英语人教版九年级全册unit 1 section a(1a-1d)

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1、Unit 1 How can we become good learners?,人教版九年级英语,Section A 1a-2d,A: Do you like English? B: A: How is your English study? B: Its.,by working with friends,by making word cards,by reading the textbook,by listening to tapes,by studying with a group,By asking the teacher for help.,She was very happy.,Ch

2、eck the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study.,_ a. by working with friends _ b. by making word cards _ c. by reading the textbook _ d. by listening to tapes _ e. by asking the teacher for help _ _ _,语法重点1 by: 介词,意为“通过,靠”,此处表示方法、手段,后接名词或代词;接动词时,须用动名词形式。 例如:我通过制作教学抽认卡来学习 I s

3、tudy by making flashcards. 例题:【2013重庆】You can improve your English _ practicing more Aby Bwith C. of Din,A,1b Listen and Number !,1. _ 2. _ 3. _,A,C,B,Meiping,Peter,Tony,Make conversations about how you study for a test? Write letters from 1a above.,A: How do you study for a test? B: I study by work

4、ing with a group.,Report: . studies for a test by ,Listen and check the questions you hear.,1. _ Does anyone learn English by watching videos? 2. _ Do you have conversations with friends in English? 3. _ What about listening to tapes? 4. _ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5. _ Hav

5、e you ever studied with a group?,Listen and match the questions with their answers.,1. _ Does anyone learn English by watching videos? 2. _ Do you have conversations with friends in English? 3. _ What about listening to tapes? 4. _ What about reading aloud to practice pronunciation? 5. _ Have you ev

6、er studied with a group?,Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. Oh, yes. It really improves my speaking skills. I do that sometimes. I think it helps. No. Its too hard to understand spoken English.,语法重点 2,What about doing?是交际用语中常见的结构,不仅可以用来提建议和请求,还可以用来征询对方的看法和意见、打算、身体状况、天气状况等。 What about?(How abou

7、t?)表示“做怎么样?”其中about是介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。 e.g.:What / How about that iPhone 4S? What / How about going shopping with me?,语法重点3,ever用于疑问句时,意为“曾经”。该问句的回答中不能再含有ever,如果是否定回答则常用never。 E.g.:-Have you ever been to Mount Emei? -Yes, I have. / No, never. 【2012四川乐山】Tony is very nice. He is the most enjoyable person

8、 I _. A. meet ever B. have ever met C. had ever met,B,A: Have you ever studied with a group? B: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way. A: B: ,Lets make conversations!,Jack: Annie, Im a little nervous. I have to finish reading a book and give a report next Monday. Annie: That doesnt sound too bad.

9、Jack: But Im a very slow reader. Annie: Just read quickly to get the main ideas at first. Dont read word by word. Read word groups. Jack: But I dont understand many of the words. I have to use a dictionary.,Reading,Annie: Try to guess a words meaning by reading the sentences before and after it. You

10、 probably understand more than you think. Jack: That sounds difficult! Annie: Well, be patient. It takes time. You can become better by reading something you enjoy every day. The more you read, the faster youll be.,语法重点4 sentence作名词,意为“句子”。 e.g.: This is an assertive(陈述) sentence. 还可作名词,意为“判决;宣判;判刑”

11、。 e.g.: She has served her sentence, and will now be released. 作动词,意为“判决;宣判”。 e.g.: He has been sentenced to pay a fine of ¥1000.,语法重点5 Well, be patient. 嗯,耐心点。 patient作形容词,意为“忍耐的, 有耐心的”。 e.g.: The young cashier gave a patient sigh. Your patient answer just adds up to refusal. 还可作名词,意为“患者, 病人”。 e.g.

12、: The patient was amused at the music. The Blacks are patients of mine. 【拓展】be patient of sth 容忍某物 be patient to do sth 有耐心干某事 be patient with 对(某人)有耐心,例题:【2013年阜康市、米泉市】Im really _ before the competition. Take it easy. Sure you are the best. A. cool B. serious C. nervous D. patient I cant _ your chi

13、ldish questions any more. A. be patient of B. be patient to C. be patient with D. be patient in,C,A,Role-play the conversation,. 词汇速记 1. 交谈; 谈话(n. ) _ 2. 大声地; 出声地(adv. ) _ 3. 句子(n. ) _ 4. 发现; 发觉(v. ) _ 5. 秘密; 秘诀; 秘密的(n. & adj. ) _ 6. 语法(n. ) _ 答案: 1. conversation 2. aloud 3. sentence 4. discover 5.

14、secret 6. grammar,单元知识复习自测,7. 增加; 增长(v. 毕生的(adj. ) _ 答案: 7. increase 8. ability 9. create 10. brain 11. active 12. review 13. knowledge 14. lifelong,15. pronounce(v. ) _ (n. )发音; 读音 16. express(v. ) _ (n. )表情; 表示; 表达方式 17. wise(adj. ) _ (adv. )明智地; 聪明地 答案: 15. pronunciation 16. expression 17. wisely,. 短语互译 1. 制作单词卡 _ word cards 2. 大声朗读 read_ 3. 记笔记 _ notes 4. 注意; 关注 pay_ to 5. 犯错; 出错 make_ 答案: 1. make 2. aloud 3. take 4. attention 5. mistakes,6. 天生具有 _


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