Nearne went to a safe house in Paris but was eventually captured. 里夫斯:尼尔内进驻的是巴黎的一个安全藏身处,但她最终还是被捕了。Ms. HELM

15、: Eileen was then tortured. She was one of the few that I know of who was subjected to the water torture, which is not dissimilar from what people might know as water-boarding today. 赫尔姆女士:艾琳在那儿受尽了严刑拷打。她是我所知的为数不多的几个遭受过水刑的特工之一。她当时遭受的水刑跟当今大家可能知晓的那种是差不多一样严酷的。REEVES: Anyone found to be a British spy was

16、 shot. But Nearne refused to crack. She apparently convinced her Nazi interrogators she was a local member of the French Resistance. They dispatched her to Ravensbruck, a concentration camp for women. She survived that hellhole, eventually escaped and found her way into American hands. 里夫斯:当时英国的特工只要一被敌军发现就会被枪决。但尼尔内没有选择这种牺牲方式。她显然向拷问她的纳粹分子招供,说自己是法国当地的居民。后来,纳粹分子就把她关进了



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