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1、1新版牛津英语七年级上 Unit.5 重点短语和句子翻译下列句子Welcome to the unit Reading Celebrate , celebration(s)1.中国的新年庆祝 the Chinese New Year 2.我们来庆祝万圣节怎么样? Halloween ! ? we Halloween? Whats in the bag? There be.3.书包里面有什么? 有一些书,还有一些其他的学习用品What s in the ? There some and some school . have a guess4.我们猜一猜吧 5.你能猜到他的年龄吗? you his

2、 age? dress up as 6.化装成猴王怎么样? The Monkey King? The Monkey King? get presents 7.我们通常在我们生日的时候得到许多漂亮的礼物We usually our birthday. get together8.汤姆好像很开心,为什么?因为他和他的父母要聚在一起.聚在一起吃丰盛饭使他非常开心.Shen Tan very ,why? Because he and will . and dinner /( enjoy) the full moon 9.赏月有助于我们想去嫦娥的故事moon think of the story of

3、Chang e10.在中秋节赏月使得我们很开心moon on the day us very . make pumpkin lanterns = make lanterns have fun11.孩子们很开心的做灯笼。Children Children .play a game “trick or treat” the people inside12.孩子们怎么来庆祝万圣节?他们到人家去敲门和里面的人做一个叫做“不招待就使坏”的游戏 children ? They the people . shout “trick or treat”13.当人们处于危险之中时,他们会喊救命。People ca

4、n “help” when they are dangeras a treat14.如果他们不给我们一些糖果招待,我们就和他们玩把戏。2We them if they give us some food and drinks15.在中秋节人们享受美味的食物和饮料people special16.这的确是一个特殊的日子 It is Grammer the red one17.你想要哪一个?我要红色的you ? I . have meat and fish lunch/ supper18 我们晚饭吃什么? we ? want a toy train for Christmas19.圣诞节你要什么?

5、What he ?20.圣诞节我得到了许多礼物 I get many . each other 21 家人聚在一起给彼此礼物 Family and .coming22.本周即将来临的星期天 .23. 今年即将来临的春节. this the Year go out for24 我们出去过生日晚宴 We birthday as birthday presents25.你得到什么作为生日礼物?我父母买些衣服给我作为生日礼物。What do you get ?My parents buy clothes birthday .Intergrated skills1. 通过纽约广播了解更多情况. Find

6、 New York Radio.2. 我现在在北京度假 I now.3. 这儿的中国人 4. 纽约的中国人4. 狮子舞在晚上九点结束 The at 9:00 in the evening 5. 人们可以聚在一起吃饭 People 6. 晚上有一场歌舞表演. There in the evening7. 她好像非常悲伤 She very 8. 地面似乎非常干净 The ground 9. 我们有关于世界不同节日的表演 We different festivals the 11.我们花费十天的时间庆祝春节We spend ten days the Chinese New Year= takes t

7、he Chinese New YearSkills Task Out of12.眼不见心不烦 sight , mind13.用南瓜做灯笼 make lanterns With 具有 without(with 的反义词) 没有314 里面有肉的月饼是美味的 The mooncakes meat them is delicious15.戴眼镜的男孩是我的朋友 The boy glasses is my friend16.无风不起浪 There is smoke fire. take 带走 bring 带来17.在你出去的时候,带上你的外套 your when .18.明天把你的英语书带到学校里来。

8、 your English book the school tomorrow get ready for the day get sth ready for somebody 为某某人准备好19 做早操有助于我们为这一天做好准备morning us the day20.父母为我们准备好红包My get 21.妈妈为我准备好书包 Mother . get sth from somebody22.在春节期间我们会得到许多祖父母.父母亲.叔叔阿姨.表兄给的礼物We many (祖父母.父母亲.叔叔阿姨)and 23.我们经常得到他的帮助,我们非常感谢他的帮助。We often ,we him Gala24.人们喜欢看春节联欢晚会 People like to at this time of year25 在每年的这个时候我们学校举行运动会.There a meeting in our school let off= set off26 在春节前的晚上许多人燃放烟花In the evening before the Spring Festival many people .27 不要再这儿放烟花因为这儿禁放.fireworks here because fireworks is stopped here



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