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1、U1 words,road accident except choice classmate far far from close crowded all the time,路,尤指公路 交通事故,意外事件 除之外 选择 同班同学 远,遥远的 远离 近的,接近的 拥挤的,人数过多的 一直,不断地,Read them loudly bofore class,except, except for与besides的区别,(1)except意为“除之外(不再有)”; 除汤姆外,我们都通过了考试。(整体中汤姆一人不及格) We all passed the exam Tom. (2)except for

2、.意为“除去一点外”,表示“先做整体评价,然后再就局部提出一点看法”。即肯定整体, 否定部分 你的作文除了几处拼写错误,整体上写得很好。 Your composition is very good a few spelling mistakes. (3)besides意为“除之外(还有)”。试比较: 除了这支蓝色钢笔外,我还有另一支。(1+1,共2枝) I have another blue pen this one.,except,besides,except for,巩固练习:,1. Does John know any other foreign language _ French? A

3、. except B. besides 2. All of them went out for a walk _ John. A. besides B. except 3. Everyone is there _ Xiao Wang and me. A. except B. besides 4.It was dark in the city _ a few weak lights. A. except for B. except C. besides,Unit 1,He lives the farthest from school.,Learning goals,1能扎实掌握M4U1的10个单

4、词和12个短语,能读懂有关旅游和交通方面的文章 2通过自主学习和合作探究,掌握形容词、副词最高级的用法,并运用到对话中。 3关注旅游和交通信息,培养热爱祖国大好河山的情操。,两者比较用形容词或副词的比较级,当我 们要将三个或以上的事物进行比较时,要用它 们的最高级。例如: Linglings home is the closest to school. 玲玲家离学校最近。(形容词的最高级前要用the) 2. It is the most comfortable way but its the most expensive. 这是最舒适的方式,同时也是最贵的方式。,形容词、副词的最高级,注意:在

5、表示“A比B”时,我们用A is than B,但最高级表达的是三个及三个 以上的事物的比较状况,所以后面通常用 in/of/among 来表示比较的范围。例如: Tom is the tallest in our class. Tony lives the closest to school of all my classmates.,变化规则,1一般是加est, 如 oldest shortest longest 2 以e结尾的加st , 如widest nicest largest latest 3 以重读闭音节结尾的词,如末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写该字母,再加-est, 如;big

6、gest hottest 4以“辅音字母+y”结尾的词,先把y变成i,再加-est. 如 busy-busiest early-earliest 5多音节形容词变最高级时加most 如the most beautiful 6.不规则变化 如farthest, least, most, best, worst,随学随练 写出下列单词的最高级形式:,1. short _ 2. nice _ 3. big _ 4. thin _ 5. early _ 6. slowly _,shortest nicest biggest thinnest earliest most slowly,7. beauti

7、ful _ 8. carefully _ 9. badly _ 10. much _ 11. little _ 12. far _,the most beautiful most carefully worst most least farthest / furthest,bus ship taxi train underground,Match the words in the box with the pictures.,Listen and match the words in the box with the pictures in Activity 1. You need to us

8、e one word more than once.,Listen and complete the table in Activity3.,by bus,by underground,walk / on foot,by bus,phrases,1 上学迟到了 2 发生什么了? 3 一起交通事故 4 除了我 5 有点危险 6 那是一个好的选择 7 交通那么拥挤 8 我的大部分同学 9 不要担心 10 远离 11 和一样 12 一直,1 be late for school 2 What happened? 3 a road accident 4 except me 5 a bit danger

9、ous 6 thats a good choice 7 so much traffic 8 most of my classmates 9 Dont worry. 10 far from 11 the same as 12 all the time,Find out the sentences of highest level . (含有形容词最高级的句子),含有形容词、副词最高级的句子,1 Its the most comfortable way, but its also the most expensive. 那是最舒服的方式,但也是最贵的。 2 He lives the farthes

10、t from school. 他住的离学校最远。 3 Her home is the closest to school, so she walks . 她的家离学校最近,因此她步行。 思考:含有形容词最高级的句子结构? A + be/v.+ the+最高级+in/among/of,Group discussion,内容:有感情分角色朗诵课文(A1-C2,A2-C1,B1-B2) 要求:小组长先分配好任务,再组内讨论,声音洪亮,激情投入,全力以赴;讨论完的同学疯狂朗读课文。,Show off,1. Maybe I should go to school by taxi. 或许我应该坐出租车去上

11、学。,by和表示交通工具的名词(名词前没有 任何冠词)连用,意思是“乘、坐”。,例如:travel by train/car/ship/ underground/boat/bus/taxi 乘火车/汽车/轮船/地铁/小船/ 公交车/出租车出行,Language points,2. Tony lives farthest from school. 托尼住得离学校最远。(副词的最高级前可以不用the) 3. Of all the students in my class, Macy writes most carefully. 班上所有的学生中,梅西写得最仔细。,一 根据句意填空 1. All t

12、he students take the bus to school _ Sam. 2. The _ train in the world is the Shanghai airport train. 3. I saw a(n) _ on my way to school yesterday. 4. I do not take the bus to school because it is usually very _.,except,most modern,accident,crowded,当堂检测,二 单选 1. Dad, would you please drive _? No hurr

13、y. We have enough time before the plane takes off. (2013福州) A. faster B. more slowly C. more carefully 2. Do you know Lin Shuhao? Yes. He is one of _ basketball players in the NBA. (2013漳州) A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular,3. Which country is your favorite, Lin Tao? (2013牡丹江) France, o

14、f course. Its the _ place that I want to visit. A. worst B. better C. best 4. Is Lilys home _ away from school than Lindas? (2013益阳) A. far B. farther C. farthest,5. Who ran _ of all in the sports meeting? Hector did, I think. (2013襄阳) A. fast B. faster C. the fastest D. most fast 6. Li Na is _ tennis player in China now. A. most famous B. the most famous C. more famous,比一比,看谁能快速说出下面的单词。,road n. 路; (尤指) 公路,accident n. 交通事故; 意外事件,classmate n. 同班同学,journey n. 旅行;旅程,e.g. I like every subject _?_math. 除了数学我每个学科都喜欢。,_ex



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