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1、Unit6 when was it invented ?Section A(1a-1c)教材内容分析:本课选自新目标英语九年级第六单元,是一节听说课,谈论的话题是有关“发明”,要掌握的结构是被动语态。本课时的教学内容是听力与口语相结合,重难点是词汇和短语教学。教学目标:1.Language goals:get the students to master the following words and expressions:invent,scoop,operate,mistake,discover.Ability goals :enable the students to understan

2、d and use the new words of this unit.Moral goals:enable the students to be aware of different inventions around them and set a goal to be an inventor.教学过程:step 1 Lead-intell the students something about Tomas edition and his inventions.get the students to brainstorm some other inventions and their i

3、nventions.(设计说明:本环节以发明家爱迪生为切入点,引入本课的话题和重点句型,让学生通过听,说,看的形式,在教师的提示下自我发现并关注目标语言的形式和用法,同时呈现文中的部分生词和短语,为学生阅读扫除障碍。)step 2 Listening1.get the students to guess when the inventions in the pictures were invented and ask them to read the dates individually to make sure they can make it .2. play the tape for t

4、he first time and get the students to match the dates with the inventions and then check the answers.3.play the tape for the second time and ask the students to read after the recording so as to be familiar with the new sentence structures .(设计说明:先引导学生通过猜测的方式来谈论听力材料中出现的日期,再通过检测学生对年份的读法扫除听力过程中可能出现的障碍

5、。)step 3 Practicewrite down the inventions according to the dates or inventors.1.1876_2.1885_3.1927_4.1971_(设计说明:本环节通过小测验检测学生对听力材料及重点词汇和句型的掌握情况,同时检测对新单词的掌握)step 4 Pair workget them to talk about the dates and usages of different inventions to consolidate the language goals.questions :when was the ca

6、r invented ?who invented it ?what is it used for ?(设计说明:本环节旨在通过口语练习巩固学生对目标语言的掌握,同时引出一个新结构 be used for.)step 5 Summaryask the students to review what they have learned in this part,then the teacher may give a brief summary.(设计说明:通过让学生对本节课重点内容进行简单小结,帮助学生理清思路,形成清晰的概念,同时鼓励学生勤于思考,培养创新思维能力)step 6 Homework1.Write a passage about a new invention and introduce it.2.Do some relevant exercises .(设计说明:运用并拓展本课时所学知识,让学生在写作中进一步巩固所学知识,并掌握本课时的新词和短语。)


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